Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Indonesianews, 2011-04-26

1. NII Recruiters Obliged Regular Report
2. Wafid Could not explainthe Origin of Rp3 Billion
3. Ibas-Aliya Radjasa Engaged Tonight
4. BPPT: 10 Straits in NTB-NTT can generate 3,000 MW electricity
5. Adhyaksa: WM was just trapped
6. After Citibank, Bank Mega burglarized
7. Supplementary quake hits Kendari

1. NII Recruiters Obliged Regular Report
Source: Seputar Indonesia, Tuesday, 26 April 2011
YOGYAKARTA-Two student who allegedly will make efforts in network recruitment Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) obliged a regular report.

Efforts to arrest was not done because they are both also included the recruitment of victims NII organization. "Under the decision, they are subject to mandatory lapor.Pasal fraud was still subject to them," said Police Chief Gen. Pol DIY Ondang Sutarsa ​​in Yogyakarta yesterday. Ondang explained, police found a case where a student named Fenton, 21, and RETA, 21, tried to recruit to the Yeti, 18, a college student in Yogyakarta.

The investigation continues to uncover the network of recruitment among the students in Yogyakarta. "Problem NII in Yogya is being developed by the ranks of the police investigation," he said. Chief of Police Criminal Investigation Unit of the PPA Sleman Danang Kuntadi explained, NII network recruitment by various ways . To Yeti two people were using the excuse Yeti've ruined a camera, then they ask for money instead.

"That as a pretext, visited the victim at the boarding house until their stay," he said. NII network deployment in the city of Yogyakarta allegedly been going on since several years silam.Korban recruitment is already getting NII ideological doctrine usually be brave to parents. Required special handling of family effort to heal the victims who have received this illegal organization ideology.

Lagiyem, 43, a resident Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, are parents of Nov, 23, college alumni (PTN) in Yogyakarta and became the victim of an alleged network recruiting NII. According to Lagiyem, assertiveness parents is important to heal the victims that have been indoctrinated . One of the early efforts he did by taking the victims mobile phone. "Because it can be hypnotized from mobile phones," he said. _ Praise barnugroho

2. Wafid Could not explainthe Origin of Rp3 Billion
Source: Rakyat Merdeka Online, Tuesday, April 26, 2011, 20:38:00 AM
Report: Ade Mulyana

RMOL. Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confirmed that the confiscation of money scattered in a number of envelopes with cash a check worth Rp 3 billion, last Thursday (21 / 4) in the office of the Ministry led Andi Mallarangeng it because the owner could not explain the status of his money. KPK investigators Wafid awkward moment asked origin of where the money from.

"When asked what this money, he (Wafid) can not be answered. So we confiscated as well," said KPK spokesman Johan Budi SP, KPK building, Jakarta, Tuesday (26 / 4).

KPK, Johan said, still studying hundreds of thousands of dollars of money belonging Wahfid Muharam it. Is it still relates to the construction of the homestead athlete or as a travel allowance money collected Wafid as it conveys his lawyer.

"We still go into the money.," He said again

3. Ibas-Aliya Radjasa Engaged Tonight

Source: Online work, Tuesday, April 26, 2011

JAKARTA (AFP): The youngest son of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (Ibas) rumored to be making an engagement with Coordinating Minister Hatta Radjasa daughter, Siti Ruby Aliya Radjasa, tonight. The procession of engagement will be conducted at the residence at number Fatmawati Hatta Radjasa South Jakarta.

Related engagement sons and daughters of the number one in these two different parties (SBY builder Hatta Radjasa Democratic Party and National Mandate Party), PAN circles near the palace and denied it was political engagement.

Interwoven love Ibas and Aliya called call has occurred within the past few years. Aliya itself is one of the administrators in Tunggadewi Foundation, is a foundation run by Anisa Pohan, SBY-law, who is the wife of his first son Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono.

The bustle at the residence of Hatta is already visible. However, the engagement ceremony was reportedly just a family event that does not involve the cadres of both parties. Journalists were not allowed to cover the event. They can only take photos from outside the gate house Hatta.

Alamaran event today called the call coincided with the anniversary Aliya. While the wedding ceremony itself is rumored to be held on November 24 this year also. (* / Nunun)

4. BPPT: 10 Straits in NTB-NTT can generate 3,000 MW electricity

By Vega Aulia Pradipta
Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 26 April 2011

JAKARTA: The research developed from 10 BPPT show that the strait is in the territorial waters of NTB and NTT is expected to be generated electrical energy to 3,000 MW.

Erwandi of UPT Studies and Research Institute for Hydrodynamics BPPT said the territorial waters of Indonesia has a strong ocean currents that can be fully utilized to generate electricity from renewable energy sources.

"In Indonesia, the flow of ocean currents due to tidal hydro-kinetic energy store that can be converted into electrical power. The amount of electrical power depending on the density of the fluid, cross-flow and flow velocity," he said in a press release today.

Nine of ten strait in the territorial waters of NTB and NTT, which is estimated to have a pretty strong ocean currents is the Alas Strait, Sape Strait, Strait Linta, Molo Strait, the Strait of Flores, Boleng Strait, Strait Lamakera, Pantar Strait and the Strait of Alor.

According to him, in Indonesia is still pretty much strait that can not be detected potential of sea currents, as well as rivers with huge potential for marine current turbine installation.

"In a matter on the paper alleged the potential of ocean currents in the territorial waters of Indonesia keeps potential up to 6000 MW of electrical energy," he said.

BPPT has tried to keep the digital mapping of marine currents energy potential in Indonesia. Parties BPPT has tested a prototype of Sea Power Flow (PLTAL) in 2009, at 2 kW and 2011 amounted to 10 kW in the Strait of Flores NTT.

"Electricity in NTB and NTB, so far supplied more than a diesel so economically  PLTAL have added value to reduce the cost of electricity production in NTT and NTB," he said. (Dj)

5. Adhyaksa: WM was just trapped

Source: Kompas, Icha Rastika | I Made Asdhiana | Tuesday, April 26, 2011 | 20:50 pm
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Adhyaksa Dault as attorney WM, Secretary to the Minister of Youth and Sports who become suspects in the alleged bribery in Kilkenny athlete development homestead suggests the existence of a number of irregularities in the determination of the WM as a suspect. Adhyaksa a former Menpora was suspected that the WM is only being set up.
"But I do not say yes WM KPK that trap," he said when contacted Kompas.com, Tuesday (04/26/2011).

According Adhyaksa, WM likely dragged into the alleged bribery was due to trap others who became his political opponent or the opponent's side of the MEI business, officials at PT Duta Graha Indah guesthouse athlete development project in Palembang.

That, according to him visible from a number of irregularities. First, Adhyaksa doubt if the WM which has been known as an honest and simple person dare engage in bribery. "When I Menpora, he became a deputy, he was modest, his home course on Housing, Tangerang, his son just ngontrak. I know he was involved in bribery in the media, I think this is it's never gini first," he said.

The second gaffe, continued Adhyaksa, related to the time of the bribery transaction. According to him, does not make sense if the bribery transaction occurred recently that when WM caught red-handed by KPK investigators (Tuesday, 19/4/2011), while the building project has been running the guesthouse athletes. "It should not bribe it in early (before the construction of the homestead building athletes)," he said.

The third discrepancy, related to the location of bribery transactions. He considered, bribery transactions that occurred in the room at the office WM Kemenegpora not common. "From the mode, it usually bribe done elsewhere, outside the office, the place closed. It's cook in the room, in front of his staff of nine people," said Adhyaksa.

Therefore, as an attorney WM, WM Adhyaksa ask for frank and truthful when examined by KPK for the truth uncovered. "But if Mr (WM) is not honest, there are protected, it will not be completed, hearts will be restless. So I'm open as it is," he said.

Previously, the Commission set the WM as a suspect in the alleged bribery related to the construction of the homestead athletes building to the 26th Sea Games in Palembang. On April 19, WM caught shortly after receiving a check worth Rp 3.2 billion from MEI.

In addition to WM and MEI, KPK set MRM suspected mediators both as a suspect. Related checks worth Rp 3.2 billion, Adhyaksa said that according to the WM checks can not be disbursed. "Blank check but it's been posted USD 3.2 billion but we did not have the funds, therefore made a receipt," said Adhyaksa.

6. After Citibank, Bank Mega burglarized
Fund deposits PT Elnusa Tbk valued at Rp111 billion suddenly disappeared. Who is responsible?
Source: Tempo Interactive, Tuesday, April 26, 2011, 00:13 GMT
Shaheed Latif

VIVAnews - Not to mention the thorough investigation on the alleged embezzlement of customer funds by Citibank Indonesia Inong aka Melinda Malinda Dee, Bank Indonesia (BI) is now faced with another burglary case. The central bank now must investigate burglary cases deposit funds belonging to PT Elnusa Tbk, which is estimated at Rp111 billion in Bank Mega Branch Jababeka, Cikarang.

"Checking (Bank Mega) has done this morning, so it involves the employees of the bank and the perpetrators from outside," said Head of Public Relations Bureau of Bank Indonesia, Difi A. Johansyah, when contacted VIVAnews.com in Jakarta, Monday, April 25, 2011.

BI feel the need to call the businessman's bank bosses Chairul this, especially the director of compliance, to seek clarification implementation systems and procedures used by the company to break-ins can happen fairly large value.

According Difi, BI tended to see this case originate in the act of an individual employee, rather than in bank management.

"We can not simply impose sanctions on management, because these problems on the person. But, we'll see if they conduct strict supervision," he said.

On the other hand, Elnusa as a public company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) also reported the burglary action funds to the Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK). It was a form of public disclosure of corporate information to shareholders.

Meanwhile, Bank Mega own hastily clarified. Director of Compliance and Risk Management of Bank Mega, Suwartini, explaining savings in the form of deposits on call was conducted according to operational procedures and regulations. "Deposits on call was signed by Director of Finance and Director of Elnusa," he said.

Although denied burglarized, Bank Mega through the Director of JB Kendarto nonetheless admitted that he had dismissed as Chief of Branch of Bank Mega Jababeka. Although not yet known whether the concerned banks involved in the crime, the police had determined the status of the suspect to the Head of Branch Bank Mega Jababeka, Cikarang, initials IHB.

Finance Director arrested

The emergence of burglary cases Elnusa deposits originated from the arrest of Chief Financial Officer by the officer Elnusa initials SN Fiscal, Monetary and Foreign Exchange (Fismondev) Special Criminal Investigation Directorate Polda Metro Jaya. Arrest made because SN allegedly broke into account a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) was valued at Rp111 billion.

Special Criminal Investigation Director Polda Metro Jaya Police Commissioner, Yan Fitri Halimansyah, explaining SN mode is by withdrawing deposits worth Rp111 billion Elnusa property stored at Bank Mega.

After that, the funds transferred to another account at Bank Mega with a reason to invest. At that time, the suspect allegedly used the money for personal gain. "So, Director of Finance Elnusa forged signatures President Elnusa berinisal E for application to release the deposit," explained Yan.

Elnusa Management in a press release received VIVAnews.com confirmed the burglary deposit funds belonging to the enterprise. Elnusa placing funds in Bank Mega Branch Jababeka, Cikarang, since 7 September 2009 until you reach Rp161 billion.

The fund is divided into five deposit terms ranging from 1-3 months. All funds have been transferred and accepted Elnusa Bank. Currently these deposit balances amounted to Rp111 billion, deposits amounting to Rp50 billion had melted Elnusa on March 5, 2010, and funds have been well received in the account as instructed Elnusa.

This problem became known only when Elnusa will disburse such deposit on April 19, 2011. At that time, Elnusa claim could not withdraw such deposit billions of dollars because the money is not there anymore because it had been withdrawn.

"If this does occur, then the withdrawal does not comply with the placement agreement. This was also done without the knowledge of Elnusa," said Division Head of Corporate Secretary, Elnusa, Heru Samodra.

However, Suwartini, said, Bank Mega never received placement of funds in time deposits, so there is no monthly interest payment on time deposits.

Director of Technology and Operations Services Bank Mega, J Georgino Godong, states, of the document deposit transaction in the form of application, and transfer or overbooking, all in accordance with procedures.

Long line

Burglary cases customer funds in the country as increasing the length of a row of illegal banking scandal story is loaded with various terms and conditions.

Police Criminal Investigation records show had a lot of bank burglary cases revealed in recent months. The common thread in these cases is the involvement of people in the bank where the emergence of the case.

Almost the same with the Bank Mega, burglary deposit funds it had occurred in PT Bank Mandiri Tbk. Modus forged signature on a withdrawal slip, and then transferred to the account of the suspect. Cases were reported February 1, 2011 was Rp18 billion, causing losses. Police set the five suspects, one customer service employee.

A similar case also happened in PT customer Rural Bank (RB) Purse Bank Artha Sejahtera by the board without the knowledge of their owners. Burglary became known only when the savings deposits which have matured it can not be paid. This case involves managing director Arthur RB Purse, two commissioners, chief commissioner, and marketing.

Meanwhile, another case regarding funds recorded burglary is burglary in the Criminal Investigation Police cash office of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI) Tamini Square of Rp29 billion, PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk (BII) Rp3, 6 billion, PT Bank Danamon Tbk valued at Rp1 , 9 billion and U.S. $ 110 thousand, and PT Panin Bank Tbk with losses of Rp2, 5 billion.

Last and most horrendous is committed burglary former Citibank Citigold relationship manager, Malinda Dee. Malinda customers to withdraw funds without the owner through a blank withdrawal slip that has been signed by the customer with total losses amounting to Rp17 billion.

The following sequence of placement of funds in Bank Mega Elnusa:

7 September 2009
Elnusa placing deposits of Rp50 billion by 16 September 2009 withdrawal date that goes into an account at Bank Mega KCP Elnusa Jababeka Bekasi. From this fund was split into four, each to a checking account in bank X PT human rights amounting to Rp35 billion, PT DI 5 billion, 5 billion in deposits KCP Bekasi, and the remaining 5 billion fund to settle in the checking account 1 PT DI at KCP Bekasi Jababeka .

29 September 2009
PT Elnusa re-placed fund of Rp50 billion to the date of disbursement of October 6, 2009 to the account of PT Elnusa in KCP Jababeka. From here, the funds flowing into the account of PT DI in Bekasi Jababeka and further broken down into the checking account of PT HAM (Rp35 billion), current account 1 PT DI (5 billion), deposits PT DI at KCP Bekasi Jababeka (5 billion), and the remaining funds 5 billion into the checking account 2 PT DI at KCP Bekasi Jababeka.

19 November 2009
Placement of deposits PT Elnusa of Rp40 billion to the date of disbursement of 19 November 2009. From a liquid deposit amounting Rp40.028.493.150 (Rp40, 028 billion) into the checking account at KCP Bekasi Elnusa Jababeka, and 40 billion flowed into account current account at Bank X PT Jakarta human rights.

March 8, 2010
Remittance transactions through giro for PT DI at KCP Bekasi Jababeka aimed PT Elnusa checking account at the bank X of Rp50.214.794.521 (50, 2 billion) with transaction information is written as "return on investment results."

14 April 2010
PT Elnusa again put Rp11 billion to the date of disbursement of funds on 15 April 2010 amounted to Rp11.001.326.027 (Rp11, 001 billion). From this transaction, then transfer to checking account 2 PT DI at KCP Bekasi Jababeka Rp11 billion and proceed to the RTGS account at the bank PT DI Y of Rp10 billion. Remaining funds Rp1 billion in current account 2 PT DI at KCP Bekasi Jababeka.

July 19, 2010
PT Elnusa put 10 billion fund disbursement date of July 19, 2010, then transferred to the account of PT in the KCP Jababeka Rp10 billion and subsequently RTGS PT DI to the bank Y of Rp10 billion. (Kd)
• VIVAnews

7. Supplementary quake hits Kendari

Source: Antaranews, Monday, April 25, 2011 6:54 pm

Jakarta (Antara) - Aftershocks with the power of 5.2 on the Richter Scale (SR), Monday morning, again shook Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi.

Based on the site Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG), the quake occurred at 6:25 pm.

The quake's epicenter was at latitude 11.4 degrees south (LS) and 122.61 east longitude (BT) with a depth of 20 kilometers.

The location of the epicenter 16 kilometers southeast of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, 150 kilometers northeast of Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi, 226 kilometers southeast of Soroako, South Sulawesi, and 287 kilometers southeast of Singkang, South Sulawesi.

Earlier at 6:07 pm, an earthquake with a strength of 6.0 on the Richter Scale (SR), recorded shook Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi.

The quake's epicenter was at 4:40 degrees south latitude (LS) and 122.82 east longitude (BT) with a depth of 18 kilometers.

The location of the epicenter 55 kilometers southeast of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, 120 kilometers northeast of Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi, 265 kilometers southeast of Soroako, South Sulawesi, and the 312 kilometers southeast of Singkang, South Sulawesi.

BMKG attributed both earthquakes are not a potential tsunami. (S034/A011/K004)

Editor: B Kunto Wibisono

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