It's been a week since the last post! I've been accumulating stuff, but too busy to put it online. So here we go...
First, a PHOTO from a run Saturday morning on the bike trail:
Next, an AMAZING EPISODE of This American Life: "Unconditional Love." I won't say anything more about it. Click here and give a listen.
I got A NOTE last week from Rebecca Wassem telling me that a couple of years ago she got the OK from session to sign the church up for GoodSearch. It's an easy fundraiser with little-to-no work. It produces $0.01+ each time we search and also a % of sales if we use good shop. So far, it has generated $167.11 with only a couple of persons using it. If we were to do our online shopping through GoodSearch, we'd generate a chunk of change for the church without adding to our own costs.
I've put a link on the top of my blog page, but you can go directly to the search site by clicking here:
The shop site is found by clicking here:
If you download a toolbar to your browser, you'll have the option always in front of you. You can download the GoodSearch – Presbyterian Church of Mount Kisco (Mount Kisco NY) toolbar at Even the pennies could add up!
LAST SUNDAY, we started the day with gratitude to Terry Flanagan for the magnificent organ concert on Friday. I expressed my delight and surprise at the musical gifts revealed by Terry (and the marvelous "Water Organ" which he played). We gave thanks to Lisa Flanagan for the work on publicity, to Herb Reinke for the printing, and to the choir for the elegant hospitality in the reception that followed. The concert brought together members, friends and neighbors, and received $1920.00 in the offering baskets.
Suzy Condit spoke about her sense of stewardship
In my "Time with Children" I spoke with the kids about pets that they've lost, and we offered a special prayer of gratitude for the gifts of companion animals on the anniversary of the death of "Madeline" a beloved poodle on our church property.
My sermon is now posted in audio form (click here), but if you'd like the manuscript, let me know and I'll send it!
As we move toward our "Seeds of New Growth" STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY, I want to share a Biblical reflection: Walter Brueggemann's case for a theology of abundance, rather than scarcity. It's called "The Liturgy of Abundance, The Myth of Scarcity." Check it out by clicking the underlined link.
--Jack Lohr, Interim Pastor
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