Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chemtrails Over Pinellas County Jan 8-9, 2011

RECEIVED the following email and photos today...

Comment I made on your blog: Today Jan. 8, 2011 near Pinellas County, FL there have been A LOT of chem-trails being put up. I have taken picture of for the past 5 or so hours. Where can I send the pics? This is insanity at it's worst.

Sorry it took a while to get these to you up, but I unfortunately have so many - including one with an Eagle flying near-by this crap (but no trail in it, so it's not in the attachment)

But lots more believe me....and sickening ironic how it's SO VERY, VERY EERILY QUIET out tonight except the sounds of "helicopters" after these two days of spraying - I am a nature / bird lover and am ALWAYS outside in my yard taking pictures and listening to and watching the animals that's why I was so horrified when I saw all this. And my animals, Hawks and all are gone away - how I know this is not good. And the air to me is just sticky and wet and not normal.
I was outside all day, BOTH DAYS January 8 - 9, 2011 I figured if they kill all the animals then I don't care to be in a world like that, so I didn't worry about what was in it all getting on me, so I took pictures and here they are...

May be too many pictures but hope you can use some anyway and thank you for the courage to have that blog!

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