Saturday, January 31, 2009
NEWS TODAY - Obama tells Muslims ' Americans are not your enemy,'
President Obama said his administration will offer a hand of friendship to the Muslim world but will hunt down terrorist organizations that kill innocent civilians.
"My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy," Obama said in an interview with Al-Arabiya, the Dubai-based satellite television network. "We sometimes make mistakes. We have not been perfect."
During his run for the White House, Obama pledged to improve ties with the Muslim world, draw down U.S. troops in Iraq and close the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The president also has pledged to address the Muslim world from a Muslim capital in the first 100 days of his administration. No location has been announced.
Obama said the United States will go after terrorist groups that kill innocent civilians but will do so while respecting the rule of law. The president said that difference makes America great.
The Obama administration also has taken an early interest in the Middle East peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians, with the president naming former Sen. George Mitchell as his special envoy to the region. Mitchell is scheduled to arrive in the Mideast on Tuesday to shore up a fragile cease-fire between Israel and Gaza's Hamas leadership.
"I think the most important thing is for the United States to get engaged right away," Obama told Hisham Melhem, Al-Arabiya's Washington bureau chief.
A tentative cease-fire between Israel and Hamas-ruled Gaza began last week after a three-week military operation by Israeli troops in the Palestinian territory.
"Ultimately, we cannot tell either the Israelis or the Palestinians what's best for them. They're going to have to make some decisions," Obama said. "But I do believe that the moment is ripe for both sides to realize that the path that they are on is one that is not going to result in prosperity and security for their people. And that instead it's time to return to the negotiating table."
Obama said the United States will start by listening, not dictating, and then a response will be formulated after consultations with all the major parties involved. What should Obama do first?
Obama's interview was seen widely in Pakistan and has received a generally positive response from analysts there.
Islamabad author and journalist Imtiaz Gul told CNN: "It's a good sign of an attempt to reconcile with the Muslim world, to say America wants to reach out to them and not to consider them as an enemy."
Analyst Zaid Hamid said that Obama has yet to win the hearts and minds of the Muslim world.
Hamid said the real litmus test for the Muslim world is what Obama does with the crisis in Gaza.

NEWS TODAY - Aliran Sesat Satria Piningit (Pencabulan Agus Sulit Dibuktikan)
Kata Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Zulkarnain "Penyidik yang sampaikan kasusnya sulit karena kejadian pencabulan yang dilaporkan ke polisi sejak tahun 2003," kepada detikcom, Sabtu (31/1/2009).
Menurut Zulkarnain, kalau bukti visumnya dilakukan sekarang, juga tidak memungkin lagi. Saksi pelapor menyatakan dirinya dipijat-pijat oleh Agus dalam keadaan telanjang. Agus membenarkan telah melakukan pemijatan namun tidak dalam keadaan telanjang.
"Polisi sekarang mencari saksi yang melihat kejadian itu. Masalahnya ada nggak? Ada banyak pengikutnya, nggak ada yang datang ke polisi. Mungkin malu atau bagaimana tidak tahu," ujarnya.
Sampai saat ini, lanjut Zulkarnain, polisi masih dalam penyelidikan apakah kasus ini juga bertambah menjadi kasus penistaan agama atau hanya pencabulan. "Kalau memang polisi melihat cukup unsur penistaan agama, ya masih diselidiki," tegasnya.
Mudahmudahan berita tenatng "aliran seat " tidak membuat aksi anarki...byarkan yang berwajib menyelesaikan, dan semoga ajaran agama tetap kukuh.
NEWS TODAY - Tanah Longsor Terjadi di Desa Nglegok, Kecamatan Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah (Jateng)
Berita hari ini yang dikutip dari, seperti kata Rasmanto : Banyak sekali yang nonton, ada yang datang pakai truk," kata salah satu warga di lokasi kejadian, , kepada detikcom, Sabtu (31/1/2009).
Rasmanto juga mengatakan : warga dibantu anggota TNI-Polri kini tengah berjibaku untuk menemukan satu korban tewas yang masih tertimbun tanah. Akan tetapi, dia mengaku tidak tahu identitas korban tersebut.
"Satu lagi belum ketemu. Korban sudah tua umurnya," kata Rasmanto yang tinggal di Desa Dayu, Kecamatan Karangpandan ini.
Rasmanto juga menambahkan : Proses evakuasi, kata Rasmanto, dilakukan dengan manual dengan menggunakan alat seadanya. Belum terlihat adanya alat berat di lokasi bencana.
Berita hari ini cupuk menyedihkan bagi korban dan keluarga korban, semoga cepat menjadi lebih baik.
Dear Harinder,
Hours before Israel announced a ceasefire, an Amnesty International fact finding mission gained access to Gaza. Their initial reports are disturbing: the team found first hand evidence of war crimes, serious violations of international law and possible crimes against humanity by all parties to the conflict.
AI researchers continue investigating attacks against southern Israel and are currently documenting the true scale of devastation wrought on civilians in Gaza. The stories they report are harrowing.
In the early afternoon of January 4th, three young paramedics walked through a field on a rescue mission to save a group of wounded men in a nearby orchard. A 12-year-old boy, standing by his house, assisted the operation by pointing to where the men could be found. An Israeli air strike on the area killed all four.
The bodies of the four victims could not be retrieved for two days. Ambulance crews who tried to approach the site came under fire from Israeli forces.
Our researchers later traveled to the scene of the strike with the two ambulance drivers who witnessed the attack. They met with the boy’s distraught mother and found the remains of the missile. The label of the missile read, “guided missile, surface attack” and cited the United States as the country of origin.
US Weapons Used in Attacks
Label on the remains of a US-made missile that killed three paramedics and a child. The U.S. has to support investigations about misuse of US weapons in attacks against civilians. Tell Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Susan Rice to support an independent investigation. © AI
This is just one of many similar stories.
Under the Geneva Conventions, medical personnel searching, collecting, transporting or treating the wounded must be protected and respected in all circumstances. Clearly, this was not the case on Jan. 4th.
Since we last emailed you, more than 87,000 of you have written Congress and former administration officials. These emails, along with the massive outpouring of letters from around the world from other Amnesty sections, are making an impact. Just this week:
- the United Nations pledged $613 million in aid for Gaza
- 60 members of Congress signed a letter to Secretary of State Hillary of Clinton calling for humanitarian support for Gaza
- And hours ago, the US pledged $20 million in aid (1-2)
We have a small window of opportunity to build on this momentum: urge Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Susan Rice to push for a full-fledged independent investigation.
This investigation is critical for many reasons, not the least of which is the clear evidence of the use of white phosphorous, as well as the mounting evidence of the misuse of US arms3. As you read this, Amnesty researchers continue documenting the use of arms, and we expect an action specifically calling on Congress to investigate the misuse of US weapons in this conflict in the coming weeks.
Everyone is responsible for the protection of international law. The US government must not turn a blind eye to possible war crimes and crimes against humanity. It should support an independent international inquiry by the United Nations into allegations of violations of international humanitarian and human rights law - by all groups participating in the conflict.
The story of the paramedics and the young boy is not an anomaly. Write Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Rice today and urge accountability for abuses in Gaza and southern Israel now.
Thank you for your continuing support,
Zahir Janmohamed
Advocacy Director
Middle East and North Africa
P.S. For comprehensive information on the conflict, go to For late breaking updates, visit our blog, Human Rights Now. For organizing resources on the conflict, visit the Gaza Resources page
Mayor Bloomberg paints grim economic picture for New York City 2009 budget
He proposed a $43.4 billion budget Friday for the fiscal year starting July 1, up $123 million from the year before - one that slices deep into the pockets of city residents and the ranks of city workers.
"Are we going to go through some difficult times? I don't think there's any question about that. But we have a plan to balance our budget," Bloomberg said. "It is serious, but I think it is manageable."”
Cecil "Katie" Suwal was sentenced yesterday to six months in jail for her role in operating the Emperors Club VIP that serviced the notorious "Client 9," but not before her lawyer said she was controlled by her Svengali-like boss who branded her in the most humiliating of places.
"Her strategically placed tattoo eliminated any doubt," said her lawyer, Alberto Ebanks, as he made quote marks in the air. "Property of Mark Brener."”
Friday, January 30, 2009

Apart from helping users to check their broadband connection using its Network Diagnostic Tool,MLAB seems to offer much more including the Glasnost which helps to detect whether your Internet access provider is performing application-specific traffic shaping. Currently, you can test if your ISP is throttling or blocking BitTorrent.The measurement server records the user's IP address, and all data packets received by the server from your computer or sent by the server to your computer. In addition, it monitors errors in the communication with the server and the throughput of the transfers for those communication "flows," and sends them to the server.
The NPAD (Network Path and Applicaton Diagnosis) tool diagnoses some of the common problems effecting the last network mile and end-users' systems. These are the most common causes of all performance problems on wide area network paths.
The Diffprobe which helps to detect if an Internet access provider is classifying certain kinds of traffic as "low priority," providing it with an inferior level of service. DiffProbe actively and non-intrusively probes the network path and tries to diagnose the nature and extent of traffic discrimination.
The NANO attempts to detect whether an ISP is degrading the performance of a certain subset of users, applications, or destinations.NANO will conduct some tests between the client and an M-Lab server, such as generating downloads of different types of application traffic. This data will be sent to the M-Lab server.NANO will also monitor the user's network traffic and collect summary statistics about performance when the user visits popular Internet destinations. Rather than generating tests, it monitors the user's activity in the course of his or her normal Internet usage.
The MLAB is being released only in its beta form and services like Diffprobe and NANO are not yet available fully.Besides providing the users with essential diagnostic tools,google is inviting researchers who would like to help expand the platform and ensure its growth and success.

Several mobile giants like Samsung with its F305,Sony with its W90i,K850i and Nokia with its 5500 and not to forget the iphone,have made this segment of the mobile phone market much more competitive and much more exciting to choose from.Basically the mobile phone giants are trying their best to emulate the motion sensing fun element that is being widely appreciated with Nintendo's gaming console WII.
I-play Bowling
Marble Madness 3D
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Droghe e sostanze stupefacenti . Anfetamine

L'azione anoressigena, che permette di usare queste molecole contro l'obesità, è legata alla stimolazione dei centri ipotalamici che regolano, tra le altre funzioni, proprio la fame e la sazietà.
Gli effetti delle anfetamine durano, in genere, diverse ore e spesso dipendono dal set (personalità e aspettative del consumatore) e dal setting (situazione e ambiente in cui si consumano).
Le anfetamine stimolanti provocano euforia, eccitazione (si è in grado di ballare tutta la notte e non accusare fatica), sensazione di potenza, facilità di parola, alterazione del ritmo sonno-veglia, aumento della concentrazione e delle prestazioni psico-fisiche. Le anfetamine allucinogene, prese a piccole dosi, hanno moderati effetti stimolanti accompagnati da leggera euforia, e, a dosi elevate, hanno effetti allucinogeni.
Negli anni '60 in Italia e in molti altri paesi le anfetamine erano vendute liberamente in farmacia ed erano molto usate da chi, per studio o per lavoro, aveva necessità di aumentare la capacità di concentrazione e la resistenza alla stanchezza. Oggi, con l'eccezione di alcuni farmaci contro l'obesità, non sono più usate in medicina, ma sono spacciate sul mercato illegale sotto forma di pasticche, capsule o polvere.
Normalmente l'assunzione di anfetamine avviene per via orale, ma in forma di polvere si possono fumare, sniffare o iniettare (in questo caso il rischio di overdose è maggiore). Le anfetamine sono anche usate come sostanze da taglio per preparare ecstasy o, unite all'LSD, sotto il nome di acidi.
Sono ben assorbite dal tratto gastrointestinale e dalla mucosa buccale, il tempo per raggiungere il picco della concentrazione plasmatica è tra 2 e 7 ore e, di conseguenza, la durata d'azione di una singola dose supera le 10 ore. Si accumulano in elevate concentrazioni al di là della barriera emato-encefalica e nel latte materno, sono estesamente metabolizzate dal fegato e escrete per via urinaria e la loro emivita di eliminazione può variare da 7 a 31 ore.
Le anfetamine sono tossiche per il sistema nervoso in virtù del loro meccanismo d'azione (provocano insonnia, tremori, euforia, cefalea, depressione, labilità emozionale, convulsioni, ansietà, irritabilità, sintomi psicotici) e, poiché hanno effetti tossici sul ritmo cardiaco e sulla pressione arteriosa, deve evitarne l'assunzione chi soffre di problemi cardiovascolari.
Tra gli altri effetti abbiamo sintomi extrapiramidali, ipotensione ortostatica, secchezza delle fauci, diarrea, perdita di peso, ipertiroidismo, disfunzione polmonare (legata ad un'inappropriata somministrazione in quanto i soggetti si iniettano in vena le tavolette sciolte in acqua che formano emboli nel polmone), aumento della temperatura corporea, anoressia, impotenza e riduzione della libido. Sono controindicate in gravidanza (eccetto che nel caso di narcolessia secondo un regime medico ben monitorato) e non vanno somministrate in associazione ad inibitori delle monoamino ossidasi, antidepressivi triciclici e altri farmaci antidepressivi, che causano un potenziamento degli effetti stimolanti a livello sia centrale che periferico.
L'uso di anfetamine ad alte dosi, specie se continuato, è in genere seguito da un periodo di "crollo psicofisico": quando l'effetto finisce sono amplificate le sensazioni lenite e ci si sente svuotati, spossati, irritabili, depressi.
La tentazione di allontanare da sé questi effetti negativi può spingere ad assumerne ancora, provocando dipendenza psicologica, e a ricercare una maggiore quantità di sostanza per provare nuovamente quelle stesse sensazioni di benessere psichico e fisico legate all'assunzione della droga. Ciò accade in quanto l'organismo ben presto incomincia a sviluppare tolleranza per gli effetti euforizzanti ed anoressizzanti. L'uso cronico di anfetamine può, inoltre, determinare un vero e proprio decadimento fisico (con affaticamento, umore disforico, insonnia), problemi relazionali, psicosi, comportamenti aggressivi e idee di suicidio.

Inoltre un altro rischio potenziale per coloro che si iniettano le amfetamine è l'avvelenamento acuto da piombo. Un metodo illegale, ma comune, nella produzione di questa droga è usare acetato di piombo come reagente chimico. Pertanto, errori nella produzione possono portare a metamfetamina inquinata con piombo e casi d'avvelenamento acuto con piombo in persone che s'iniettano la metamfetamina.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Whilst the initiative to have a National Day to save Girl Child is to
be applauded, one cannot help but be saddened that today's modern
Sikhs who were given equality for women over 500 years ago should
have to be reminded of their evil actions.
In the last decade of 10 million girls have been aborted, shamefully
the ratio of girl boy is declining in Punjab the home for Sikh is
declining as we speak.
Even though the practices of scans that are to determine the sex of
the child are illegal*, they still are able to perform these activities openly.
Some Sikh media even today carry adverts encouraging parents to have
scans that allow the parents to know what the sex of their unborn child is.
And if it is a girl then the parents without a second thought visit
an abortion clinic and this baby just becomes another statistic.
A school in Punjab organised a rally where students and Teachers of
Govt. High School Machhli Kalan, District Mohali in Punjab, took part
in a rally in favour of the girls rights on the eve of National Day
to save girl child.
Boys and Girls carrying banners and posters about girls rights,
condemning girl feticide and other discrimination related to girls,
took out procession the village streets. They were raising slogans to
protect girls right.
Villagers curiously viewed, supported and praised the initiative of the school.
Indian Govt. decided to observe 24th January as National Day to save
Girl Child as 2000 girl feticide take place daily.
*illegal in India only. Legal in Canada, UK, USA, Australia and elsewhere where abortion-on-demand is legal
And the Progress: from Tribune India
Residents of Daad village vow to boycott 'kuri maars'
Mahesh Sharma

Mandi Ahmedgarh, January 9, 2009
The age-old method of social boycott as punishment will now be adopted by residents of Daad village, who today took a lead in fighting a battle against female foeticide.The villagers, in a function organised by the Guru Gobind Singh Circle, today vowed to socially boycott those supporting female foeticide in any form.
After taking the vow, the villagers announced to boycott families forcing their women carrying the female foetus to terminate pregnancies and their facilitators on the conclusion of a seminar held at Gurdwara Sangat Patti Daad today.
Sarpanch Gurdev Singh presided over the seminar and Satnam Singh Sallopuri, director, Youth Services of the organisation, was the chief guest.
Addressing the gathering, various speakers regretted that a large number of families had been going for termination of pregnancies by exploiting medical technologies which were invented for knowing disorders of foetuses.
Members of the elite class, including physicians, were among the facilitators of sinners better known as "kuri maars" (daughter killers), rued the speakers. Though there was a provision for punishment for violators of the PNDT Act, the administration had failed to implement the act in letter and spirit.
>According to Dr Varinder Singh, director, Bhai Gurdas Archives and Research wing, and Dr Pushpinder Singh, the organisation had decided to involve office-bearers and activists of other social and religious organisations so that the evil of female foeticide could be eradicated from the root.
Claiming that residents of this part of Malwa were enthusiastic to curb the menace, Varinder asserted that identification and isolation of the sinners was the need of the hour.
The organisation has drafted an extensive programme for educating masses in general and Sikhs in particular about the deleterious effects of gender imbalance.
Besides organising seminars at public places, special teams of experts will arrange workshops for couples and their parents separately.
Note: I gleaned these pictures from various sources. None appeared in the original articles.

No need to type in even the recipient's e-mail addresses, or even their names

Monday, January 26, 2009
Blagojevich Prepares for PR Blitz - Associated Press
AssociatedPress - Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is in New York City this morning for a public relations blitz. He will appear on several morning talk shows. His impeachment trial also starts today in the Illinois capital. (Jan. 26)
WLNG's Paul Sidney inducted into the New York State Broadcasters Association
dubin76 - From WLNG 92.1fm's Paul Sidney induction ceremony into the New York State Broadcasters Association in 2007.
A Thought On Republic Day.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

But wait a second! Ya u guesed right.Microsoft internet tv is said to be on its way.Apple might also set its foot foot on this lucrative future technology.
Microsoft internet tv
Friday, January 23, 2009

This security robot, called the T-34 senses the movement of suspected intruders through well equipped sensors and is built on wheels.It moves at up to 10km/h (6mph), and can be controlled by someone seeing real-time images on a mobile phone.The companies envisage that the T-34 will be used in factories and commercial premises.
Laogai parte 4
* descrizioni di lavoro forzato a ritmi disumani (fino a 18 ore al giorno, con l'obbligo di rispettare determinate quote produttive);
* uso della denutrizione e della tortura come sistemi punitivi e coercitivi;
* appello alla delazione fra prigionieri;
* sedute periodiche di "critica" e "autocritica", in cui i detenuti si accusano a vicenda, o si auto-accusano, di comportamenti criminali, a scopo rieducativo.
L'insieme di questi elementi configura anche un contesto generale di violenza fisica e psicologica coordinate che corrispondono al concetto di lavaggio del cervello.
Philip Williams e Yenna Wu (The Great Wall of Confinement, 2004) hanno paragonato le testimonianze dei prigionieri cinesi con quelle raccolte in Arcipelago Gulag di Solženicyn e con Un mondo a parte di Gustaw Herling. Gli autori riconoscono numerose somiglianze sotto diversi aspetti: condizioni delle baracche e di lavoro, maltrattamenti, delazione, denutrizione, scarsa igiene e malattie.
Secondo il rapporto annuale 2006 di Amnesty International in Cina sono impiegati torture e maltrattamenti quali "calci, percosse, scosse elettriche, sospensione per gli arti superiori, incatenamento in posizioni dolorose e privazione del cibo e del sonno." Questa informazione non viene riferita in modo specifico ai laogai, ma genericamente a "molte istituzioni statali". L'uso della tortura nei laogai è testimoniato dai praticanti del Falun Gong, che riportano numerosi altri metodi (vedi sotto Laogai e Falun Gong). Pratiche dello stesso tipo sono documentate negli anni '90 da Harry Wu e nel 1958 dal Libro bianco sul lavoro forzato nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese della Commissione Internazionale contro il regime concentrazionario. Philip Williams e Yenna Wu spiegano che i metodi di tortura recenti differiscono poco da quelli tradizionali, applicati duranta la dinastia Qing. Il libro Huo diyu di Li Baojia del 1906 descrive e mostra graficamente tali metodi.
Thursday, January 22, 2009

The "Autoplay" function in Vista and early versions of Windows 7 automatically searches for programs on removable drives.However, the virus hijacks this process, masquerading as a folder to be opened. When clicked, the worm installs itself.

The virus attempts connections to one or more of the websites such as , , to obtain the public ip address of the affected computer.As soon as the worm is up and running, it creates a HTTP server and then resets a machine's System Restore point (very hard to recover) and then downloads files from the hacker's web site.Later variants of w32/Confickerworm are using scheduled tasks and Autorun.inf file to replicate on to non vulnerable systems or to reinfect previously infected systems after they have been cleaned.

NEWS TODAY - Pengambilan sumpah Presiden AS Bar
Pada insiden itu, Ketua MA John Roberts, seperti dilansir Washington Post, Kamis (22/1/2009), salah mengucapkan urut-urutan kata yang harus diucapkan Obama. Buntutnya, Obama pun bingung dan terbata-bata. wah kasian yahch.....
Dimuka jutaan orang yang menyaksikan, keseluruhan Obama mengucapkan sumpahnya demikian:
"I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will execute the office of president of the United States faithfully, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States. "So help me God."
Padahal sesuai Konstitusi AS, sumpah tersebut harusnya berbunyi: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States. "So help me God."
Kesalahan sumpah Barack Hussein Obama terjadi ketika Roberts harusnya menyebutkan kalimat: "... that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States."
Namun Roberts salah mengucapkan urutan kata-kata tersebut. Dia malah menyebutkan, ".... that I will execute the office of president of the United States faithfully."
Barack Hussein Obama bingung. Obama sepertinya menyadari ada yang salah hingga dia mendadak berhenti pada kata "execute."
Barack Hussein Obama Menyadari ada yang keliru, Roberts pun kemudian mengulang kalimat tersebut. Namun lagi-lagi Roberts melakukan kesalahan. Dia memang mengucapkan kata "faithfully" sesuai urutan namun kata "execute" tidak diucapkannya.
Obama pun akhirnya mengulang kalimat awal versi keliru yang disebutkan Roberts: "....the office of president of the United States faithfully."
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The N79 active which is the smallest member of the Nseries up to date will take the guess-work out of training and makes your fitness regime that much more enjoyable as it comes in with its sporty headphones and an armband so you can keep yourself plugged in as you work out.A A 4GB microSD memory card holds enough music even for those long endurance sessions. With the option of adding new tracks to your playlists over the air from the Nokia Music Store or tuning in to the radio with the handset's FM transmitter.
NEWS TODAY - Penemuan mayat di kali Pademangan
Penemuan Mayat lelaki tanpa identitas itu pertama kali ditemukan seorang warga mengambang di kali menggunakan celana pendek dan kaos berwarna hitam. Sangat terkejutnya warga itu ketika mengetahui mayat pria itu penuh dengan luka penganiayaan.
Jajaran aparat Kepolisian Sektor Pademangan yang datang ke lokasi kejadian segera mengidentifikasi jenazah korban. Ini diduga, pria malang itu korban pembunuhan karena ditemukan luka bacok pada kepala, tangan kiri, dan luka bekas penganiayaan pada mata kiri.
Sebagai keperluan otopsi, jenazah korban selanjutnya dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Kini, kasus penemuan mayat itu ditangani Kepolisian Pademangan.
[ NEWS TODAY ] - Obama's dance to "At Last"
The Obamas stars are prime attractions at the 10 they attend the celebration on Wednesday early morning. By the end of the long day of official events and two-year campaign that put them in the White House.
President taken his wife and close their slow dance, two steps dignity while, offstage, Beyonce singing. Spun president first lady Michelle Obama in a half turn once.
Obama cut loose in the faster flow of a few minutes later, as Shakira, Mary J. Blige, Faith Hill and Mariah Carey singing along with Stevie Wonder to "Signed, Sealed, Delivered." The song is played in almost all of Obama's rallies throughout the campaign.
"You can tell a black president of the way he moves," joked comedian Jamie Foxx to dance.
President white cravat, while Michelle shimmered in the white, one-humped, floor gown. It was embellished from top to bottom with details of white flowers and carried out by the 26-year-old New York designer Jason Wu.
"First of all, look how good is my wife?" Obama request from the crowd and celebrity supporters.
Home on the Obama ball States, the president's first lady taken far closer than he was in their first dance. At one point, he wrapped both arms around her waist and locked it together in the small of the back of the fingers.
"Hello, everybody. Aloha. What happened?" Obama said in the dialect of Hawaii and Illinois contingents, and said they reflected the root. "So you get more involved not only in our campaign, but in our lives."
Vice President Obama and Joe Biden each saluted the nation's military men and women in the Commander in Chief Ball via satellite. Biden said he does not look to the future to time in the spotlight - the dancing, that is.
"The thing that frightens me the most (is) I'm going to have to stand in a circle and dance in a minute." At that time, he was laughing and making a quick sign of the cross.
The Obamas more vibrant, diverting up to dance with the Marine Sgt. Elidio Guillen from Madera, California - that is shorter than dance partner Michelle - and Army Sgt. Margaret H. Herrera San Antonio, Texas, who cried at the president's arm.
Although the formal clothing and entertainment celebrities, like the ball does not matter too. A long line to enter often, going to the bathroom or the coat check, food and heavy on vegetables with dip and cheese cubes.
In a sign, perhaps, the difficult economic times, guests who have paid anywhere from $ 75 for a ticket to thousands for a package deal to purchase their own drinks served in small plastic cups. Beer goes for $ 6, $ 9 for cocktails and champagne for $ 12.
The people stood in line outside the entrance to Union Station in eastern Ball States and one half hours after starting. Because seating is very limited in the Western football, a number of long Attendees Gowns in fancy dress and plopped cross-legged on the floor.
"This is what happens under the economy. There are no chairs, no highboys - from the floor and plastic cups," commented ballgoer Brig Lawson, 38, of Las Vegas.
Director Ron Howard said he sympathized with the long day Obama has.
"I feel bad for him," Howard said in an interview with The Associated Press in West Ball. "He has long days and now he has conducted seven dances. This can be very exhausting for the First Family."
Home on the Obama ball States, the dance floor is dominated by two small girls who skipped and twirled in matching red dresses while growing-up is still standing, crowded around the stage waiting for Obama to appear.
Singer Sheryl Crow, to check for Midwestern Ball, said he wanted to go home.
"I do not see my child in four days. I'm miserable," she told her band between songs.
But there is still a lot of fun to be had in the official balls and dozens of others in the vicinity of Washington.
Crow has been greeted with a cheering crowd later he was right to strike, "A Change Is You Good." When hip-hop star Wyclef Jean asked people in the Mid-Atlantic Ball to pull their tuxedo jackets and swaying in the air to show their support for Barack Obama, thousands do.
Youth in Ball, Kid Rock also belted out songs dresed-20-somethings about the mix. One of them run up to bartender, gave him a high five and said, "Barack Obama is president!"
The Obamas, following Kid Rock and Kanye West, got the real rock-star reception and launched into a strange dance, laugh because it rocked. When they finished, the president grabbed the mic and said, "That is what is called the old school."
In the Midwestern Ball, joked that he was time to "dance with the one that brung me, all except that I do and back heels."
And although the mood was celebratory, the fact that the state of war still hung over the events in the Commander in Chief of the ball and separate Heroes Red White & Blue Ball.
"Remember that you are in the thoughts and our prayers this day, every day, forever," Obama said to the army commander in Chief of the ball. "Tonight, we celebrate. Tomorrow, the work begins. ... Together, I am sure we will write the next chapter in America's big story."
Associated Press writers nedra Pickler, Erica Werner, Suzanne Gamboa, Laurie Kellman, Kimberly Hefling, Sam Hananel, Samantha Critchell, Ben Feller, Philip Elliott and Ann Sanner contributed to this report.
Sikh track worker Jasmir Singh faces severe racial attack

From World Sikh News:

RICHMOND HILL: As millions across the US await the much-hyped and most-expensive oath taking ceremony of president-elect Barack Obama, 21 year old Jasmir Singh, a Sikh track worker has been dubbed "Osama" and has been attacked a third time, this time more viciously than the previous two occasions. He may lose vision in the left eye, which has been stabbed badly, while his hair and beard were also pulled.
Sending shockwaves to the hundreds of Sikhs who live in this area, Jasmir Singh said that it was a racial attack and that his friend who was not a Sikh, was left unharmed.
Recovering at the Elmhurst Hospital Center with a score of stitches on his left eye, Jasmir Singh, who was attacked near a grocery store at Jackson Heights said that he was taunted and abused.
According to last reports, two of the suspected attackers have been detained and the police is on the lookout for a third one.
Jasmir's father, Jiwan Singh summed it all, "We voted for Obama, but we are being dubbed Osama. Surely, we did not expect this."
20 December 2008
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

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Hard Drive Defragment

Monday, January 19, 2009

10.Alex Vance(Half Life 2)
Her red shoulder-length hair with distinctive blonde streak, blue eyes, pale complexion, and a slender, athletic build has really made men go wild.However, Joanna's red hair colour and a blond forelock was explained, in story, as a genetic flaw.
8.Eva(Metal Gear Solid)

3.Samas Aran(Metroid)
GameDaily listed Samus at number seven in their "Top 50 Hottest Game Babes" article, calling her "a refreshing change of pace" in the face of other bounty hunter characters in science fiction. In other articles they noted her as their favorite Nintendo character and one of their favorite female video game characters, stating "...out of all the Nintendo characters out there, there's no one better than this intergalactic bounty hunter," and "Forget Lara Croft. Samus was the video game industry's first dominant female, a femme de force that didn't rely on a man to save her."
1.Rachel(Ninja Gaiden)

Rachel is the leading female character, and tragic heroine of the game. Rachel is a Vigoorian fiend hunter. She is continuously searching for her sister who was turned into a fiend. Her genes give her abnormal strength at expense of being susceptible to becoming a fiend. She can also sense where fiends are. She wields the War Hammer as her main weapon.
Watch The Videos!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Agostino vs Scientology
Visto la censura di youtube e di google video , non mi permettono di caricare il video di South Park , TRAPPED IN THE CLOSET (Intrappolato nell'armadio) , dove viene svelato il SEGRETO di Scientology ( (e non dovete pagare svariate centinaia di migliaia di dollari come Tom Cruise ) quindi tenetivi forti : come fa la gente a credere in queste ca..ate ?
Per conoscere questa trama da fantascienza di serie z, che è il "segreto finale", la "verità ultima" vengono pagati centinaia di migliaia di dollari dagli adepti della setta di Scientology (non a caso fondata da Ron Hubbard, pessimo umano autore di pessima fantascienza), e benchè sia da tempo tutto a disposizione sulla rete, ( banalmente su Wikipedia, da cui abbiamo tratto le info su XENU e thetan) giunge notizia che Tom Cruise ha impedito la messa in onda di un meravigliosissimo episodio di South Park, dove viene rivelato tutto su Xenu e compagnia volante.
Sicuramente il video verrà censurato quindi vi lascio il link dove potete vedere la puntata con i sottotitoli in italiano TRAPPED IN THE CLOSET (Intrappolato nell'armadio) .
Scientology è un movimento a sfondo religioso fondato da L. Ron Hubbard nel 1954. Secondo fonti interne conterebbe ad oggi otto milioni di praticanti, ma fonti esterne riducono la cifra a circa duecentomila.
Che sia corretto definire Scientology una religione è argomento di dibattito. Giuridicamente, lo status di religione viene accordato a Scientology solo da alcune nazioni (per esempio Stati Uniti e Australia); in Europa la tendenza generale è quella di considerarla una "organizzazione", un "movimento", un "culto", una "setta", ma non una "chiesa".
Il quartier generale si trova nella cittadina statunitense di Clearwater. Dopo la morte di Hubbard nel 1986 (o, secondo la credenza diffusa in Scientology, dopo la sua volontaria decisione di abbandonare la Terra) il movimento è guidato da David Miscavige...
Altre notizie su questa "religione" le trovate qui: