Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Juvenile Justice and Compassion

I was alerted to an op-ed piece in The Journal News (our local paper) by Dave and Joanne Dobson's son-in-law, Jeremy Kohomban. It's entitled "Reform of the state's juvenile justice system is long overdue." (click here to go to the article)

Written from his expertise as president and CEO of The Children's Village, the article is an eye-opener that not only educates with statistics but invites us to imagine a different world. Jeremy says, "At The Children's Village, in Dobbs Ferry, we repeat a simple mantra, 'It only takes one appropriate, willing and capable adult to turn a life around.' Yes, simple, but almost always true, and it is sad that so many don't have that one adult relationship that most of us take for granted every day."

Founded in 1851, The Children's Village serves approximately 6,000 at-risk youth and their families in Westchester County — 10,000 statewide — through runaway shelters, a residential school, family support and street outreach.

--Jack Lohr, Interim Pastor

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