Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chemtrail Info Meeting on Australia East Coast

The truth is out there

A group of local people concerned about the phenomenon known as chemtrails is holding a public meeting at the Italo Club next Wednesday.

A group of local people concerned about the phenomenon known as chemtrails are holding a public meeting at the Italo Club next Wednesday, April 27, from 7pm.

A spokesperson for the group (who did not wish to be named) said chemtrails are “chemical vapours in the sky that consist of strontium, varium, aluminium and titanium that are affecting our immune system”. There are numerous conspiracy theories about where they come from and who is responsible for them and the aim of the talk is to “empower and educate the local community and give them tools to help themselves.”

There will be numerous speakers on the night (who also didn’t want their names in print) and videos from prominent chemtrail activists including former FBI chief Ted Gunderson and IRS agent Joe Bannister.

Suggested donation for entry is $10.

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