Tuesday, January 11, 2011

PCMK Congregational Life Survey, Nov. 2010

[Here's the content of the 1-page handout we discussed at the meeting after worship yesterday. For more information, contact me!]

The U.S. Congregational Life Survey [USCLS] identified 10 key strengths that make congregations successful -- characteristics that can be found in any type of congregation, whether it’s growing or declining, large or small, rural or urban.

Few congregations do well in all 10 areas. But each congregation has something it does well, something worth taking pride in, even if the pews aren’t full and there’s not enough money in the bank. And if a congregation can figure out what its particular strengths are -- what it’s already doing well, what have been its foundations, what gives it life and energy -- then it can find ways to build from those things and push into the future. 
-- www.uscongregations.org, USCLS, Louisville, KY (PCUSA)

Compared to the average Presbyterian church, PCMK is younger, more educated, and more of us are married with children at home. We give a smaller percentage of our income to the church. Our external involvements tend to be in service, not outreach/evangelism. And our internal involvements tend to be more social than what we might call faith-development.

A large majority of us do not believe that our congregation has a clear vision, goals, or direction for its ministry and mission. This may be a recognition that we're in process of defining our future.

Our members are less likely to say we're growing spiritually. Yet 69% of us get our spiritual needs met here. The USCLS surprised its organizers by discovering an inverse correlation between spiritual and numerical growth. They speculate that a satisfied church tends not to be welcoming of newcomers.

There’s a fairly strong sense of belonging here. We’re in the 82nd percentile where members say they’re participating in the activities of the congregation more than they did 2 years ago.

Our strengths (see other side) are found in 1) our focus on community, 2) caring for young people, and 3) welcoming newcomers.

The following aspects of PCMK are personally most valued: (marking up to three.)
  • 45% Wider community care or social justice emphasis
  • 39% Traditional style of worship or music
  • 35% Sermons
  • 31% Ministry for children or youth
  • 25% Social activities or meeting new people
  • 24% Openness to social diversity
  • 24% Sharing in Holy Communion, Eucharist, or the Lord's Supper
  • 24% Practical care for one another in times of need
When it comes to music in worship, these are our preferences:

  • 70% Traditional hymns
  • 32% Classical music or chorales
  • 22% Contemporary hymns
  • 15% Other contemporary music or songs (not hymns)
  • 15% Gospel music
  • 12% Praise music or choruses
  • 12% Music or songs from a variety of cultures

Expressing our Strengths 

The US Congregational Life Survey offers three reports based upon results of the completed survey. The Questions & Answers Report shows every survey question and how worshipers responded. The Connections Report is an 8-page document showing how our responses compared with the national average. The Strengths Report is a 10-page document showing a congregation’s scores on 10 strengths identified by USCLS (followed by PCMK's percentile score, compared to all US congregations):
  1. Growing Spiritually -- 6th percentile
  2. Meaningful Worship -- 4th percentile
  3. Participating in the Congregation -- 27th percentile
  4. Having a Sense of Belonging -- 33rd percentile
  5. Caring for Young People -- 84th percentile
  6. Focusing on the Community -- 90th percentile
  7. Sharing Faith -- 8th percentile
  8. Welcoming New People -- 63rd percentile
  9. Empowering Leadership -- 36th percentile
  10. Looking to the Future -- 13th percentile

Online copies of our complete reports are available at:
Connections - http://tinyurl.com/35xja4m
Strengths - http://tinyurl.com/36ycf6k
Actual Q&A - http://tinyurl.com/39tl9ny

STRENGTH: Focusing on the Community (our % / 2008 Presbyterian avg.) -- 90th percentile
  • 52% / 36% Are involved in social service or advocacy groups through the congregation
  • 55% / 45% Are involved in social service or advocacy groups in their community
  • 84% / 77% Contribute to charitable organizations other than their congregation
  • 45% / 18% Say wider community care / social justice emphasis is one of top 3 aspects of PCMK
  • 24% / 11% Report openess to social diversity as one of the three most valued aspects of PCMK
  • 24% / 25% Worked with others in the last year to try to solve a community problem
  • 84% / 86% Voted or will vote in the 2008 presidential election
  • 53% / 43% Overall Focusing on the Community Scores:

STRENGTH: Caring for Young People -- 84th percentile
  • 75% / 51% Are satisfied with what is offered by the congregation for children/youth (under 19 yrs)
  • 31% / 16% Report ministry for children or youth as one of the three most valued aspects of PCMK
  • 89% / 83%Whose children and youth (living at home) also worship here
  • 65% / 50% Overall Caring for Young People Scores

STRENGTH: Welcoming New Worshipers -- 63rd percentile
  • 30% / 26% Began attending services or activities of your congregation in the last five years

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