Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jim Morrison Lena Horne Lawrence Taylor - Suzannah B. Troy

I just made a new YouTube and I touch on many different topics including Jim Morrison, Lena Horne, Lawrence Taylor and his victim actually wishing him well and briefly on NYC politics.  I will post my YouTube at the bottom of this piece.  Here goes.... For Jim Morrison fans, Tom DiCillio's "When You're Strange" will be free to watch on PBS tomorrow night (Wednesday) at 9:00PM.  In response to my YouTube about Tom coming to talk to the audience after a screening at Angelika's on Houston St. in NYC,  I have had people from all over the world write me including in Spanish asking me how they can see Tom's new film with never before seen footage of a young Jim Morrison which are out takes from his film "HWY".   Now I can tell you the film is on TV tomorrow night! Please remember if you do get to tune in that Jim's girlfriend's mom has creative control because she had footage Tom needed so that effects the telling of part of the story...anyway for Jim Morrison fans this will be quite a pleasure.   The audience was jam packed to the brim with Jim Morrison fan's and they loved the film and thanked Tom/  They also did not like Oliver Stone's version "The Doors" at all and either did Pam's mom. On to the icon, great beauty, chanteuse, actress and Civil Rights activist Lena Horne.  I found this quote actually in the editorial section of The New York Post by Quincy Jones today and I had to post it.  I discuss her as well in my new Youtube. "Lena Horne was a pioneering groundbreaker, making inroads into a world that had never before been explored by African-American women, and she did it on her own terms. Our nation and the world has lost one of the great artistic icons of the 20th century." — Composer/arranger Quincy Jones on the death Sunday of the legendary singer and actress at the age of 92 Next, Lawrence Taylor and a NY Daily News article today that gets in to the gory details including that yes indeed LT had sex with her, the lights were down low so you didn't recognize him.  She had been beaten by her pimp and just wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible.  There was a concern about the condom coming off on her part and he said don't worry, he is shooting blanks.  Bottom line is she said the room was dark so maybe he did not see she had been beaten, who knows but she is a huge Giant fan and wishes him well.  She does want the pimp to go to jail for a long time.  Click on the link to read more.  For all those asking what was he doing and why did he ask for a professional sex worker.  I don't know. I did watch an interview and his wife said if in fact he did cheat on her, he is in trouble.  Clearly she is not going to grab a golf club.  She sound calm and reasonable.   Why?  I guess it is uncomplicated in a guy's mind to have sex, pay and leave.  No relationships or drama but LT's case who knows what the collateral damage will be besides jail time, losing sponsors...etc.  I can't imagine. The real victim who is underage so we her name is never mentioned is trying to break free of this and get her life straight.  She wants to get her GED and become a pediatrician.   I found an amazing article on  an ex-child prostitute who got her law degree and now is an activist fighting to get kids off the streets and break free.

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