Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Flood Forces People To Flee From Brisbane

By ETHAN Markoff

AUSTRALIA NEWS – The devastating floods have affected a large geographical area of Australia, now forcing people of Australia's third largest city Brisbane to leave their homes. The flood is reported to be the worst in the century where thousands of people have left their homes and millions of properties destroyed. Official report says 6,500 and 9,000 homes and businesses are cleaned in Queensland's state capital.

Streets are forsaken and hordes of families have fled to some secure centers with the peak of flooding is believed to be occurred Wednesday and Thursday.

Flash floods across Queensland have left 10 dead and more than 70 missing.

The floods have already cost billions of dollars worth of damage.

Brisbane is witnessing a rush of water from nearby flooded Lockyer Valley and the Wivenhoe Dam, which is uncontrollable to put hold and put into controlled release.

The lower lying suburbs have already been inundated and cars have been streaming out of upper of the city and people have been leaving for the main business district.

Mayor Campbell Newman asked people to be strong to see the worst in coming days.

The Brisbane Courier Mail reports that electricity will be off from 0700 local time (2100 GMT Tuesday), dooming 100,000 homes and businesses.

State Premier Anna Bligh urged people to prepare for the worst and stay calm and stick together. Also urged people to help their neighbors and offered a bed for the night.

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