Sunday, October 31, 2010

News of the day for Sunday, October 31, 2010

In this Saturday, Sept. 9, 2006 file picture, U.S. soldiers adjust an American flag over the coffin carrying the body of Staff Sgt. Angel D. Mercado Velazquez, minutes after arriving from Iraq, inside a hangar at Muniz Air National Guard Base, in Carolina, Puerto Rico. The 24-year-old Velazquez had been a squad leader and paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division serving in Yusifiyah, Iraq, where he and two other members of his unit died last week from wounds sustained from mortar fire. Puerto Rico has been under U.S. jurisdiction since 1898, and its people citizens 1917. The island is home to 150,000 military veterans, and three-quarters of its National Guard troops have been deployed overseas since the Sept. 11 attacks. Yet Puerto Ricans can't vote for president, and their representative in Congress can't vote either. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley) I have a personal connection to Puerto Rico, otherwise no particular occasion for this. -- C

Reported Security Incidents


Six police killed, 4 injured in bomb attack on a police garage.

A separate attack on a police patrol in southern Baghdad injures 3 police and 1 civilian.

And, another explosion in southern Baghdad injures 5 civilians.

Sahwa commander Adnan Atallah of al-Masrah village is killed by a bomb placed in his car. Three other people are injured.

Other News of the Day

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia offers to facilitate talks to form a new Iraqi government following the Hajj. He states:

Dear proud Iraq,

For all of what I have said, I invite His Excellency President Jalal Talabani of the brotherly Republic of Iraq, all parties that participated in the elections, and political actors, to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to meet, after the holy Hajj period, in Riyadh under the umbrella of the Arab League, in order to seek a solution for every problem facing the formation of the government which has long remained unsolved, and in order to consult and decide which noble way you take and which honorable direction you choose. He who holds the reins to the resolution ought to possess the wisdom and its dictates. Destruction has so many smooth roads, but construction, after the blessing of Almighty, calls for a strong will.

However, Shiite bloc and Kurdish politicians appear to reject the offer, even as neighboring countries welcome it, including The UAE, Kuwait, and Lebanese PM Saad Hariri, (although I suspect Lebanon's Shiites may not agree. It seems clear that the Shiite and Kurdish coalitions are intending to form a government and expect that Saudi and Arab League participation would favor Iraqiya.) The AFP report seems to make this clear:

In Baghdad, an MP close to Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki, who is seeking to keep his job, scorned the invitation. “This Saudi initiative is not positive, and that country does not have a role to play because it has not been neutral in recent years; it has always had a negative attitude toward (Maliki) and (his) State of Law” bloc, Sami al-Askari said.

Mahmoud Othman, an independent Kurdish MP, said Iraqis should sort out their own problems.

French airline Aigle Azur makes the first direct flight from western Europe to Baghdad since before the Gulf War. However, it's a symbolic gesture. Regularly scheduled flights have yet to begin. It's not that big of a deal anyway. You can fly to Baghdad, you just have to change planes in Turkey or Abu Dhabi.

The Arab League called on Friday for those behind the "crimes against humanity" contained in leaked Iraq war documents published by the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks to be brought to justice. This probably doesn't make Maliki feel any better about Arab League participation in formation of the government, if you know what I mean.

Afghanistan Update

Hamid Karzai denounces the joint U.S.-Russian raid on heroin labs, calling it a violation of Iraqi sovereignty. "Any repetition of such acts will prompt necessary reaction by our country," the presidential palace warned. Hmm. Would it be irresponsible to speculate on exactly why the president is so protective of heroin labs? Quoth Laura King of the LA Times, from the above link: "In the past, U.S. officials have suggested that the lucrative drug trade in Nangarhar, part of a complex web of organized crime, bears hallmarks of complicity by some local government figures."

Two German soldiers injured by roadside bombs in Kunduz, and 2 U.S. soldiers injured in a gun battle in Baghlan.

Office of the Governor of Helmand Province says 17 Taliban and 2 Afghan soldiers killed in fighting on Saturday. Taliban spokesman denies any Taliban deaths.

Quote of the Day

They behead – we do it with smart bombs. There is, of course, an ugly truth to this recently minted axiom: the horror of state terrorism is that the overwhelming machinery of death in the hands of all-powerful governments far outweighs individual atrocities by madmen, small groups and non-state entities. While, with their beheadings and murders of innocents, the heathen thugs and killers may indeed be barbarians, it is almost impossible to accomplish with their amateur methods the slaughter of half a million children, as did the Anglo-American/UN sanctions in Iraq.

Daniel Patrick Welch

La notte di Halloween e la festa cristiana dei santi: opposizione o continuità?

Il nome Halloween è indiscutibilmente termine di origine cristiana; è parola composta da hallow, ‘santificare’, ed eve, abbreviazione di evening, ‘sera’. Halloween, insomma, deriva da All Hallow's Eve e vuol dire semplicemente ‘Sera della festa dei Santi’, ‘Vigilia della festa dei santi’.
La chiesa cattolica fa memoria, infatti, l’1 novembre di tutti i santi e la sera del 31 ottobre è appunto la vigilia della festa.
Ma l’1 novembre era il giorno della festa celtica di Samhain ed alcune delle tradizioni dell’odierna Halloween vi rimandano.
Cosa è avvenuto? Perché questa coincidenza? Halloween è una festa pagana o cristiana? Siamo dinanzi ad una espropriazione cristiana o ad un camuffamento sincretista di riti magici? Cosa è bene fare in campo educativo? Incoraggiare o opporsi alla celebrazione di Halloween?

La festa celtica di Samhain “era un momento di contemplazione gioiosa, in cui si faceva memoria della propria storia, della propria gente, dei propri cari, in cui si celebrava la speranza di non soccombere alle sventure, alle malattie, alla morte stessa, che non era l'ultima parola, se era vero che i propri cari, almeno una volta l'anno, potevano essere in qualche modo presenti. Nella magica notte di Samhain non erano le oscure forze del caos che riportavano nel mondo i morti, ma il ricordo e l'amore dei vivi che li celebravano gioiosamente” .

“Il significato di Samhain per gli antichi Celti era dunque quello di un vero e proprio ‘passaggio’, il sostituirsi di un tempo e di un ordine all'altro.
Le feste dedicate ai defunti e agli antenati, quindi alla fecondità garantita da chi ha già affrontato il ciclo naturale della morte e della rinascita, sono comuni a molti sistemi etnoreligiosi. E, nelle ‘feste dei morti’, è abbastanza comune che essi rechino anche dei doni ai vivi: il morto appartiene all'immaginario dell'eterno ciclo naturale del nascere e dello spegnersi, del letargo e del rifiorire della natura. La grande festa autunno-invernale di Samhain era dunque anche dedicata ai morti e principalmente agli antenati” .

Il passaggio da questa antica tradizione a quella rinnovata di Halloween avvenne nell’VIII secolo, ad opera dei vescovi e dei monaci del regno dei Franchi ed, in particolare, per iniziativa di Alcuino di York:

“Se il culto dei singoli martiri e santi risale ai primissimi secoli, a partire dalla fine del IV secolo si sentì in Oriente l'esigenza di celebrare tutti i santi, conosciuti o ignoti, in un'unica festa: la Chiesa siriaca durante il tempo pasquale, la bizantina la domenica successiva alla Pentecoste... Ogni chiesa locale manteneva tuttavia il proprio calendario e venerava i propri santi. Nelle aree d'Europa di più forte tradizione celtica il ricordo di Samhain era ancora vivido e così si decise di coniugare il culto dei santi all'antica ricorrenza.
Così l'episcopato franco istituì nell'VIII secolo la festa di Ognissanti: il principale promotore di tale iniziativa fu Alcuino di York, monaco sassone di formazione irlandese, che era uno dei più autorevoli consiglieri di Carlo Magno. Egli, che ben conosceva le forme di religiosità precristiana delle isole britanniche, sapeva quanto fosse stata importante per le popolazioni dell'area celtica la festa di Samhain, e quanto fosse necessario cristianizzarla, sottolineando l'aspetto della santità e della comunione dei santi, legame tra le generazioni di cristiani, dei presenti e di coloro che ci hanno preceduti.
Questa felicissima intuizione teologica ebbe seguito: pochi anni dopo, l'imperatore Ludovico il Pio, su richiesta di papa Gregorio IV, ispirato a sua volta da consiglieri come il vescovo di Fiesole e il missionario irlandese Donagh (conosciuto in seguito come san Donato di Fiesole), estese tale festa a tutto il regno franco. Fu circa alla metà del IX secolo dopo Cristo che la ricorrenza di Ognissanti venne ufficialmente istituzionalizzata, collocata alla data del 1° novembre e quindi estesa a tutta la Chiesa, per opera del Papa Gregorio IV.
Ci vollero tuttavia ancora diversi secoli, perché la festività di Ognissanti fosse obbligatoria in tutta la Chiesa Universale, il che avvenne grazie al pontefice Sisto IV nel 1475” .

“La stretta associazione con la commemorazione dei defunti, celebrata il giorno successivo, fu istituita solo nel 998 dopo Cristo, trovando slancio nell'ambiente monastico benedettino.
Fu infatti Odilone di Cluny a dare l'avvio a quella che sarà una nuova e longeva tradizione delle società occidentali. In quell’anno egli diede disposizione affinché i cenobi dipendenti dall'abbazia celebrassero il rito dei defunti a partire dal vespro del 1° novembre. Il giorno seguente era invece disposto che fosse commemorato con un'eucaristia offerta al Signore, pro requie omnium defunctorum. Un'usanza che ben presto si diffuse in tutta l'Europa cristiana, per giungere a Roma più tardi” .

Era così compiuta la piena valorizzazione dell’antica tradizione celtica nella fede cristiana. Le due celebrazioni cristiane dei Santi e dei Defunti annunciavano ora che non era stato un errore credere che i morti potessero visitarci. Il Cristo era venuto a rinnovare questa fiducia su di una base molto più salda, dando agli uomini un dono che superava ogni loro desiderio, la comunione reale e continua della chiesa della terra e di quella del cielo.

È utile a questo punto soffermarsi a cogliere le conseguenze educative di questa ricostruzione storica: il binomio Samhain-Halloween può sempre di nuovo essere raccontato in primo luogo perché i bambini non abbiano paura dei santi e dei morti, ma imparino a confidare nell’assistenza di coloro che sono già in cielo, in secondo luogo perchè sappiano che esiste un modo per amare chi non è più su questa terra e che esso consiste nel pregare per loro, in terzo luogo perché i piccoli possano riflettere sui desideri profondi del cuore umano che non si rassegna a vedere scomparire nel nulla i propri cari e sulla bellezza del vangelo che mostra che questi desideri non restano inappagati, ma vengono realizzati dalla misericordia di Dio, in quarto luogo perchè possano comprendere la ricchezza della storia della chiesa e l’atteggiamento del discernimento che sempre la deve caratterizzare.

Your Views on the News, October 30, 2010

CNN has switched the lineup for the weekend because of the mid-term elections on Tuesday. Take note you Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper fans the America Votes special is live both Saturday and Sunday evenings.

SATURDAY, October 30, 2010

BALLOT BOWL – Airs LIVE Saturday 1:00PM – 6:00PM

CNN will again provide live, unfiltered coverage of significant recent and live campaign events. Members of the Best Political Team on Television will report from events around the country to include Alaska, Nevada, Ohio, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC.

AMERICA VOTES 2010 – Airs LIVE Saturday 6:00PM – 7:00PM and (replays) 10:00PM

Lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer and anchor Anderson Cooper, along with the Best Political Team on Television, provide the latest news on the upcoming midterm elections.

WHAT THE WEEK –Airs Saturday 7:30PM – 8:00PM

Pete Dominick distills a week’s worth of news into a smart and fun wrap of everything you need to know.

BOILING POINT: inside the tea party – Airs Saturday 8:00PM – 9:00PM, 11:00PM

CNN’s Shannon Travis has followed the political movement proven to be the most energetic and provocative of this campaign season, the various groups that self-identify with the Tea Party movement. Reporting from California, to Delaware, to Alaska, to Florida and beyond, Travis interviewed conservative talk radio personality and former Tea Party Express chairman Mark Williams, former Alaska governor and Fox News contributor Sarah Palin, and Mary Rakovich, considered by some to be “the godmother” of the Tea Party movement – about their goals and the messages they want delivered to the corridors of power in Washington.

restoring the american dream: a FAREED ZAKARIA GPS special - Airs Saturday 9:00PM – 10:00PM, 12:00AM

As the nation languishes in the Great Recession, CNN and TIME magazine’s Fareed Zakaria talks to four of the most creative and respected business leaders for their insights on what must be done to restore the America’s economic prosperity. Lou Gerstner, former chairman of the board & CEO for IBM Corporation; Muhtar Kent, chairman of the board & CEO for The Coca-Cola Company; Eric Schmidt, chairman of the board & CEO for Google, Inc.; and Klaus Kleinfeld, chairman & CEO for Alcoa, Inc. discuss how technology, globalization, and the recession brought about American’s unacceptable unemployment rate…and how America can leverage the keys to bringing good jobs back to America – education and innovation.

SUNDAY, October 31, 2010

SANJAY GUPTA, MD – Airs Sunday 7:30AM – 8:00AM

CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta returns to Haiti as reports emerge of an outbreak of cholera in the already earthquake-ravaged nation. He interviews aid workers and local residents about how the disease is impacting the status of the recovery.


Topic: Tuesday’s Midterm Elections Preview: Republican Strategy

Guest: Michael Steele, RNC chairman

Topic: Tuesday’s Midterm Elections Preview: Democratic Strategy

Guest: Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Majority Whip

Topic: What to Expect in Tuesday’s Midterm Elections
Guest: William Bennett, CNN political contributor; national talk radio host

Guest: Bob Kerrey (D), former U.S. Senator; former Nebraska Governor

Anchor: Candy Crowley, anchor and chief political correspondent

restoring the american dream: a FAREED ZAKARIA GPS special - Airs Sunday 3:00AM – 4:00AM, 5:00AM, 10:00AM, 1:00PM

As the nation languishes in the Great Recession, CNN and TIME magazine’s Fareed Zakaria talks to four of the most creative and respected business leaders for their insights on what must be done to restore the America’s economic prosperity. Lou Gerstner, former chairman of the board & CEO for IBM Corporation; Muhtar Kent, chairman of the board & CEO for The Coca-Cola Company; Eric Schmidt, chairman of the board & CEO for Google, Inc.; and Klaus Kleinfeld, chairman & CEO for Alcoa, Inc. discuss how technology, globalization, and the recession brought about American’s unacceptable unemployment rate…and how America can leverage the keys to bringing good jobs back to America – education and innovation.


Topic: Jon Stewart Rally

Guest: Arianna Huffington, co-founder,

Topic: Jon Stewart Rally

Guest: Paul Farhi, Washington Post

Guest: Michael Medved, Radio talk show host

Topic: Midterm Elections Become Media Game of Predictions

Guest: John Avlon,

Guest: Jim Geraghty, National Review

Guest: Julie Mason, Washington Examiner

Topic: Fox News; Tea Party; Media’s Take on President Obama

Guest: President Jimmy Carter

Host: Howard Kurtz

BALLOT BOWL – Airs LIVE Sunday 2:00PM – 5:00PM

CNN will again provide live, unfiltered coverage of significant recent and live campaign events. Members of the Best Political Team on Television will report from events around the country to include Alaska, Nevada, Ohio, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC.

BOILING POINT: inside the tea party – Airs Sunday 2:00AM – 3:00AM, 8:00PM, 11:00PM

CNN’s Shannon Travis has followed the political movement proven to be the most energetic and provocative of this campaign season, the various groups that self-identify with the Tea Party movement. Reporting from California, to Delaware, to Alaska, to Florida and beyond, Travis interviewed conservative talk radio personality and former Tea Party Express chairman Mark Williams, former Alaska governor and Fox News contributor Sarah Palin, and Mary Rakovich, considered by some to be “the godmother” of the Tea Party movement – about their goals and the messages they want delivered to the corridors of power in Washington.

AMERICA VOTES 2010 – Airs LIVE Sunday 9:00PM – 10:00PM and (replays) 12:00AM

Lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer and anchor Anderson Cooper, along with the Best Political Team on Television, provide the latest news on the upcoming midterm elections.



CNN’s Best Political Team will add new technology to its arsenal in order to better explain the complex story of the midterm elections as it unfolds on Tuesday, Nov. 2. Lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer, joined by Anderson Cooper, Candy Crowley, John King and Soledad O’Brien will headline Election Night in America, beginning at 7 p.m. and continuing into the following day. From Delaware to Nevada to Alaska, CNN will dispatch correspondents across the country to check in throughout the night and report on the crucial races impacting the balance of power in Congress.

All content, unless otherwise cited, is © All Things CNN and may not be used without consent of the blog administrator.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Tryst With Family: North Korean Meets South Korean In A Grand Reunion

By Gautam Jha

SEOUL NEWS: Long separated Korean families are going to meet each other on Oct 30. 435 South Koreans will cross North Korean border for the reunion of families after six decades despite the exchange of fire last night. The reunions will take place at the Mount Kumgang resort on the North's south-eastern coast, near the border. The divided families will get the chance to meet one another for a brief period after six decades.

Amidst the heightening tensions following the exchange of fire between North Korean and South Korean army, the reunions will take place as scheduled promised the Unification Ministry. The South Koreans, from 97 families, will spend three days with 97 relatives in North Korea, from whom they have been separated by war six decades ago. Family members are thrilled in anticipation of meeting their kith and kin after such a long time. Lee Moon-Yeong, in his 70s is very nostalgic and enthusiastic to meet his long separated brother. Earlier, he had suspected that his brother might have been killed in war after joining the North Korean army during the Korean war. The situation has compelled him to think because Lee's second brother was died in 1952 while fighting as a South Korean soldier.

Following the Saturday-Monday reunions, another batch of 96 South Koreans will be reunited with 207 North Koreans from Wednesday to Friday at the same place. Korean people are exemplifying the notion that human relations are above all. Its a brave step of vulnerable emotion.

Too Busy?

I want to be clear what I meant when I said I was too busy to keep up with the blog. . . .

If you read Thursday's post, you will have seen it was a collection of incomplete notes. I imagined that each one might have been a larger reflection, but didn't take the time to develop the ideas. To me "busy" means making choices about what to do with my time.

What were some of the things in the past week that supplanted the time I might have spent blogging?
  • Friday night dinner with my in-laws, followed by the organ recital at church
  • the service for Dr. Joe Nyitray on Sunday
  • a day-long retreat at Holmes with the Presbytery's conflict response team
  • Personnel subcommittee updating our policy manual
  • Congregational Change committee of Presbytery meeting in Peekskill
  • meeting with family preparing for baptism
  • getting ready for this Friday's Trunk 'n' Treat Family Fun event

Some ministers give the impression that their lives are out of control: (They are so scattered in their attention--always running on to the next appointment and never able to stay for an entire event or meeting.) Some ministers maintain an aura of mystery about their calendars: (Rarely in the office and hardly returning phone calls, they are always somewhere else.) When people speaking to me start sentences with the phrase, "I know how busy you are..." I consider it a call to self-examination.

I remember a weekend many years ago sponsored by a Presbyterian camp that featured folksinger-songwriter Fred Small (he's  since become a UU minister) and about five of us who overcame the reluctance to see ourselves as potential songwriters. Fred shared a song entitled "I Have All the Time in the World." It says everything I'm aiming at here. Check it out:

--Jack Lohr, Interim Pastor

PS: I know Saturday's my day off, but I wrote 95% of this note yesterday. See you Sunday!

War News for Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sorry I left for the week but I haven't had a vacation in nearly two years now. I would have caught up on what I missed last night but the flight back was of stuff stories are made of which even my vivid imagination couldn't make up so I'll have to post short for today, thanks to the Cervantes something got posted for the week which I haven't even looked at yet. I'll be back up and running by Monday. -- whisker

Reported security incidents

#1: An Iraqi civilian has been killed when an explosive charge stuck to his car blew off in Baghdad early on Saturday, killing him on the spot, a security source said. He said the explosive charge went off when he passed close to central Baghdad’s Jadiriya bridge, killing him and causing severe material losses to his car.

Diyala Prv:
#1: An Iraqi health official says the death toll from a suicide bombing north of Baghdad has risen to 26. Hussein Jaafar, the director of the hospital in Balad Ruz, said Saturday that five more people have died from injuries sustained in the blast. The suicide bomber blew himself up inside a popular cafe Friday night, breaking what has been a period of relative calm in Iraq. The neighborhood where the explosion occurred is home to many Shiites of Kurdish ethnicity.

#1: An eight-year-old boy was killed and two of his family members wounded when a grenade he had found in a field and was playing with exploded in the town of Rashad, southwest of Kirkuk, 250 km (155 miles) north of Baghdad, police said.

#1: A roadside bomb targeting an Iraqi army patrol wounded three civilians, including one woman, when it went off in eastern Mosul, 390 km (240 miles) north of Baghdad, police said.

Afghanistan: "The Forgotten War"
#1: Insurgents armed with rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and mortars tried to storm a combat outpost in eastern Afghanistan on Saturday, setting off a battle that killed 30 attackers and wounded five coalition soldiers, NATO said. Assailants struck from all sides in the nighttime attack on the outpost in Paktika province's Bermal district, where nearly all NATO forces are from the U.S. military. The military called in close air-support and aircraft dropped three bombs to help repel the insurgents. According to NATO, the five coalition service members who were wounded in the attack continued fighting. "Insurgents attacked from all directions," NATO said in a statement. It provided no further details. The attack took place in an area about 200 kilometres south of Kabul that borders the Pakistani region of North Waziristan. The area is controlled largely by the Haqqani network, a Pakistan-based Taliban faction closely tied to al-Qaida.

#2: Militants attacked a Pakistani military checkpost on Saturday, killing two soldiers in a restive tribal district on the Afghan border, a security official said. The attack took place in the Badar area, 30 kilometres north of Wana, the main town in South Waziristan district. "Militants attacked a military checkpost today in South Waziristan and killed two soldiers," a senior security official in the area told AFP on condition of anonymity.

#3: The noose has been tightened around one of the lingering insurgent strongholds where Canadian soldiers operate in Kandahar's Panjwaii district. But a two-day operation aimed at cutting insurgent supply lines into the volatile town of Nakhonay also angered locals and prompted a retaliatory attack by the Taliban. Teams of Canadian engineers and infantry troops were dropped by helicopter earlier this week on the southern edge of Khenjakak, a small village southwest of Kandahar City. They charged out of Chinook helicopters as daylight broke Wednesday morning, prepared for contact. As they moved north through the town, however, they only found traces of the shadow-like insurgency. In a grape hut, a patrol came across an extensive cache of medical supplies. "It's probably a stop-over for injured insurgents," said Warrant Officer Todd Weber, a member of Bravo Company's 4 Platoon. NATO has had little presence in this area until now, allowing the insurgents to use it as a staging area for attacks further north.

#4: A suicide car bomb apparently targeted security forces in Tanai district of eastern Khost province Saturday, casualties feared, district governor Daulat Khan Qayumi said.

DoD: Spc. Ronnie J. Pallares

DoD: Staff Sgt. Aracely Gonzalez O’Malley

DoD: Spc. Thomas A. Moffitt

DoD: Pfc. David R. Jones Jr.

DoD: Sgt. 1st Class Phillip C. Tanner

DoD: Sgt. Michael D. Kirspel Jr.

Cheap internet network service

In the 21st century development is very rapid advancement in information technology. Advances in information technology are inseparable from the role of advances in computer science and Internet networks. In order for the development of Internet network developed and able to reach remote areas, the necessary network expansion efforts both in the form of a network via wired or wireless network. An increasingly wide Internet network and can be reached by the whole society will be instrumental in improving living standards. Many things can be done with the Internet network is reliable and inexpensive.

This problem today could be a very good business opportunity. Those who have expertise in information technology and Internet networks service, expected to play more active. The experts in information technology, internet network experts and entrepreneurs in the field of Internet network is expect to create a healthy Internet services and cheaper tariffs because so far the internet service is still quite expensive. Admittedly the current level of business competition in the field of information technology and Internet networks is still a little so that employers can still sell the Internet service with a tariff that is quite expensive. I hope that later on with more and more entrepreneurs so that competition in the Internet network business that higher rates will affect the internet service could be more affordable.

Most of the people is currently using dial up internet service. I also included one of the users dial-up Internet service because until recently around where I live is still not affordable wireless Internet network service. Dial up internet service can be used as a medium for information and develop your business. Even with dial up internet, with good services from the businessperson internet services then could become one of the motivating factors that are essential for various activities. You can imagine when you are in remote areas and at the time, you must open the email that is very important but cannot be doing, because it hampered the absence of internet dial-up networking or wireless, would not you resentful? Cheap dial up is still the desire of the community. We can only hope the cheap dial up immediately realized. As we know, a lot of science and the latest information available on the internet. Internet network services are cheap and very reliable help in the development of business and education communities. I hope that more and more people are interested in becoming entrepreneur’s internet network service so that internet easier and affordable by all levels of society both in urban and rural outposts.

Asma Jehangir Becomes First Lady In Pakistan to Head Bar Association


PAKISTAN NEWS - Well-known human rights activist Asma Jehangir has surprised the world of being the first lady to become the president of Supreme Court Bar Association in Pakistan. She won a closely-contested election by 38 votes over her nearest and strongest rival Ahmed Owais. She asserted that she would work for the independence of the bar. Her agenda was that the lawyers should not be subservient to judges as any such development would hollow the integrity and honesty of judiciary.

This is the proud moment for Pakistan as well as the first step to reduce the gap of gender-equality. Speaking to the media after winning the election, Ms Jehangir interpreted her victory as a “defeat for reactionary forces and the establishment”. Her victory has silenced the male-chauvinist and bound to open a new era of transparency and dignity of judicial system. She proclaimed, “ this is the victory of democratic forces who believe in the rule of law.

Earlier, the election was touted between pro-Supreme Court lawyers and independent lawyers. During the campaign, her rival tried to eclipse her prospects by portraying her as a candidate of the Pakistan People's Party besides the numerous allegations such as pro-U.S., pro-India and pro-Ahmadis.