Monday, August 11, 2008

Seven New Bloggers Enter the Ranks!

Many thanks to all of you who have been patiently waiting to join the ring. For seven of you, the wait is now over. Congratulations and be sure to keep up the blogging. If you think you should have been included in this group, feel free to shoot me an email to find out why you didn't make it in. Now, on to our newest members!

First up is Worth Your Attention. This blog is brought to you by a married couple from Indianapolis. Here's a bit from their About page:

He likes horror movies and cooking. She likes yoga and art. They both like non-chain restaurants, particularly ethnic ones.

Next up we have Mymsie who brings us Distracted by Something Shiny. Although there's much more to this blog, here's the short and skinny:

The adventures of a 31-year-old single Web developer.

Next is Jenn bringing us the genius that is Ye. Olde. Soul. I'll let her tell you all about the blog:

My blog contains the daily meanderings of my life and times as a twenty-something in Indianapolis. It's about getting through the quarter-life crisis alive with your friends, your camera, some travels, and of course, a little bit of vino.

Next is Kelly who blogs about her life in Per Se. Here's a bit about her life and what you'll find at the blog:

Wife, mom of three, part-time barista. Headed back to school for nursing. My life? A little hectic.

Next up is Ashley who loves learning and hopes to help you learn too with the blog That'll Teach Me. Here's a tidbit about Ashley and the blog:

News and reviews of adult continuing education opportunities in Indianapolis -- everything from pottery classes to astronomy lectures. For grown-ups who refuse to stop learning. Ashley is an education addict who loves cheese, alphabet flash cards, and her hometown of Indianapolis. In her spare time, she does her job as a freelance writer and editor.

Next we have David who brings the blog, ab initio. ab intra. Here's all you need to know:

I’m a Caucasian, forty-something, father of two from Indianapolis. I intend to post things that interest me, stories and snip-it’s from my life. Categories include: TV, Movies, Science Fiction, Science, Astronomy, History and just odd stuff in the zeitgeist. There is a page on my blog devoted to Pres. Benjamin Harrison. I used to be an historian there and have a fondness for Indy's only elected Pres. It's a pretty link interactive mini-political bio with good primary and secondary source listings. (you can even hear a recording of his voice) A good jumping off point for doing research. Sit back, pour a drink, comment or just keep on moving…

And last but not least we have The Marketing Automation Hub, brought to you by Luke and Amol. Here's what you'll find:

The Marketing Automation Hub: Marketing Automation Strategies for the Bucket Marketer. A blog focused on customer and prospect data segmentation and communication strategies and technologies.

Again, thanks to everyone for your patience and thanks for joining the Indianapolis Bloggers. Be sure to take the time to visit everyone else and enjoy your life in the Circle City. Go Colts!

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