Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Actuosa participatio" photo

Family Retreat

This photo struck me as a fine illustration of actuosa participatio. It is from the flickr set of Birmingham LMS Rep, Matthew Doyle, taken at the recent retreat of the Saint Catherine’s Trust for Traditional Family Education, sponsored by the Latin Mass Society. (Joseph Shaw also has a flickr set with more photos, especially of the Sacred Liturgy.)

Over 150 parents and children attended the retreat, including a family from my parish (I recognised quite a few other faces there too.) The retreat was led by Fr Andrew Southwell and ran alongside the Gregorian Chant Network course, so that appropriate music was available for the liturgy, and appropriate liturgy for the singing.

Here's a photo of some of the younger children. If I were an anti-Humanae Vitae, Tablet reader, I'd be worried for the future...

Family Retreat

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