Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sucuzhanay murder not hate crime? - Suzannah B. Troy

Welcome to Brooklyn, New York and to two trials where you can gather together the only select group of people on the planet who don't believe Jose Sucuzhanay was beaten to death because of hate and prejudice.  Jose and his brother were walking arm and arm when these hate mongers decided they must be gay and therefore beaten to death.

First of all what is wrong with someone that they are out there with so much rage on the streets of New York that they are beating people to death, stabbing them or shooting them?  

These two trials are a mark of great shame on the City of New York, as if the murder of an innocent man simply walking home arm and arm with his brother, daring to be happy in a city filled with a lot of angry, lonely dysfunctional people in need of anger management classes, possibly medication, a life have to take someone else's life and do so attempting to beat two brothers to death.

These jurors lacked empathy and they assume it could never happen to them.  I am straight but I have been gay bashed.  It could happen to anyone of these jurors....welcome to NYC.

These cowardly thugs were so outraged by two men walking arm and arm happily together that they had to attempt to beat them both to death and they started by yelling gay slurs but according to trials in Brooklyn that doesn't count as prejudice and one even resulted in a mistrial.  Both these monsters need to go away for a long, long time.

To add insult to injury the jurors for both cases say hey it was not a hate crime.  I guess it doesn't count until it happens to them.   I remember I was in college and I was with my Mom on Canal Street having shopped at Pearl Paint and was walking arm and arm with my Mom and this group of idiots made a homophobic comment.    Around the world the jury is out and there can only be one conclusion about the people posing as jurors on this trial.  

I have had gay bashing  including be a stalker sicko with a camera who is so deluded and lonely he calls me his stalker when in fact he takes photos of me -- my back --  without my knowledge and sets up a gay bashing gang bang attack with his anonymous internet buddies which I  turned in to the NYPD and lawyers.

On this YouTube I show you a crime scene in the West Village and it appears a man was severely beaten in the West Village and it was said to be because he was gay.  They had to taken him to St. Vincent's and put him in a coma because of brain swelling.   I have no idea how he is doing now and what is the status of this case.

Bottom line is NYC has way too high a threshold for hate, anti-woman and  anti-gay.

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