Nick Clegg didn’t exactly come across as coherent in last night’s debate between party leaders when David Cameron challenged him on the fact that the Lib Dem manifesto still calls for the UK to join the euro.
This was the exchange:
David Cameron: "people need to know that the Liberal Democrats, in their manifesto, are still in favour of joining the euro...if we were in the euro now, your taxes, your national insurance would not be going on hospitals and schools and police officers, they would be going to Greece, and possibly other countries as well, and that's why I say one of the lessons to learn is let's stay out of the euro, let's keep our own currency and let's recognise what a massive strategic error the Liberal Democrats would have made."
Nick Clegg: [nervous laugh] "No I'm not advocating entry into the euro, I would only ever advocate it by the way, if ever, if the economic conditions were right. If it was good for your jobs, good for pensions, good for savings, and of course it always has to be only decided, if we were ever to do that as a country, on a referendum where you can vote on it." The Lib Dems' manifesto states: "We believe that it is in Britain's long-term interest to be part of the euro."
Say what? Since when, exactly, is Nick Clegg in the "No I'm not advocating entry into the euro” camp?
The Lib Dems' manifesto clearly advocates UK membership of the euro stating: "We believe that it is in Britain's long-term interest to be part of the euro."
And Nick Clegg himself has in the last decade repeatedly called for UK membership. A few examples:
When he last year said the Euro would "anchor" the economy against the "vulnerable exposure to international financial markets".
Or that "The strict rules attached to the euro could emerge as one of the best ways to persuade the markets that we will put Humpty Dumpty back together again, put the public finances in order".
(So strict that Greece managed to fudge its statistics to bluff its way in?)
Or when he said that refusing to discuss the euro was a "failure of political leadership"
(Financial Times, 21 January 2009)
Or perhaps, back in the days: "If we remain outside the euro, we will simply continue to subside into a position of relative poverty and inefficiency compared to our more prosperous European neighbours."
(Prospect magazine, 20 January 2002)
Or, in the same article: "We will gain greater control over our own affairs by joining the euro. By pooling sovereignty, we will be able to extend sovereignty over economic forces which have long moved beyond the reach of national monetary policy”.
“The single currency, far from being an agent of continental style corporatism, is probably the greatest export vehicle of Anglo-Saxon economics. The euro has done more to enforce budgetary discipline, to promote privatisation and force through labour and product market liberalisation in the rest of Europe than any number of exhortations from the IMF, the OECD, or the editors of The Economist."
(There are so many flawed predictions in that last statement that it's almost painful)
The Lib Dems insist that it is in the “UK’s interest” to join the euro. However, at the same time Nick Clegg a) recently admitted that being in the euro would have made the UK’s current economic situation worse b) now says that he’s “not advocating entry into the euro”.
Anyone else confused?
The truth is that the Lib Dems' mixed messages on the euro undermine the credibility of the entire party. Advocating a policy in their manifesto that constitutes such a fundamental change, and then not having the courage of their convictions to back it up, smacks of ‘old politics’ and dishonesty. It’s difficult not to draw parallels to their flip-flopping on the question on whether a referendum should be held on the EU Constitution/Lisbon Treaty.
If he was serious about his euro pledge, Nick Clegg would spell out exactly under what conditions he would take the UK into the euro – which would be far more honest to voters. Nick Clegg’s confusion on the euro is at best folly, and at worst a threat to the health of the UK’s economy should he get near power.
Is this what we should expect from someone who could become Britain’s next Foreign Secretary?
Friday, April 30, 2010
Giuseppi Logan YouTube miracle by Suzannah B. Troy
Miracles do happen and when I filmed Giuseppi Logan on December 14, 2008 playing Begin the Beguine I became part of that miracle.
I knew I had filmed something powerful. Giuseppi told me to look up his name on the internet. I found out people thought he was dead and that he was a very loved jazz composer and musician that made me two important records in the 1960's.
I also immediately found another YouTube of Giuseppi with a little boy in the very same park from 1966.
Two years later I would meet that little boy who is now my age and help reunite him with his father after all these years.
A jazz writer Tim Madison had contacted me and told me how deeply moving my YouTube was. He told me he watched it over and over. I said I do to. He urged me to continue filming but I said I was very tired and traumatized. I had just had to
sell my home of 2o years which is traumatic but it was even more so because I am an outspoken activist. I did not know if I could find the strength but I did.
Peter Gershon, publisher of Signal to Noise, wrote a powerful piece on Giuseppi Logan entitled "Out From the Shadow"
and Peter Gershon is one of the only people to fully acknowledge my work and contribution because usually people
just help themselves and erase me.
Pete's powerful piece and my YouTubes I believe helped Giuseppi and one way was generating enough interest that he
was able to get back in to the studio and make his first new record from the 1960's that has been received to very
positive reviews.
Matt Lavelle, a musician recognized Giuseppi Logan when he came in to a store where Matt was working and ever since he plays music with Giuseppi and gets him and the group he formed gigs. This is huge for Giuseppi because it helps him earn money which he needs and of course it allows him to connect with people who still remember him and love his work.
I had suggested to Giuseppi's son Jaee, also a musical genius he should make a documentary and he took my advice. He filmed the reunion and when we in the park with the camera rolling a guy came up and shook Giuseppi's hand. He said your records got me through college.
Very moving in so many ways and Giuseppi Logan wants to get back in to the studio. He has new compositions including a piece he named after me, "Suzannah".
I knew I had filmed something powerful. Giuseppi told me to look up his name on the internet. I found out people thought he was dead and that he was a very loved jazz composer and musician that made me two important records in the 1960's.
I also immediately found another YouTube of Giuseppi with a little boy in the very same park from 1966.
Two years later I would meet that little boy who is now my age and help reunite him with his father after all these years.
A jazz writer Tim Madison had contacted me and told me how deeply moving my YouTube was. He told me he watched it over and over. I said I do to. He urged me to continue filming but I said I was very tired and traumatized. I had just had to
sell my home of 2o years which is traumatic but it was even more so because I am an outspoken activist. I did not know if I could find the strength but I did.
Peter Gershon, publisher of Signal to Noise, wrote a powerful piece on Giuseppi Logan entitled "Out From the Shadow"
and Peter Gershon is one of the only people to fully acknowledge my work and contribution because usually people
just help themselves and erase me.
Pete's powerful piece and my YouTubes I believe helped Giuseppi and one way was generating enough interest that he
was able to get back in to the studio and make his first new record from the 1960's that has been received to very
positive reviews.
Matt Lavelle, a musician recognized Giuseppi Logan when he came in to a store where Matt was working and ever since he plays music with Giuseppi and gets him and the group he formed gigs. This is huge for Giuseppi because it helps him earn money which he needs and of course it allows him to connect with people who still remember him and love his work.
I had suggested to Giuseppi's son Jaee, also a musical genius he should make a documentary and he took my advice. He filmed the reunion and when we in the park with the camera rolling a guy came up and shook Giuseppi's hand. He said your records got me through college.
Very moving in so many ways and Giuseppi Logan wants to get back in to the studio. He has new compositions including a piece he named after me, "Suzannah".
Albany's budget crisis & why is the gov still here? posted by Suzannah B. Troy
Not a hot topic but just wondering if Albany is getting any closer to balancing the budget and also why hasn't the governor resigned....just wondering?
The accidental gov. needs to have resigned quite a while ago and make spending time with his defense attorneys his number one past time.
New York City is in for very harsh cuts and for a long time their have been voices raised here calling for NYC to secede from the State. Just had to bring a touch of humor to an economic disaster here in New York. The 9 billion dollar deficit was suppose to be balanced by April 1 and their are Albany politicos so embroiled in scandals that defense attorneys are a priority not serving the people of New York.
The people of New York are not near the top of the list when it comes to politicos and their self serving agendas and inflated egos. Tune in more to come on this topic.
Major crisis massive Oil Spill off of Louisiana posted by Suzannah B. Troy
War News for Friday, April 30, 2010
The DoD is reporting the death of Sgt. Grant A. Wichmann who died at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., on Saturday, April 24th. He was originally wounded in a small arms fire at Out Post Bari Alai, Kunar province, Afghanistan on Monday, April 10th.
NATO is reporting the death of an ISAF soldier in an undisclosed location in southern Afghanistan on Thursday, April 29th.
Fort Bliss soldier might have killed self:
In Shift, Pakistan Considers Attack on Militant Lair:
Reported security incidents
#1: A car bomb parked next to an alcohol beverages store exploded in Al Shorta Al Rabiia region, southwestern Baghdad, on Thursday night, Baghdad Operations Command Qassem Ata told Alsumaria News. The explosion killed three people and wounded 12 others.
#2: One U.S. soldier was wounded by a roadside bomb in in Baghdad's northern Adhamiya district on Thursday night, the U.S military said
#1: Iraqi army forces on Friday defused a bomb in eastern Mosul, according to an army source. “The forces defused the bomb, which was planted near a communication tower of AsiaCell Company in al-Intesar neighborhood in eastern Mosul,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
Al Anbar Prv:
#1: Two people were killed and nine wounded when a roadside bomb exploded in a market in western Iraq on Friday, a local police source said. The blast struck a popular market in Fallujah, some 65 km west of Baghdad, the source told Xinhua.
Afghanistan: "The Forgotten War"
#1: At least 10 militants were killed in a clash with security forces in lower Orakzai tribal region, northwest of Pakistan, official sources said Friday. Two soldiers and four militants also sustained injuries in the gun battle and two compounds of militants were destroyed.
#2: Lt. Steven Warner and five other soldiers were traveling in Afghanistan on April 22 when there vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device, or IED. Steven Warner's gunner, driver and a passenger had to be medically evacuated from the combat situation; Lt. Warner and two other passengers were badly shaken.
#3: Five Afghan civilians were wounded when explosives planted in a bicyle went off in the Musa Qala district of southern Helmand province, said Dawood Ahmadi, provincial government spokesman.
DoD: Lance Cpl. Thomas E. Rivers Jr.,
DoD: Sgt. Grant A. Wichmann
DoD: Sgt. Keith A. Coe
NATO is reporting the death of an ISAF soldier in an undisclosed location in southern Afghanistan on Thursday, April 29th.
Fort Bliss soldier might have killed self:
In Shift, Pakistan Considers Attack on Militant Lair:
Reported security incidents
#1: A car bomb parked next to an alcohol beverages store exploded in Al Shorta Al Rabiia region, southwestern Baghdad, on Thursday night, Baghdad Operations Command Qassem Ata told Alsumaria News. The explosion killed three people and wounded 12 others.
#2: One U.S. soldier was wounded by a roadside bomb in in Baghdad's northern Adhamiya district on Thursday night, the U.S military said
#1: Iraqi army forces on Friday defused a bomb in eastern Mosul, according to an army source. “The forces defused the bomb, which was planted near a communication tower of AsiaCell Company in al-Intesar neighborhood in eastern Mosul,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
Al Anbar Prv:
#1: Two people were killed and nine wounded when a roadside bomb exploded in a market in western Iraq on Friday, a local police source said. The blast struck a popular market in Fallujah, some 65 km west of Baghdad, the source told Xinhua.
Afghanistan: "The Forgotten War"
#1: At least 10 militants were killed in a clash with security forces in lower Orakzai tribal region, northwest of Pakistan, official sources said Friday. Two soldiers and four militants also sustained injuries in the gun battle and two compounds of militants were destroyed.
#2: Lt. Steven Warner and five other soldiers were traveling in Afghanistan on April 22 when there vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device, or IED. Steven Warner's gunner, driver and a passenger had to be medically evacuated from the combat situation; Lt. Warner and two other passengers were badly shaken.
#3: Five Afghan civilians were wounded when explosives planted in a bicyle went off in the Musa Qala district of southern Helmand province, said Dawood Ahmadi, provincial government spokesman.
DoD: Lance Cpl. Thomas E. Rivers Jr.,
DoD: Sgt. Grant A. Wichmann
DoD: Sgt. Keith A. Coe
Goldman Sachs Top Dogs go from grill to the fire! post by Suzannah B. Troy
After being grilled by senators Goldman Sachs is now being investigated by the Feds according to The New York Post and I posted this comment in response to their article.
By the way, the grilling of Goldman Sachs top dogs did not hurt GS's stock but in fact it went up!
Goldman Sachs top dogs go from being grilled to be thrown in to the fire. I wrote a short story which is now a free podcast in ITunes called "Chopping the Street, one mega million at a time" about a woman that takes over an international biker motorcycle club and turns it into a global financial service firm on wheels. I wrote it in 2003 and I even quote The New York Post than on how much white collar crime costs the tax payers. It takes some brain power to understand what I am saying in this simple short story about white collar crime being above the radar and costs the people a fortune whether it is detected or not, whether it is successfully prosecuted or not. I could not get the story published. Why do you think that is?
By the way, the grilling of Goldman Sachs top dogs did not hurt GS's stock but in fact it went up!
Goldman Sachs top dogs go from being grilled to be thrown in to the fire. I wrote a short story which is now a free podcast in ITunes called "Chopping the Street, one mega million at a time" about a woman that takes over an international biker motorcycle club and turns it into a global financial service firm on wheels. I wrote it in 2003 and I even quote The New York Post than on how much white collar crime costs the tax payers. It takes some brain power to understand what I am saying in this simple short story about white collar crime being above the radar and costs the people a fortune whether it is detected or not, whether it is successfully prosecuted or not. I could not get the story published. Why do you think that is?
Man Stabs 28 Children at Chinese Kindergarten

Yesterday a former insurance salesman ripped and stabbed his way through a kindergarten in southeast China, wounding 31 people.
Officials said that Xu Yuyuan, 47, broke into a classroom at the Zhongxin kindergarten in Taixing city, Jiangsu province, about 9.40am and attacked the children with a knife. Residents living next door, armed with fire extinguishers and brooms, finally restrained the man until the police could reach the scene, one report said.
The man stabbed twenty-eight children and one teacher, a security guard and a school volunteer who tried to defend the terrified four-year-olds. A staff member at the Taixing No 1 People’s Hospital said that some children were being treated there. “The doctors are trying to save them,” he said.
Five students were in critical condition in hospital, said Zhu Guiming, an official with the propaganda department in Taixing city.
The well-regarded Caijing magazine said that 4 children had died in the attack, but officials told state media that no deaths had been reported and the condition of those who were most badly hurt was stabilizing.
Police arrested Mr Xu, who was described as unemployed. He worked for a local insurance company in 2001 but then took part in illegal pyramid selling schemes.
Less than 24 hours earlier a former teacher with a history of mental illness stabbed 16 pupils and a teacher in a primary school. The man, 33, rushed into classrooms at the Leizhou primary school in the southern Guangdong province, brandishing a knife about a foot long. None of the injuries were reported to be serious.
The attacker then went to a top-floor balcony where he threatened to throw himself off. He was eventually arrested and taken away in handcuffs.
Several schools in China have experienced similar attacks in recent years. In a country where many parents have only a single child under the strict family planning policy, shock and anxiety have spread in internet chat rooms. Some have called for adults to be allowed to enter school premises only if they have a photograph of their child; others are saying that their children should be armed with sticks as a minimum defense. Commenting on the attack at the primary school in Leizhou the Beijing News said: “More concrete measures should be taken to make school the safest place.”
Officials said that Xu Yuyuan, 47, broke into a classroom at the Zhongxin kindergarten in Taixing city, Jiangsu province, about 9.40am and attacked the children with a knife. Residents living next door, armed with fire extinguishers and brooms, finally restrained the man until the police could reach the scene, one report said.
The man stabbed twenty-eight children and one teacher, a security guard and a school volunteer who tried to defend the terrified four-year-olds. A staff member at the Taixing No 1 People’s Hospital said that some children were being treated there. “The doctors are trying to save them,” he said.
Five students were in critical condition in hospital, said Zhu Guiming, an official with the propaganda department in Taixing city.
The well-regarded Caijing magazine said that 4 children had died in the attack, but officials told state media that no deaths had been reported and the condition of those who were most badly hurt was stabilizing.
Police arrested Mr Xu, who was described as unemployed. He worked for a local insurance company in 2001 but then took part in illegal pyramid selling schemes.
Less than 24 hours earlier a former teacher with a history of mental illness stabbed 16 pupils and a teacher in a primary school. The man, 33, rushed into classrooms at the Leizhou primary school in the southern Guangdong province, brandishing a knife about a foot long. None of the injuries were reported to be serious.
The attacker then went to a top-floor balcony where he threatened to throw himself off. He was eventually arrested and taken away in handcuffs.
Several schools in China have experienced similar attacks in recent years. In a country where many parents have only a single child under the strict family planning policy, shock and anxiety have spread in internet chat rooms. Some have called for adults to be allowed to enter school premises only if they have a photograph of their child; others are saying that their children should be armed with sticks as a minimum defense. Commenting on the attack at the primary school in Leizhou the Beijing News said: “More concrete measures should be taken to make school the safest place.”
Bringing Living Stories to WordPress
Posted by Eric Zhang, Software Engineer
For the last few months we’ve been talking with publishers about ways to make it easier for them to use Living Stories, our experimental format for displaying news coverage, on their own websites. Today we’re releasing a Living Stories plugin and theme for WordPress. Now anyone who publishes through WordPress can use the plugin to organize coverage of an ongoing event on a single dynamic page.
We first showcased Living Stories in December through a two-month-long experiment with the New York Times and Washington Post. We got great feedback from both readers and publishers. Our next step was to open-source the Living Stories format, allowing publishers to build on it using Google’s AppEngine infrastructure. We then released a version of the code that runs independent of our infrastructure. Since then, a number of publications have shared their ideas for ways we can offer additional tools to help them create Living Stories.
The WordPress plugin is a direct result of those conversations. We hope the plug-and-play solution will make it easy for you to get a Living Story up and running in almost no time at all. Head to our documentation page for detailed instructions. If you have questions or feedback, feel free to leave us a note in our help forum. We’re looking forward to reading your stories and seeing how the Living Stories format evolves on WordPress.
For the last few months we’ve been talking with publishers about ways to make it easier for them to use Living Stories, our experimental format for displaying news coverage, on their own websites. Today we’re releasing a Living Stories plugin and theme for WordPress. Now anyone who publishes through WordPress can use the plugin to organize coverage of an ongoing event on a single dynamic page.
We first showcased Living Stories in December through a two-month-long experiment with the New York Times and Washington Post. We got great feedback from both readers and publishers. Our next step was to open-source the Living Stories format, allowing publishers to build on it using Google’s AppEngine infrastructure. We then released a version of the code that runs independent of our infrastructure. Since then, a number of publications have shared their ideas for ways we can offer additional tools to help them create Living Stories.
The WordPress plugin is a direct result of those conversations. We hope the plug-and-play solution will make it easy for you to get a Living Story up and running in almost no time at all. Head to our documentation page for detailed instructions. If you have questions or feedback, feel free to leave us a note in our help forum. We’re looking forward to reading your stories and seeing how the Living Stories format evolves on WordPress.
Bringing Living Stories to WordPress
Posted by Eric Zhang, Software Engineer
For the last few months we’ve been talking with publishers about ways to make it easier for them to use Living Stories, our experimental format for displaying news coverage, on their own websites. Today we’re releasing a Living Stories plugin and theme for WordPress. Now anyone who publishes through WordPress can use the plugin to organize coverage of an ongoing event on a single dynamic page.
We first showcased Living Stories in December through a two-month-long experiment with the New York Times and Washington Post. We got great feedback from both readers and publishers. Our next step was to open-source the Living Stories format, allowing publishers to build on it using Google’s AppEngine infrastructure. We then released a version of the code that runs independent of our infrastructure. Since then, a number of publications have shared their ideas for ways we can offer additional tools to help them create Living Stories.
The WordPress plugin is a direct result of those conversations. We hope the plug-and-play solution will make it easy for you to get a Living Story up and running in almost no time at all. Head to our documentation page for detailed instructions. If you have questions or feedback, feel free to leave us a note in our help forum. We’re looking forward to reading your stories and seeing how the Living Stories format evolves on WordPress.
For the last few months we’ve been talking with publishers about ways to make it easier for them to use Living Stories, our experimental format for displaying news coverage, on their own websites. Today we’re releasing a Living Stories plugin and theme for WordPress. Now anyone who publishes through WordPress can use the plugin to organize coverage of an ongoing event on a single dynamic page.
We first showcased Living Stories in December through a two-month-long experiment with the New York Times and Washington Post. We got great feedback from both readers and publishers. Our next step was to open-source the Living Stories format, allowing publishers to build on it using Google’s AppEngine infrastructure. We then released a version of the code that runs independent of our infrastructure. Since then, a number of publications have shared their ideas for ways we can offer additional tools to help them create Living Stories.
The WordPress plugin is a direct result of those conversations. We hope the plug-and-play solution will make it easy for you to get a Living Story up and running in almost no time at all. Head to our documentation page for detailed instructions. If you have questions or feedback, feel free to leave us a note in our help forum. We’re looking forward to reading your stories and seeing how the Living Stories format evolves on WordPress.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
St. Vincent's to Close this Friday unless there is some miracle post by Suzannah B. Troy
As expressed in to me via a YouTube a fellow activist sent me and posted on one of my YouTubes....a woman asks,
why doesn't President Obama is bailing out St. Vincent's instead of a bank or something like that. She points out the community is much more in need of St. Vincent's than a bank that has been bailed out.
Anyway, Friday in theory is the last day for this amazing hospital where I know first hand how good this hospital is from having to use their emergency room to get stitches to visiting a friend who is HIV positive and had to have emergency surgery.
I remember seeing dogs in the hospital as part of a program to uplift patients.
Heart breaking. I was against St. Vincent's busting through zoning as I was with NYU, Cooper Union, NY Law, every condo and hotel in the area thanks to the reckless tsunami of development Bloomberg pushed -- too much -- too fast but I never imagined that St. Vincent's could not stay open some how or come to some compromise with the zoning.
I am still hoping for miracles.
why doesn't President Obama is bailing out St. Vincent's instead of a bank or something like that. She points out the community is much more in need of St. Vincent's than a bank that has been bailed out.
Anyway, Friday in theory is the last day for this amazing hospital where I know first hand how good this hospital is from having to use their emergency room to get stitches to visiting a friend who is HIV positive and had to have emergency surgery.
I remember seeing dogs in the hospital as part of a program to uplift patients.
Heart breaking. I was against St. Vincent's busting through zoning as I was with NYU, Cooper Union, NY Law, every condo and hotel in the area thanks to the reckless tsunami of development Bloomberg pushed -- too much -- too fast but I never imagined that St. Vincent's could not stay open some how or come to some compromise with the zoning.
I am still hoping for miracles.
St. Vincent's Community Meeting held by activists posted by Suzannah B. Troy
St. Vincent's Hospital
Friday April 30, 2010
at 7:00PM
at 7:00PM
Hudson Guild at Fulton Center
119 9th Ave (btwn 17th & 18th Sts)
119 9th Ave (btwn 17th & 18th Sts)
Invited Guests include:
Assemblymember Richard Gottfried,
Community Leaders Yetta Kurland, Tom Shanahan, and Miguel Acevedo, the Nurses of St. Vincent's Hospital, and the Doctors of St. Vincent's Hospital.
Come ask questions and get involved in organizing our community to fight for a HOSPITAL in Lower Manhattan and nothing less!
The IPhone almost as mighty as the paintbrush for NY street artists post by Suzannah B. Troy
As New York artists continue to do battle with king Mike Bloomberg who wants to sweep them out of the parks like Union Square, The New York Times reports "cellphone magic", a new way Iphones can be modified with the help of Pay Ware software to take credit card payments that makes selling your art on the streets of New York that much more wonderful if you do not have to worry about Mike Bloomberg sweeping you out of a public place like Union Square park; artists are focusing on sweeping buyers credit cards through their iphones.
IPhones have become powerful tools for artists to video tape what is going on including their own possible arrests as well as telling their own stories and others like I do on YouTube.
I stopped in Apple and they showed me and all I can say is the IPhone is almost as mighty as the paint brush.
Do I want to add this to my IPhone repertoire?
IPhones have become powerful tools for artists to video tape what is going on including their own possible arrests as well as telling their own stories and others like I do on YouTube.
I stopped in Apple and they showed me and all I can say is the IPhone is almost as mighty as the paint brush.
Do I want to add this to my IPhone repertoire?
Mike Bloomberg supports immigrants NYC is not Arizona posted by Suzannah B. Troy
I agree with king Mike on this issue but what is just reprehensible on more than a blot on his legacy is his denying the people a referendum, pushing a reckless, dangerous tsunami of development on "old" New York's infrastructure and the mass displacement because of it. What about all the people forced out of NY because of evictions and or they can't afford this "new" hideous NY with sky piercing mirrored buildings that reflect a history destroyed and communities no longer welcome?
For anyone following my blogging and political YouTube documentary series on NY Politics and the major focus is on Mike Bloomberg you know I voted for him twice and I feel he betrayed my votes and my belief in him.
I painted a powerful portrait of him and transformed it into a brilliant art poster that lampoons him. "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York, Is Democracy for Sale?". On this poster it does state his philanthropy is welcome.
Here is the very first YouTube I made, "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York". in an on going series....
For anyone following my blogging and political YouTube documentary series on NY Politics and the major focus is on Mike Bloomberg you know I voted for him twice and I feel he betrayed my votes and my belief in him.
I painted a powerful portrait of him and transformed it into a brilliant art poster that lampoons him. "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York, Is Democracy for Sale?". On this poster it does state his philanthropy is welcome.
Here is the very first YouTube I made, "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York". in an on going series....
War News for Thursday, April 29, 2010
NATO is reporting the death of an ISAF soldier in an IED attack in an undisclosed location in southern Afghanistan on Wednesday, April 28th.
Reported security incidents
#1: Four mortar rounds hit the Green Zone on Thursday morning causing damages to Al Najda Al Nahriya Police building, a security source said.
#2: Five people were killed and 10 wounded, including several police officers, when two suspected suicide car bombers attacked police checkpoints in southern Baghdad on Wednesday, police said. In Wednesday's attacks in Abu Dsheer, suicide bombers in two cars drove at two checkpoints at more or less the same time, and blew themselves up, a police source said.
#3: Six persons were wounded on Thursday in an improvised explosive device blast in eastern Baghdad, a police source said. “The bomb was detonated this morning near al-Ghadier bridge in eastern Baghdad, targeting a police patrol,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
A roadside bomb targeting a police patrol in eastern Baghdad wounded four police officers and two civilians, police said.
#4: A bomb on a pickup truck attached to the Electricity Ministry wounded two ministry employees and two bystanders in the Mansour district of western Baghdad, an Interior Ministry source said.
#5: Wednesday Two mortar rounds landed in the heavily fortified Green Zone government and diplomatic neighbourhood of Baghdad, without causing any casualties, the office of the Baghdad security command said.
Diyala Prv:
#1: In Diyala province, a civilian was killed and two injured in a roadside bomb explosion near their vehicle close to the town of Wajihiyah, near the provincial capital city of Baquba, some 65 km northeast of Baghdad, an anonymous provincial police source told Xinhua.
#2: In a separate incident, Iraqi security forces captured five al- Qaida militants while they were planting three roadside bombs at the residential area of al-Gatoon in western Baquba, the source added.
Abu Ghraib:
#1: A bomb stuck to a civilian car in Al Shohadaa’ District in Abu Ghraib region wounded the driver, police said.
#1: An Iraqi human-rights worker was killed by a roadside bomb in the disputed northern city of Kirkuk Thursday, police told the German Press Agency dpa. Police Colonel Salah al-Din Taha said the man was critically injured by a roadside bomb as he drove down al-Quds street in Kirkuk.
#2: One civilian was killed on Thursday in a sticky bomb blast in central Kirkuk, a source from the joint coordination center said. “The sticky bomb went off at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday (April 29) on a civilian car behind al-Haja Sabriya mosque in central Kirkuk, killing the driver, Sirwan Hamid, and destroying the car,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
Al Anbar Prv:
#1: An Iraqi soldier was killed on Thursday by a bomb blast in western Anbar, a security source said. “An improvised explosive device went off on Thursday (April 29), targeting a military vehicle patrol in Jabla region between al-Qaem and Rawa districts in western Anbar, killing a soldier and damaging the vehicle,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
Afghanistan: "The Forgotten War"
#1: Afghan troops and US special forces killed a Taliban commander and his bodyguard Thursday in northern Afghanistan, a provincial governor said. Mullah Daoud and one of his men were killed in a pre-dawn operation in Ghor Tapa, an area in Kunduz city, the capital of the province of the same name, Governor Mohammad Omar said.
#2: U.S. troops raided the home of a female member of the Afghan parliament and killed a neighbor who was one of her relatives, the MP said on Thursday, an incident that sparked angry protests in the east. A spokesman for foreign forces in Afghanistan said Western and Afghan troops had raided a house in the area and shot dead an armed man but was not able to comment on whether the house belonged to a member of parliament.
Reported security incidents
#1: Four mortar rounds hit the Green Zone on Thursday morning causing damages to Al Najda Al Nahriya Police building, a security source said.
#2: Five people were killed and 10 wounded, including several police officers, when two suspected suicide car bombers attacked police checkpoints in southern Baghdad on Wednesday, police said. In Wednesday's attacks in Abu Dsheer, suicide bombers in two cars drove at two checkpoints at more or less the same time, and blew themselves up, a police source said.
#3: Six persons were wounded on Thursday in an improvised explosive device blast in eastern Baghdad, a police source said. “The bomb was detonated this morning near al-Ghadier bridge in eastern Baghdad, targeting a police patrol,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
A roadside bomb targeting a police patrol in eastern Baghdad wounded four police officers and two civilians, police said.
#4: A bomb on a pickup truck attached to the Electricity Ministry wounded two ministry employees and two bystanders in the Mansour district of western Baghdad, an Interior Ministry source said.
#5: Wednesday Two mortar rounds landed in the heavily fortified Green Zone government and diplomatic neighbourhood of Baghdad, without causing any casualties, the office of the Baghdad security command said.
Diyala Prv:
#1: In Diyala province, a civilian was killed and two injured in a roadside bomb explosion near their vehicle close to the town of Wajihiyah, near the provincial capital city of Baquba, some 65 km northeast of Baghdad, an anonymous provincial police source told Xinhua.
#2: In a separate incident, Iraqi security forces captured five al- Qaida militants while they were planting three roadside bombs at the residential area of al-Gatoon in western Baquba, the source added.
Abu Ghraib:
#1: A bomb stuck to a civilian car in Al Shohadaa’ District in Abu Ghraib region wounded the driver, police said.
#1: An Iraqi human-rights worker was killed by a roadside bomb in the disputed northern city of Kirkuk Thursday, police told the German Press Agency dpa. Police Colonel Salah al-Din Taha said the man was critically injured by a roadside bomb as he drove down al-Quds street in Kirkuk.
#2: One civilian was killed on Thursday in a sticky bomb blast in central Kirkuk, a source from the joint coordination center said. “The sticky bomb went off at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday (April 29) on a civilian car behind al-Haja Sabriya mosque in central Kirkuk, killing the driver, Sirwan Hamid, and destroying the car,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
Al Anbar Prv:
#1: An Iraqi soldier was killed on Thursday by a bomb blast in western Anbar, a security source said. “An improvised explosive device went off on Thursday (April 29), targeting a military vehicle patrol in Jabla region between al-Qaem and Rawa districts in western Anbar, killing a soldier and damaging the vehicle,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
Afghanistan: "The Forgotten War"
#1: Afghan troops and US special forces killed a Taliban commander and his bodyguard Thursday in northern Afghanistan, a provincial governor said. Mullah Daoud and one of his men were killed in a pre-dawn operation in Ghor Tapa, an area in Kunduz city, the capital of the province of the same name, Governor Mohammad Omar said.
#2: U.S. troops raided the home of a female member of the Afghan parliament and killed a neighbor who was one of her relatives, the MP said on Thursday, an incident that sparked angry protests in the east. A spokesman for foreign forces in Afghanistan said Western and Afghan troops had raided a house in the area and shot dead an armed man but was not able to comment on whether the house belonged to a member of parliament.
Donald Trump on CNN backs Arizona's racist illegal immigration law
As a business man the legendary Donald Trump is very well-respected in this space, but his appearance on CNN's Larry King Live Wednesday night was most disappointing.
Trump basically went for the racist route in backing Arizona's illegal immigration law, saying that what people aren't saying is there "aren't a lot of blondes in Mexico" so it's OK to stop someone who's in Arizona who might look like they're Mexican.
This is directed to Donald Trump:
Mr. Trump. Think. Arizona's population's 30 percent Latino. What the heck is going on in your head that you think it's OK to essentially embargo one-third of a state's population? Moreover you just gave license to anyone who's blonde yet working illegally in Arizona because, well, they're blonde.
That's racist.
You say 'What to do?' Easy. If a person breaks the laws of the state, the basic ones, you take action. But let the person alone. If people want to come here, make fast track citizenship systems that take advantage of Internet technology. But this business of racial profiling must stop. Moreover, Donald, you should be smarter in your consideration of the problem.
This blogger is very disappointed in Donald Trump and sad that Trump did not exhibit more enlightened thinking.
Stay tuned.
Trump basically went for the racist route in backing Arizona's illegal immigration law, saying that what people aren't saying is there "aren't a lot of blondes in Mexico" so it's OK to stop someone who's in Arizona who might look like they're Mexican.
This is directed to Donald Trump:
Mr. Trump. Think. Arizona's population's 30 percent Latino. What the heck is going on in your head that you think it's OK to essentially embargo one-third of a state's population? Moreover you just gave license to anyone who's blonde yet working illegally in Arizona because, well, they're blonde.
That's racist.
You say 'What to do?' Easy. If a person breaks the laws of the state, the basic ones, you take action. But let the person alone. If people want to come here, make fast track citizenship systems that take advantage of Internet technology. But this business of racial profiling must stop. Moreover, Donald, you should be smarter in your consideration of the problem.
This blogger is very disappointed in Donald Trump and sad that Trump did not exhibit more enlightened thinking.
Stay tuned.
China's Hu Jintao first Chinese visitor to Russian pavilion at Expo 2010

The Chinese leader on Thursday visited the Russian pavilion and checked out its exhibition. Then he made some notes in the honored guest book.
"Those who visit the pavilion, will see the wisdom and intelligence of the Russian people," Hu said adding that he was sure "the pavilion will have great success."
The Chinese president said Russia and China have strong and developing ties among their people. He said the concept of children that Russia chose for its exhibition theme is very important as children are the future.
Russia is constructing its Expo pavilion for the first time in 30 years, rather than renting one from the host country. The sun-shaped pavilion will comprise 12 white-and-gold towers symbolizing the 12 months, and occupy an area of 6,000 sq. m. It will showcase Russia's recent scientific and economic development, as well as offer a diverse cultural program.
The 2010 World Expo fair is to run from May 1 to October 31 under the motto "Better City - Better Life." Some 70 million visitors are expected to attend the event. The spokeswoman said leaders of all countries are invited to attend.
Jim Morrison film "When You' re Strange" by Tom DiCillio, Suzannah on politics art music and Jim
A young man, an employee from Angelika on Houston Street asked me to stop filming but the clip I got of the director Tom DiCilio is terrific. He is articulate and smart. He even has a Jim Morrison look.
I have been answering questions from all over the world about this film and all I can say is I wish I could have had you all there with me to share the experience.
Of course I had to get in to New York politics and being an artist and having freedom of expression.
Pedro Espada finds himself in another law suit!!! posted by Suzannah B. Troy
Pedro Espada is in big trouble and here comes the second big bomb to drop on him courtesy of Andrew Cuomo.
I am glad. Pedro Espada acts like he is a thug and like he has watched The Godfather way too many times.
I am just angry it took so long for him to get busted and it is almost interesting to watch him continue to deny everything and of course blame Andrew Cuomo when there is only one person to blame.
Meanwhile the man bringing the charges State Attorney General Cuomo is a fund raiser for himself at The Waldorf Astoria. He has not officially declared he is running for anything but the odds are high if Cuomo runs for Governor he will win.
...posted by Suzannah B. Troy
I am glad. Pedro Espada acts like he is a thug and like he has watched The Godfather way too many times.
I am just angry it took so long for him to get busted and it is almost interesting to watch him continue to deny everything and of course blame Andrew Cuomo when there is only one person to blame.
Meanwhile the man bringing the charges State Attorney General Cuomo is a fund raiser for himself at The Waldorf Astoria. He has not officially declared he is running for anything but the odds are high if Cuomo runs for Governor he will win.
...posted by Suzannah B. Troy
New York will have jurisdiction over the Laura Garza case post by Suzannah B. Troy
New York will have jurisdiction over the Laura Garza case
Call 1-800-577-TIPS (8477); Text "TIP577" (plus your message) to "CRIMES" ( 274637); Submit Internet Tips
Anyone who may have seen or had contact with Mele in or around Scranton, PA is asked to contact New York State Police at 845 344-5300 or Pennsylvania State Police at 570 963-3156.
Someone had to see something, know something about this murder and also about Michael Melee and they need to come forward.
The police seem to believe she was killed else where although her body was found in PA near Scranton.
Laura Garza's remains sent to Albany for autopsy. Very, very sad. Heartbreaking.
WSJ Blog coverage Spitzer film & hey is the NY State budget balanced yet? Tribeca Film Festival posted by Suzannah B. Troy
Before we talk about the film festival -- I do have a question for our accidental gov. David Patterson....Has Albany balanced the budget yet? April 1st, April Fools day was the day Albany was suppose to close the 9 billion dollar deficit.
There are enough articles on Eliot Spitzer being interviewed and he kids himself his need to be with prostitutes in no way caused harm to others that they placing his name under the word "denial" in the dictionary....hello Eliot, how about your family and the people of New York?
Anyway, never a dull moment at the Tribeca Film Festival!!!!
Before we talk about the film festival -- I do have a question for our accidental gov. David Patterson....Has Albany balanced the budget yet? April 1st, April Fools day was the day Albany was suppose to close the 9 billion dollar deficit.
There are enough articles on Eliot Spitzer being interviewed and he kids himself his need to be with prostitutes in no way caused harm to others that they placing his name under the word "denial" in the dictionary....hello Eliot, how about your family and the people of New York?
Anyway, never a dull moment at the Tribeca Film Festival!!!!
Director Alex Gibney on Eliot Spitzer, ‘Casino Jack,’ and ‘Freakonomics’
So much ugliness going on in the Panth right now. I see nothing that I can write right now that won't increase the divisiveness and the in-fighting. I refuse to participate in this destructive behaviour. I will make just a few statements on where I stand.
I use the Sikh Rehat Maryada as the blueprint for my daily life.
I believe that all Sikhs should either be Amritdhari or working toward that as a goal. I do not, however, judge or condemn those who are not. Each of us is where s/he is on this journey and it is not for me to judge.
All that happens is the Hukam of Vaheguru.
I support the establishment of Khalistan as an independent nation as the Sikh homeland. I have decided to take a break from writing.
In the fight between Akaal Takht and Darshan Singh, there is enough blame to go around.
In Vaisakhi parades, in fact in all Sikh events, we have the right to display pictures of whomever we choose.
A kirpan used as an offensive weapon ceases to be an article of faith and becomes just a knife or a sword.
I hope the proven innocence of the granthi in Canada accused of rape is widely publicised. (It won't be.)
No enemy from outside can ever defeat the Sikhs, especially the Khalsa.
I wish my sisters and brothers would quit fighting. I refuse to take sides. I cannot take sides. "When your brothers and sisters are fighting, do you want them to kill each other, or do you just want them to stop?"
I am learning to make GIF animations. Be kind, I am a beginner.
I have made one on a subject that all Sikhs that I know can agree with.
I am taking a vacation. When the air clears enough for me to breathe I'll be back.
Morrison Hotel Gallery will be having a Joel Brodsky Auction to raise money for American Diabetes Foundation
May 20th is the date so check back to their website for more info closer to May 20.
They always have cool thangs going on anyway and amazing photos from the 1960's.
They always have cool thangs going on anyway and amazing photos from the 1960's.
NYPD turns out in force for eviction Williamsburg Brooklyn post by Suzannah B. Troy
The turn out of NYPD was huge. The only NYPD that did not show up were helicopters, sharp shooters, german shepards and heavy artillery what I witnessed for the Hells Angels raid.
This was a huge turn out and it turned out to be a single African American older man, blind who finally came out handcuffed and escorted to a waiting ambulance instead of a paddy wagon.
Apparently he was resisting the idea of being evicted from where he had squatted for aprox. 2 years. Many people commented they recognized him and they had seem him walking around the neighborhood earlier. He also had friends standing talking with the police.
People made jokes perhaps a certain group wants to build yet another condo here.
It was Metropolitan just below Berry in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Suzannah B. Troy falls in love w/ Jaz who is Havenese
Jaz is a petite Havense and he is so loving!!!! Ssshhhh don't tell my cats!!!!!!!
Jaz is a petite Havense and he is so loving!!!! Ssshhhh don't tell my cats!!!!!!!
Inspiring confidence?
The European Commission's reaction to the Standard & Poor’s credit rating downgrade of Greece to “junk” status:
Getting angry at press conferences is not exactly likely to boost market confidence in Greek government bonds.
From the IHT.“Who is Standard & Poor’s by the way?” asked Amadeu Altafaj, the spokesman for E.U. Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn, as he took the podium at a regular midday news briefing at the European Commission.
Mr. Tardio later appeared to try to counter any perception he had questioned the ratings agency’s decision on Greece. “I was asking myself,” Mr. Tardio said in explaining his earlier remarks. “I’m not an expert on credit rating agencies.”
Getting angry at press conferences is not exactly likely to boost market confidence in Greek government bonds.
Heartbreak for Laura Garza's family and probe
The New York Daily News does a follow-up piece on Laura Garza and the on going investigation.
The New York Daily News has done outstanding work even writing an article when many papers seemed to have forgotten about her being missing.
The New York Daily News has done outstanding work even writing an article when many papers seemed to have forgotten about her being missing.
Anyone who may have seen or had contact with Mele in or around Scranton, PA is asked to contact New York State Police at 845 344-5300 or Pennsylvania State Police at 570 963-3156.
The Wall Street Journal editorial on GS getting grilled
There is a stand out quote by a woman making an analogy to gambling and the house winning but folks I am not a subscriber and I don't have the paper with me......
There is a stand out quote by a woman making an analogy to gambling and the house winning but folks I am not a subscriber and I don't have the paper with me......
Hugo Tale-Yax, homeless hero stabbed to death to be buried in Guatemala
I do not understand why not one person called 911 but simply walked past this brave man that rescued a woman from being stabbed to death. Read the story and also note 100 chipped in to return his body home to Guatemala.
Call 1-800-577-TIPS (8477); Text "TIP577" (plus your message) to "CRIMES" ( 274637); Submit Internet Tips
I do not understand why not one person called 911 but simply walked past this brave man that rescued a woman from being stabbed to death. Read the story and also note 100 chipped in to return his body home to Guatemala.
Call 1-800-577-TIPS (8477); Text "TIP577" (plus your message) to "CRIMES" ( 274637); Submit Internet Tips
Rally against Wall St. Fat Cats banksters trashed economy April 29
To concerned citizens,
The banksters and Wall Street fat cats trashed our economy. Now they're spending millions to lobby against commonsense reforms and consumer protections.
It's time to show these corporate greedmongers that the people have had enough. This Thursday, let's take our outrage to the streets!
Stand up to Wall Street!
WHAT: March and rally for an economy that works for all of us, not just Wall Street.
WHEN: April 29. Assemble at 3:30 p.m., march and rally begin at 4 p.m.
WHERE: Downtown New York City, next to City Hall Park (Enter at Broadway and Chambers St.). Sign up on our Web site to let us know if you can join the protest!
They took billions in taxpayer bailout money. They paid themselves multimillion-dollar bonuses and salaries for profits reaped from the predatory and speculative behavior that led to the crisis.
And, shamelessly, they're now spending millions on lobbyists in Washington, D.C., to try to kill regulations that would help prevent another crisis.
Enough is enough! Sign up and join the protest!
If you can't make it, you can still take action.
Thank you for all you do.
Rick, Angela and Glenn
Public Citizen's Online Action Team
War News for Wednesday, April 28, 2010
MNF-Iraq (OIF) is reporting the death of a United States Division-North Soldier in a roadside bombing in Diyala Province, Iraq presumably on Tuesday, April 27th.
Rights group: Torture routine in secret Iraq jail
Two Turkish soldiers killed in PKK ambush in Şemdinli
2,000 containers with ISAF goods still missing:
Army Releases March Suicide Data:
Reported security incidents
#1: Three civilians were wounded when a roadside bomb went off on Wednesday in southern Baghdad.
#2: Three civilians were wounded when a roadside bomb went off on Wednesday in western Baghdad.
#3: Four persons, from the same family, were killed and two more were wounded in a sticky bomb explosion in northern Baghdad, according to a security source. “A bomb, stuck to a taxi, went off in al-Bunouk region in northern Baghdad, killing four family members as well as two passing civilians,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
#1: An improvised explosive device exploded targeting a police vehicle patrol in al-Resala neighborhood in western Mosul, injuring a police lieutenant,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
#2: One civilian was wounded when a gunman threw a hand grenade on a police patrol in al-Kourniesh street in central Mosul,” he added.
#3: A policeman was killed and three persons were wounded in western Mosul, a police source said on Tuesday. “A policeman was killed on Tuesday and another one was wounded when gunmen opened fire at them using guns with silencers at a police checkpoint in al-Zenjili region, western Mosul,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency. “The policemen responded by opening fire randomly, injuring a passing child and a civilian,” he added.
Afghanistan: "The Forgotten War"
#1: At least six civilians were killed driving home from the shops when their vehicle struck an improvised bomb in eastern Afghanistan on Wednesday, an official said. They were heading home from a weekly shopping trip when the roadside bomb, widely seen in Taliban attacks on military targets, struck their vehicle, Mubarez Zadran, a spokesman for the provincial government told foreign news agency. The incident in Tani district, a troubled region in Khost province, is the latest in a string of Taliban-related violence taking its toll on Afghan civilians -- about 2,000 of whom are killed each year, the United Nations has said. "According to initial information from the area six people, all civilians, have been killed and four others injured," he said.
#2: Four police officials embraced martyrdom whereas six others were wounded, one of them critically, as explosive laden vehicle hit police post here at Pir Bala area in the suburbs of Provincial capital on Wednesday morning. CCPO Peshawar Liaqat Ali told media that the terrorists struck explosive laden pick up with police post Pir Bala killing four cops on the spot while injuring six others. The injured police officials were shifted to Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar where condition of one cop Zeeshan is stated to be critical.
#3: Kandahar Police Chief Sher Mohammed Zazai said militants detonated explosives near the city in an attack targeting a compound providing logistical support to NATO forces. He said at least three people were killed about one mile (two kilometers) from Kandahar Air Field. Hospital workers said at least 35 others were injured.
There were conflicting casualty reports. Taliban spokesman Qari Yousaf said one suicide bomber and two armed insurgents killed 15 people and wounded 60 others and burned eight oil tankers on the site. Zulmai Ayubi, a spokesman for the Kandahar provincial governor, put the death toll at four and said 30 were injured.
#4: Also Tuesday, Afghanistan's Interior Ministry said a rocket attack killed three civilians and wounded three others in a home in the northern Kunduz province. The ministry blamed insurgents for the Monday night attack.
#5: Afghan forces eliminated seven Taliban insurgents and injured several others in Baghlan province north of Afghanistan, commander of Afghan army in northern region General Murad Ali Murad said Wednesday.
Rights group: Torture routine in secret Iraq jail
Two Turkish soldiers killed in PKK ambush in Şemdinli
2,000 containers with ISAF goods still missing:
Army Releases March Suicide Data:
Reported security incidents
#1: Three civilians were wounded when a roadside bomb went off on Wednesday in southern Baghdad.
#2: Three civilians were wounded when a roadside bomb went off on Wednesday in western Baghdad.
#3: Four persons, from the same family, were killed and two more were wounded in a sticky bomb explosion in northern Baghdad, according to a security source. “A bomb, stuck to a taxi, went off in al-Bunouk region in northern Baghdad, killing four family members as well as two passing civilians,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
#1: An improvised explosive device exploded targeting a police vehicle patrol in al-Resala neighborhood in western Mosul, injuring a police lieutenant,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
#2: One civilian was wounded when a gunman threw a hand grenade on a police patrol in al-Kourniesh street in central Mosul,” he added.
#3: A policeman was killed and three persons were wounded in western Mosul, a police source said on Tuesday. “A policeman was killed on Tuesday and another one was wounded when gunmen opened fire at them using guns with silencers at a police checkpoint in al-Zenjili region, western Mosul,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency. “The policemen responded by opening fire randomly, injuring a passing child and a civilian,” he added.
Afghanistan: "The Forgotten War"
#1: At least six civilians were killed driving home from the shops when their vehicle struck an improvised bomb in eastern Afghanistan on Wednesday, an official said. They were heading home from a weekly shopping trip when the roadside bomb, widely seen in Taliban attacks on military targets, struck their vehicle, Mubarez Zadran, a spokesman for the provincial government told foreign news agency. The incident in Tani district, a troubled region in Khost province, is the latest in a string of Taliban-related violence taking its toll on Afghan civilians -- about 2,000 of whom are killed each year, the United Nations has said. "According to initial information from the area six people, all civilians, have been killed and four others injured," he said.
#2: Four police officials embraced martyrdom whereas six others were wounded, one of them critically, as explosive laden vehicle hit police post here at Pir Bala area in the suburbs of Provincial capital on Wednesday morning. CCPO Peshawar Liaqat Ali told media that the terrorists struck explosive laden pick up with police post Pir Bala killing four cops on the spot while injuring six others. The injured police officials were shifted to Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar where condition of one cop Zeeshan is stated to be critical.
#3: Kandahar Police Chief Sher Mohammed Zazai said militants detonated explosives near the city in an attack targeting a compound providing logistical support to NATO forces. He said at least three people were killed about one mile (two kilometers) from Kandahar Air Field. Hospital workers said at least 35 others were injured.
There were conflicting casualty reports. Taliban spokesman Qari Yousaf said one suicide bomber and two armed insurgents killed 15 people and wounded 60 others and burned eight oil tankers on the site. Zulmai Ayubi, a spokesman for the Kandahar provincial governor, put the death toll at four and said 30 were injured.
#4: Also Tuesday, Afghanistan's Interior Ministry said a rocket attack killed three civilians and wounded three others in a home in the northern Kunduz province. The ministry blamed insurgents for the Monday night attack.
#5: Afghan forces eliminated seven Taliban insurgents and injured several others in Baghlan province north of Afghanistan, commander of Afghan army in northern region General Murad Ali Murad said Wednesday.
letters on behalf of our Vets traumatized struggling The NY Times
post by Suzannah B. Troy
Feeling Warehoused in Army Trauma Care Units”
Feeling Warehoused in Army Trauma Care Units”
131G for 1894 motorcycle post by Suzannah B. Troy
You never know what people what treasures might be hidden away in someone's basement and in Staten Island one such example is a historic motorcycle...perhaps among the first....
I wrote a story about motorcycles..."Chopping the Street". It is really about white collar crime being above the law and costing the tax payers billions whether detected or not, whether successfully prosecuted or not and I do get in to the history of motorcycles as well as the history of Wall Street...both a like the wild, wild west..... You can find my free podcast in Itunes as well.
You never know what people what treasures might be hidden away in someone's basement and in Staten Island one such example is a historic motorcycle...perhaps among the first....
I wrote a story about motorcycles..."Chopping the Street". It is really about white collar crime being above the law and costing the tax payers billions whether detected or not, whether successfully prosecuted or not and I do get in to the history of motorcycles as well as the history of Wall Street...both a like the wild, wild west..... You can find my free podcast in Itunes as well.
Immigration Anger rising May 1 protest NYC
post: by Suzannah B. Troy
Article by Juan Gonzalez Immigration Anger Rising Across Nation
I received this email from an activist:
Dear Bail Out the People friends,
ALL OUT for May Day
Saturday, May 1 – Union Square, 14th St, NYC – Noon
Being at Union Square on May 1, many thousands strong will be an important part of overturning racist, anti-immigrant legislation just passed in Arizona. This is an intense week. We have the ability to send a powerful message of outrage and solidarity.
Here is the schedule:
• Come by any afternoon or evening to pick up full color, glossy May 1 Union Square flyers and posters for last minute distributions.
• Help on the Wed, Thurs 2pm to 8pm work sessions. Thousands of signs, placards and banners have to be put together. Work session Friday 11AM - 6PM
• Wed at 4pm major press conference of immigrant activists at Union Square, 14th St & Broadwayorganized by Rebel Diaz and May 1 Workers and Immigrant Rights Coalition with the demand BOYCOTT ARIZONA
• Wed at 6:30 at 55 West 17th St, 5th Floor, May 1 Workers and Immigrant Rights Coalition Last Meeting before May Day
• On Thursday, April 29 there is a major union rally at 4pm called Show Down on Wall Street. Gather at City Hall for Rally, then March. Help us distribute thousands of May 1 Union Square flyers and signs. Come to the office at 55 W 17th St by 2pm or meet us and pick up material for distribution at Murray & Broadway, across from City Hall from 3:30 on. (Call or TEXT preferred to 646-353-2708 or 201-388-7428 to find us in City Hall area or at Wall Street.)
See you SATURDAY – MAY DAY - NOON at Union Square, 14th St & Broadway.
We need help from 7 am and on through the day with set-up, sound, security and distributions.
Article by Juan Gonzalez Immigration Anger Rising Across Nation
I received this email from an activist:
Dear Bail Out the People friends,
ALL OUT for May Day
Saturday, May 1 – Union Square, 14th St, NYC – Noon
Being at Union Square on May 1, many thousands strong will be an important part of overturning racist, anti-immigrant legislation just passed in Arizona. This is an intense week. We have the ability to send a powerful message of outrage and solidarity.
Here is the schedule:
• Come by any afternoon or evening to pick up full color, glossy May 1 Union Square flyers and posters for last minute distributions.
• Help on the Wed, Thurs 2pm to 8pm work sessions. Thousands of signs, placards and banners have to be put together. Work session Friday 11AM - 6PM
• Wed at 4pm major press conference of immigrant activists at Union Square, 14th St & Broadwayorganized by Rebel Diaz and May 1 Workers and Immigrant Rights Coalition with the demand BOYCOTT ARIZONA
• Wed at 6:30 at 55 West 17th St, 5th Floor, May 1 Workers and Immigrant Rights Coalition Last Meeting before May Day
• On Thursday, April 29 there is a major union rally at 4pm called Show Down on Wall Street. Gather at City Hall for Rally, then March. Help us distribute thousands of May 1 Union Square flyers and signs. Come to the office at 55 W 17th St by 2pm or meet us and pick up material for distribution at Murray & Broadway, across from City Hall from 3:30 on. (Call or TEXT preferred to 646-353-2708 or 201-388-7428 to find us in City Hall area or at Wall Street.)
See you SATURDAY – MAY DAY - NOON at Union Square, 14th St & Broadway.
We need help from 7 am and on through the day with set-up, sound, security and distributions.
Chelsea Hotel Rapist NY Post
This woman deserves a medal for fighting off this creepy bartender, an employee that clearly ear marked her for rape and somehow got the key card to enter her room. Makes you long for an old fashioned dead bolt. She valiantly fought him off. Do you think crazy man will somehow blame the female victim?
His defense maybe she stalked him or she tried to rape him. You never know but blaming the victim tends to be the way to go. For now his defense attorney has no comment.
This woman deserves a medal for fighting off this creepy bartender, an employee that clearly ear marked her for rape and somehow got the key card to enter her room. Makes you long for an old fashioned dead bolt. She valiantly fought him off. Do you think crazy man will somehow blame the female victim?
His defense maybe she stalked him or she tried to rape him. You never know but blaming the victim tends to be the way to go. For now his defense attorney has no comment.
Thai Protesters Send Convoy to Suburban Market

Several thousand Red Shirt protesters left their fortified encampment in Bangkok's downtown commercial district in motorcycles and pickup trucks on Wednesday to move their seven-week campaign outside the city.
The government has guaranteed to keep the Red Shirts from spreading the protest outside their encampment.
The convoy is traveling on a road where a group of Red Shirts briefly set up a barricade earlier this week to block additional Thai security forces from heading into the city.
The anti-government forces have virtually brought Bangkok to a standstill in their drive to force Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to announce new elections.
The Red Shirts placed tires along Bangkok's elevated railway system on Tuesday, shutting down the system for several hours. The activists said they were worried that Thai troops might use the station to attack them from above.
The protests have turned bloody, with at least 26 people killed and nearly 1,000 wounded during clashes with Thai security forces.
The Red Shirts are supporters of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in 2006 on accusations of corruption. They say Mr. Abhisit was installed in office illegally.
The Thai government has accused Red Shirt leaders of plotting to overthrow Thailand's revered monarchy, a charge the movement denies.
But Mr. Abhisit said earlier this week his government will try to implement the law with "minimum losses," as he put it. He also promised to try to find a political resolution to the crisis, and he pleaded for "patience and cooperation."
Mercer Hotel gives Vets & artist a hard time, 1st Precinct to the rescue! by Suzannah B. Troy
I saw to NYPD officers at the tables and I thought tickets would be written but this time around small businesses beat big businesses. Read the story see the pictures.
I saw to NYPD officers at the tables and I thought tickets would be written but this time around small businesses beat big businesses. Read the story see the pictures.
Robert Lederman's painting of Mike Bloomberg anti-street artists by Suzannah B. Troy
Robert Lederman's painting of Bloomberg looks like Rudy with more hair!
Robert Lederman's painting of Bloomberg looks like Rudy with more hair!
Goldman Sachs Top Dogs Grilled by Suzannah B. Troy
We witnessed Wall Street imploding, "the bail out" which left so many individuals and small businesses wondering why they couldn't get bailed out or why St. Vincent's Hospital was not bailed out but today the top dogs of Goldman Sachs got grilled!
Goldman Sachs was so concerned about their big bonuses drawing even more public outrage that Lloyd Blankfien, GS's CEO and Chairman took a much smaller bonus which was still hefty in "real people terms".
But today Goldman Sach's top dogs got grilled....medium to well done!
Llyod Blankfien: "I heard nothing today that makes me think we did anything wrong."
He did say we will be doing some soul searching....
Here is a link to some of what went on today.
Laura Garza's body found after 2 years posting by Suzannah B. Troy

1010 Wins reported that Laura Garza's body was finally found approximately 2 years after she was last seen on video tape exiting a Chelsea Club with prime suspect Michael Melee.
This photo of Laura Garza and article below are from 1010 Wins.
She is one of a series of women that went out for a drink and some fun and never returned home. Remember Jennifer Moore, she was under age and also partying at a club in Chelsea and Imette St. Guillen who was abducted from a bar in Soho. Here is one post in a series I wrote on Laura Garza. This post praises The New York Daily News in December of 2009 for reminding readers she was still missing and keeping the memory alive of this beautiful 24 year old woman with the million dollar smile.
NEW YORK (1010 WINS/AP) -- A body found in Pennsylvania is that of a Brooklyn woman who disappeared after leaving a Chelsea nightclub in 2008, according to police.
Middletown police said Monday that a DNA analysis has confirmed the identity of Laura Garza. They said her body was found on April 11 in Mount Cobb, Pa., several miles outside Scranton.
Garza, 25, was last seen leaving club Marquee with registered sex offender Michael Mele, and was with Mele in Newburgh, NY during the early morning hours of Dec. 3 and was never seen again.
Mele, 24, was the focus of the investigation into Garza's disappearance but was never charged. In the weeks after Garza vanished, police searched Mele's home and car looking for evidence.
Mele, who is a registered Level 1 sex offender and has repeatedly been investigated for alleged sex crimes in the past, is currently serving time in prison for failing to report a change of address.
He is considered a suspect in the disappearance of Garza, and at the time she was reported missing, was driving a 2005 Silver Infiniti SUV.
Anyone who may have seen or had contact with Mele in or around Scranton, PA is asked to contact New York State Police at 845 344-5300 or Pennsylvania State Police at 570 963-3156.
Middletown police said Monday that a DNA analysis has confirmed the identity of Laura Garza. They said her body was found on April 11 in Mount Cobb, Pa., several miles outside Scranton.
Garza, 25, was last seen leaving club Marquee with registered sex offender Michael Mele, and was with Mele in Newburgh, NY during the early morning hours of Dec. 3 and was never seen again.
Mele, 24, was the focus of the investigation into Garza's disappearance but was never charged. In the weeks after Garza vanished, police searched Mele's home and car looking for evidence.
Mele, who is a registered Level 1 sex offender and has repeatedly been investigated for alleged sex crimes in the past, is currently serving time in prison for failing to report a change of address.
He is considered a suspect in the disappearance of Garza, and at the time she was reported missing, was driving a 2005 Silver Infiniti SUV.
Anyone who may have seen or had contact with Mele in or around Scranton, PA is asked to contact New York State Police at 845 344-5300 or Pennsylvania State Police at 570 963-3156.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
War News for Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Whisker is still having technical difficulties, so I posted this for him. -- C
An ISAF service member died as a result of a small-arms attack in eastern Afghanistan today.
Official Calls Wounded Warriors Report ‘Unrepresentative’
Iraq oil exports via Turkey resume after sabotage.
Pentagon Wounded Warrior care official forced out.
We Have Met the Enemy and He Is PowerPoint.
At Iraqi border outpost, a U.S.-Iran game of 'spy vs. spy'
#1: Two Iraqi soldiers were killed Tuesday in an overnight mortar attack on a security station in a Shiite neighborhood in northern Baghdad, police and hospitals officials said. Another 14 people were wounded in the 1 a.m. attack on the joint Iraqi army-police office in the capital's Hurriyah area, the officials said. Three mortars hit the security station, according to two Iraqi police officials, and an army colonel was among the wounded.
#1: unknown gunmen attacked a US military camp in Hillah, the capital of Babil Province, destroying some of the buildings, earlier on Sunday.
Qadisiyah Prv:
#1: a roadside bomb went off as a US patrol vehicle was passing on the Diwaniya-Shoumli road in Al-Qadisiyah Province.
#1: An Iraqi army checkpoint in northern Amara city opened fire on a civilian who was passing through the point on his motorcycle, killing him instantly. “The civilian died instantantly,” a local security source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency on Tuesday.
#1: Gunmen shot dead two students and wounded another outside a college dormitory in the city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq on Tuesday, a provincial police source said. "Unidentified armed men in a car opened fire on students while they were leaving the dormitory of the College of Education in the city of Kirkuk, some 250 km north of Baghdad, killing two students and wounding another before they fled the scene," the source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.
#1: Three children were killed and four people were injured when a bomb hidden in a donkey-drawn cart exploded in southern Afghanistan, officials have said. The cart was abandoned in front a tribal chief's residence in the centre of Kandahar city Monday afternoon and was then remotely detonated, said Zalmai Ayoubi, spokesman for the provincial governor of Kandahar province. Haji Fazelluddin, the former governor of Spin Boldak district, was not hurt in the attack, but three of his nephews, aged 12 to 14, were killed, he said, adding that two police officers guarding the residence and two civilian passers-by were injured.
#2: Continuing their crackdown in the restive tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, Pakistani security forces in an operation today killed five Taliban fighters and captured 18 others, including two commanders, official sources said. The militants were killed and captured during an operation conducted in Akakhel area of Khyber Agency, the sources said.
#3: Three rockets fired by militants hit residential areas in Afghanistan's northern province Kunduz, claiming the lives of three civilians and injuring four others, the Interior Ministry said in a statement Tuesday. "The enemy launched rocket attacks late Monday night in Nahri Sufi and Zaman Shahir villages of Dasht-e-Archi district in Kunduz province. As a result, three civilians were killed and four others injured," the statement said.
#4: In separate incident, a woman and a child were injured in country's southern Ghazni province on the same night as an explosive device went off, according to the statement.
An ISAF service member died as a result of a small-arms attack in eastern Afghanistan today.
Official Calls Wounded Warriors Report ‘Unrepresentative’
Iraq oil exports via Turkey resume after sabotage.
Pentagon Wounded Warrior care official forced out.
We Have Met the Enemy and He Is PowerPoint.
At Iraqi border outpost, a U.S.-Iran game of 'spy vs. spy'
#1: Two Iraqi soldiers were killed Tuesday in an overnight mortar attack on a security station in a Shiite neighborhood in northern Baghdad, police and hospitals officials said. Another 14 people were wounded in the 1 a.m. attack on the joint Iraqi army-police office in the capital's Hurriyah area, the officials said. Three mortars hit the security station, according to two Iraqi police officials, and an army colonel was among the wounded.
#1: unknown gunmen attacked a US military camp in Hillah, the capital of Babil Province, destroying some of the buildings, earlier on Sunday.
Qadisiyah Prv:
#1: a roadside bomb went off as a US patrol vehicle was passing on the Diwaniya-Shoumli road in Al-Qadisiyah Province.
#1: An Iraqi army checkpoint in northern Amara city opened fire on a civilian who was passing through the point on his motorcycle, killing him instantly. “The civilian died instantantly,” a local security source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency on Tuesday.
#1: Gunmen shot dead two students and wounded another outside a college dormitory in the city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq on Tuesday, a provincial police source said. "Unidentified armed men in a car opened fire on students while they were leaving the dormitory of the College of Education in the city of Kirkuk, some 250 km north of Baghdad, killing two students and wounding another before they fled the scene," the source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.
#1: Three children were killed and four people were injured when a bomb hidden in a donkey-drawn cart exploded in southern Afghanistan, officials have said. The cart was abandoned in front a tribal chief's residence in the centre of Kandahar city Monday afternoon and was then remotely detonated, said Zalmai Ayoubi, spokesman for the provincial governor of Kandahar province. Haji Fazelluddin, the former governor of Spin Boldak district, was not hurt in the attack, but three of his nephews, aged 12 to 14, were killed, he said, adding that two police officers guarding the residence and two civilian passers-by were injured.
#2: Continuing their crackdown in the restive tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, Pakistani security forces in an operation today killed five Taliban fighters and captured 18 others, including two commanders, official sources said. The militants were killed and captured during an operation conducted in Akakhel area of Khyber Agency, the sources said.
#3: Three rockets fired by militants hit residential areas in Afghanistan's northern province Kunduz, claiming the lives of three civilians and injuring four others, the Interior Ministry said in a statement Tuesday. "The enemy launched rocket attacks late Monday night in Nahri Sufi and Zaman Shahir villages of Dasht-e-Archi district in Kunduz province. As a result, three civilians were killed and four others injured," the statement said.
#4: In separate incident, a woman and a child were injured in country's southern Ghazni province on the same night as an explosive device went off, according to the statement.
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