CNN to Broadcast GOP, Tea Party Responses After SOTU
Comprehensive Coverage of the Address and Responses Begins at 8 p.m. ET
Comprehensive Coverage of the Address and Responses Begins at 8 p.m. ET
Following President Obama’s State of the Union address this evening, CNN will air the Republican response, delivered by Rep. Paul Ryan, followed by the Tea Party response, delivered by Rep. Michele Bachmann. Both responses will be broadcast live and in their entirety.
“The Tea Party has become a major force in American politics and within the Republican Party,” explained Sam Feist, political director and vice president of Washington-based programming. “Hearing the Tea Party’s perspective on the State of the Union is something we believe CNN’s viewers will be interested in hearing and we are happy to include this perspective as one of many in tonight’s coverage."
Lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer, joined by Anderson Cooper, Candy Crowley, John King and Piers Morgan will headline the network’s coverage of the president’s address to the nation and the responses that follow beginning at 8 p.m. Shortly before the 9 p.m. State of the Union address, King will preview the president’s remarks from Capitol Hill, where he will be reporting live throughout the evening.
Additionally, Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer, along with senior political analysts Gloria Borger and David Gergen, and political contributors Roland Martin and Erick Erickson will add insight and analysis.
The network will provide its signature three-dimensional graphics to help explain information and data pertaining to issues the president is expected to raise during his speech. Ali Velshi and Joe Johns will utilize the virtual tool to present comprehensive analysis on the current economic climate, employment rates, impact of health care reform and more.
A special edition of John King, USA will air live from Capitol Hill at 7 p.m. King will be joined by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM), Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) and Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN). Anderson Cooper 360 ° will follow the State of the Union coverage at 11 p.m.
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