Thursday, November 29, 2007

3 New Indianapolis Bloggers!

Alright, it's time for another batch of Indianapolis Bloggers to join the ring. If you're still waiting to be accepted, just be patient and keep blogging. Chances are, you're still too new. You'll get there.

Our first blogger is Emilee, who is the creative mastermind behind Dire Mirth. Her words are better than mine, so here's a bit about the blog:

A lot of fortuitous, seemingly disjunctive stories, reviews, and thoughts that make up the life of one mid-20's Indianapolis woman. By day, and often by night, Emilee is a law student in downtown Indianapolis. The rest of the time she is a runner, traveler, chef, sci-fi geek, bookworm, venture web-developer, gamer, and on and on. If you enjoy random, geeky, and often silly forays into life - then you will probably, maybe, in all likelihood enjoy Dire Mirth.

You don't find that combination everyday. Be sure to go check out the blog!

Next up is TeeCee, who writes about the glorious culture of Indianapolis in the blog, Trifles. More about the blog:

Witty and often inane banter about design, fashion, jewelry, books, film, and Indianapolis culture (or lack thereof).

The fact that these things exist in Indy is worth going to check out.

Last we have Chad, who blogs at Here's a bit about his blog:

Since 2003, I've been blogging about lots of different stuff. Most of it does have a technology flavor to it, but no subject is really off-limits. Music, gadgets, Indy life, design, politics, and opinion - It's all me.

I recommend starting at his "About" page.

Alright, thanks to everyone who joined us today. Be sure to go check out the blogs. In case you were wondering, you are a part of the biggest blog ring in Indianapolis. Now there's something to go home and brag to your family about. Keep up the blogging!

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