Thursday, April 30, 2009
Look BEYOND the Chemtrails!
And now with all the fear mongering regarding swine flu everywhere, what's a person to do??
Look BEYOND the Chemtrails to the Lord Jesus Christ who paid for your sin with His blood on the cross and offers salvation and eternal life when you put your faith in the Son of God.
Then with TRUE FREEDOM, you can walk by FAITH and not by fear forever!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16;&version=9;
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Baskin Robbins Ice Cream 31 Cents a Scoop
April 29, 2009
5-10 pm
Baskin Robbins Ice Cream
Each Scoop is 31 CENTS!
BEWARE: H5N1 bird flu DNA in Flu Vaccine
The American Cancer Society Rip-Off

Today, I received an email about a local event to raise money for the American Cancer Society.
I'm sorry, but I can not promote this cause and the following links explain why:
American Cancer Society (ACS)
"We have had 50 years of American Cancer Society (ACS) brainwashing on the question of cancer, so most people out there believe we are making progress in
The American Cancer Society Is Threatening the National Cancer Program
Samuel Epstein charges the American Cancer Society (ACS) with forging a questionably legal alliance with the federal Centers for Disease Control
American Cancer Society: This Carcinogenic World According to ...
Elmer Bobst credits himself with bringing the 1950 study by Wynder and Graham to the attention of the American Cancer Society, and instigating its first
Unhealthy Charities by Professor James Bennett.
By the way, you know the American Cancer Society prefers to think that you ... In any event, about every year the American Cancer Society collect around a
The Depths of Deceit Mammography by Barry Lynes
The mammography policy pushed by the American Cancer Society to fill its bank ... Mammography was the American Cancer Society's ".sacred cow" (cash cow) and
Carolyn Dean MD, ND
It is not just the old American Cancer Society with a million volunteers going from door to door in their neighborhoods. It's corporate America “partnering”
The "Pink" Fraud - Brought to you by the people who make Breast ...
It is sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, and over a dozen other medical, governmental, and professional organizations.
Seeing Deception is Your Only Protection. The Breast Cancer ...
A tune reiterated in 1997 by the American Cancer Society who also announced that "there ... The American Cancer Society was founded with the support of the
Colon Cancer
Do the physicians leading the American Cancer Society have strong economic ties to the cancer industry in the form of patents, stock options, and consulting
The Vitamin D Newsletter December, 2007 Does vitamin D prevent cancer?
This time, the press passed on the story and the American Cancer Society was mum, ... Do the physicians leading the American Cancer Society have strong

In 1917, when my mother was 3 years old and her sister was 5, their pregnant mother at 25 years of age died of the Spanish flu.
After all that I'm now reading, I have to wonder if my grandmother died of the flu or did she did from a VACCINE?
It is becoming more apparent that genocide of the masses is the goal of the Satanic new world order.
The Spanish flu, the Bird/Avian flu and now the Swine flu are being used by the controlled media for fear mongering to trick folks into taking tainted vaccines. DO NOT GET A FLU VACCINE!
The best cure for flu? Eat healthy, get lots of sunshine and of course, pray!
The Flu Vaccine Racket
The Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 was Caused by Vaccinations
The Swine Flu Vaccine Propaganda Explained
Video: Beware: H5N1 Bird Flu DNA in Flu Vaccine
Critical Alert: The Swine Flu Pandemic – Fact or Fiction?
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Operation Mockingbird (CIA control of the media)

Do you believe everything you hear and read in the news? A word to the wise: Don't.
Operation Mockingbird "was conceived in the late 1940s, the most frigid period of the cold war, when the CIA began a systematic infiltration of the corporate media, a process that often included direct takeover of major news outlets. In this period, the American intelligence services competed with communist activists abroad to influence European labor unions. With or without the cooperation of local governments, Frank Wisner, an undercover State Department official assigned to the Foreign Service, rounded up students abroad to enter the cold war underground of covert operations on behalf of his Office of Policy Coordination. Philip Graham, a graduate of the Army Intelligence School in Harrisburg, PA, then publisher of the Washington Post., was taken under Wisner's wing to direct the program code-named Operation MOCKINGBIRD." source
Read about one of the many journalists who paid with their life because of Operation Mockingbird:
"Gary Webb was born in Corona, California, in 1955. Webb worked for several newspapers including The Kentucky Post and Cleveland Plain Dealer. Webb became a staff reporter for the San Jose Mercury News in 1988. An investigative journalist, Webb became interested in the covert activities of the Central Intelligence Agency. Webb created a great of controversy when in 1996 he wrote a series of articles claiming that supporters of a CIA-backed guerrilla army in Nicaragua helped trigger America's crack-cocaine epidemic in the 1980s. Three of the America's leading newspapers, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post, followed up with reports questioning Webb's conclusions. The San Jose Mercury News came under considerable pressure for publishing these stories and in 1997 Webb left the newspaper. Webb published Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras and the Crack Cocaine Explosion in 1998. Webb worked in the California Assembly Speaker's Office of Member Services and for the Joint Legislative Audit Committee. In 2003 Webb began work for the Sacramento News and Review, a weekly publication. Gary Webb was found dead at his home on 10th December, 2004. He had apparently committed suicide."
Yes, the media is controlled. "The news and entertainment we consume, and thus our thoughts and opinions, are shaped not just by the media and entertainment corporations but by governments, their agencies and the military-industrial complex." from Information Control For Social Manipulation
The best thing you can do to break out of the matrix is to unplug and get rid of your television set. Remember, they don't call it progamming for nothing!
Revelation 21:6-8
"And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
Saturday, April 25, 2009

A few weeks ago, we visited the San Francisco Bay Area, courtesy of one of my husband's nephews. I was the first time I have been to San Francisco, Mani's favourite American city, since the events of 1984. Such memories, it brought back! I can't really share these with anyone here, so I'm sharing them with you, my online friends.
One year, I think it was 1978, but I'm not sure, we decided to celebrate our anniversary/my birthday by taking a holiday in San Francisco. Very unusual for us, we decided to leave Sandeep in the safe hands of the family and set off for nine days and eight nights in The City By The Bay. Family had our hotel number, of course, along with a promise not to phone unless it was a life-altering emergency. No such emergency occurred and we had a wonderful time. OK, I'll fess up. We called home each evening to say hi to our Sikhling.

On the farm, my appearance didn't matter all that much. He expected me to be a bit messed up, mucking around with the cows and goats and chickens (kept for fertiliser) and also with our various crops. I usually indulged him in the evenings by showering or lounging in the Jacuzzi for a while and then putting on a Punjabi suit, a salwar kameez. He usually lounged around evenings in kurta pajama. We might not have been a Punjabi couple, but except for his grey eyes and my brown hair and pasty skin, we certainly looked like one.
For our trip to San Francisco, we reached a compromise. During the day, while we were walking, hiking, goofing off, I would wear jeans - ironed by him! - and something colourful and attractive on my top. This was necessary because walking shoes look really stupid with dressy clothes. When we went out in the evenings, I would dress to the nines, looking every inch the proper lady, while he also dressed up - in full bana! He looked really cool in bana - what Sikh doesn't? - and he looked somehow silly in a suit.
We quickly found out that many fine San Francisco restaurants had a dress code that men had to wear jacket and tie. We avoided those. As Mani said, "They probably don't have decent vegetarian food anyway. We had a glorious time, walking from the Embarcadero to the Pacific Ocean - one side of San Francisco to the other, rambling through Golden Gate Park, exploring those strange, little neighbourhood shops that San Francisco seems to be full of. We spent a whole day at Fisherman's Wharf, watching the tourists shiver. Most people don't realise that San Francisco is quite cool most of the time, and so dress inappropriately for the weather. We also went hiking in the Muir Woods amidst the giant redwoods and hiking up Mt. Tamalpais across the Golden Gate Bridge in Marin County.

I really want to write about one particular afternoon and evening. We decided to go see a Toshiro Mifune movie playing in a theatre in Japan Town.
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Toshiro Mifune |
Mani gave me those cow eyes and asked me to dress up, even though it was only afternoon. I said it was too early, if I had to dress up I'd wear bana, too. He grinned at me and agreed. We ended up dressed exactly alike except he had a saffron turban, while I used a chunni. (We should have tied a turban on me, I now realise, but for some reason, we didn't think of it.) And, unlike him, I carried the more usual short kirpan. I admit we made a grand-looking couple, him in a dark blue chola, saffron-coloured gatra containing a full-length kirpan, and, of course, his perfectly tied turban, me similarly clad. Him tall and towering and masculine, the perfect Khalsa warrior, me short and slender, yet with the full figure of a fertility goddess, also the perfect Khalsa warrior, except in a battle, I'd have to ditch the chunni. As he said, "We look goooooood!"
We arrived for the afternoon matinee and, much to our surprise, there were only a very few others attending. I guess weekday afternoons don't bring out the samurai crowd. A very lovely Japanese lady, clad in traditional kimono, not only sold us tickets, but also tended the refreshments counter and acted less like an usher than like a hostess. When we first came in, she looked at Mani shyly, but still with open curiosity and perhaps a bit of apprehension. She was even shorter than I am; he must have seemed a giant to him. "Sir, "she asked in a heavily accented voice, with that high, squeaky voice that Japanese women traditionally affect, "may I ask you a question?" She waited for him to answer, which he did in the affirmative.

I just knew she was going to ask if he were an Arab, but she surprised me. "I see you have a katana, a sword. Are you some sort of a samurai among your people?" In spite of the accent, her English was excellent.

Then she turned to me and said, "Great lady, you are also this Khalsa?"
Great lady! I could live with that. I smiled at her and replied,

Her smile faded briefly as she asked, "Then why do you have such a small sword?" I didn't really have a good answer, so, on the spur of the moment, I came up with the explanation that I was so short that it would drag the ground., Actually, that is close to the truth. The answer seemed to satisfy her and her smile returned. She also wanted to see them both unsheathed; we were happy to oblige.

"No meat. No egg. Tofu is OK?" She asked.
"A bit taken aback, we agreed.
"I be right back. You go sit down, enjoy watching the people stab each other." She disappeared into a back room and we went into the theatre and watched "the people stabbing each other."
After a time, she returned with a large tray of not only with tea and noodles (in miso soup), but also a sumptuous feast of vegetarian sushi, inari sushi, norimaki with vegetable and tofu filling, and small mounds of vinegared rice with various thinly sliced vegetables on top where normally there would be raw fish. And lots of wasabi, ginger and shoyu.
We were both overwhelmed. She ignored our reaction and arranged one tray on the seat to Mani's left and another to my right, dividing the food between us. "Now eat and enjoy while you watch movie." She smiled, bowed and walked away. What could we do? We ate and enjoyed and watched the movie. And wondered what was going on. After the movie, we found out, while eating some vegetable tempura that she brought in.

"I am Shinto," she told us. "I worship Amaterasu-no-Kami, the Sun Goddess, foremother of our Emperor.
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Amaterasu-no-Kami |
"Last night, she sent me a dream that I would meet some great warriors, not Japanese, but worthy to be samurai. I saw you and knew she had blessed me with your holy presence, so I could have the honour of serving you. I am descended from a very old samurai family that was impoverished when the samurai class was outlawed. They took all our swords and melted them down. You know, all our women were also taught martial arts and sword fighting, so we could protect our homes and our honour, if need be. Without our swords, what could we be?"
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Samurai swords |
She was clearly speaking from deep in her heart, speaking as if these things happened recently, instead of in the previous century. I wanted to see your kirpans" - she stumbled over the word - "so I could honour my ancestors." We didn't quite understand that last statement and didn't ask. Somehow asking seemed cold. "There is one more thing, please." She pulled out a small book and handed it to me. (Why not him? I do not know.) This is the Bushido Book, The Code of the Warrior. I think you do not know Japanese, but please accept it as my gift." We were quite overwhelmed. The book was obviously quite old, probably a family heirloom. Still, it was unthinkable to refuse it. We took it and kept it always among our few treasured possessions.

A most important note: As usual most of these pictures are roached from the Internet, compliments of Google Search. Two are not. That strange-looking being on the Golden Gate Bridge is me, as a giant Nihang. Why not?
That very handsome Sardar Ji I have used to illustrate bana is the father of my little sister Kamal Kaur. His name is Sarbjeet Singh Ji and he, like my own Dad, is a Canadian from Punjabi. Notice the twinkle in his eyes and that lovely smile.
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Sarbjeet Singh Ji |
My medical caretaker,Irene pointed out to me that if he is my sister's father, then he must also be my Dad. An interesting idea, as I believe he is somewhat younger than my 57 years! My thanks to these two for letting me use this picture.
One further note about Kamal Ji. You might have noticed her listed as an author, although she has never contributed a post. This is for a very special reason. For some time, she has been downloading and saving each post's html on her computer. Anything can happen on the Internet. This site could be hacked, Blogger could decide to delete it for some reason, new laws in America might restrict the freedom of speech and/or the press. If this blog should, for any reason disappear from the blogosphere, dear Kamal Ji will have preserved it, so it will not be destroyed. Of course, I also download it to my computer, but my poor old compy isn't very reliable and if something should happen to me, it might sit forever here with no one the wiser. So she is performing a great sewa, in my opinion. This will probably embarrass her, but, little sister, I want to thank you from my heart for doing this.
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Christian Bear
He was out in the bush when he was aproched from behind by a bear. He dropped his gun by accident but didnt bother to pick it up.
He ran for his life. Weaving in and out the trees with the bear on his trail. Curving around a tree he triped over its root.
He looked up and the bear looked down. The bear was about to strike at him. He put his hands together and prayed:
"Dear lord, Please let this bear be a christian."
the bear sat down on its bum and held the mans hands, closed his eyes and said: "Dear lord, Thankyou for the food that i am about to recieve"
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Former Sonoma Valley Man on FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists' List
Is this a political ploy? Watch this video clip:
This is an undated file photo provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Daniel Andreas San Diego

Former Sonoma County Resident on FBI Terrorist List
KSRO Newstalk
Curtiss Kim
A former Sonoma County man who attended high school in Marin County is now on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist List. Animal rights extremist Daniel Andreas San Diego is suspected of planting bombs at two Bay Area companies in 2003. San Diego graduated from Terra Linda High School and lived for a time in the Sonoma Valley before going underground following those bombings. The FBI says he should be considered armed and dangerous. They believe San Diego may have fled the country but they're hoping publicizing the case will produce new leads for investigators.
--- end ---
Apr 21, 2009 4:06 pm US/Pacific
Bay Area Terror Suspect On FBIs 'Most Wanted' List
A fugitive animal rights activist charged with bombing the offices of two East Bay companies has become the first domestic terrorist named to the FBI's list of "Most Wanted" terror suspects.
Daniel Andreas San Diego, a 31-year-old computer specialist from Berkeley, disappeared following the bombings on Aug. 28, 2003, of the Emeryville biotechnology firm Chiron Inc., and on Sept. 26, 2003, of the Pleasanton cosmetics firm Shaklee Corp.
Federal authorities said San Diego wears eyeglasses and has unusual tattoos, including one that shows a burning field and proclaims, "It only takes a spark."
The Federal Bureau of Investigation announced San Diego's addition to its "Most Wanted" terrorists list at a press conference Tuesday in Washington, D.C.
FBI officials said San Diego travels internationally and should be considered armed and dangerous.
In its global search for him, the FBI has spoken to officials in Germany, the United Kingdom, Costa Rica, France, Spain Denmark, Austria, Italy, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Argentina, the Philippines, and Chile.
He has ties to Germany, and may be living in Costa Rica, officials said.
"We don't have any reason to believe he's still in the Bay Area," said FBI spokesman Joe Schadler.
Officials indicated that the decision to name San Diego a most wanted terrorist was intended to heighten the visibility of the case in order to locate him.
"The leads have gone stale on us, so now we're seeking the public's awareness," said FBI Assistant Director Michael Heimbach.
San Diego is the 24th person on the bureau's wanted terrorist list, and the only domestic terror suspect.
"Mr. San Diego and those like him are every bit as great a threat to the peace and security of the United States as any foreign terrorist," said Charlene Thornton, special agent in charge of the FBI's San Francisco office.
The move to add a domestic, left-wing terrorist to the list comes only days after the Obama administration was criticized for internal reports suggesting some military veterans could be susceptible to right-wing extremist recruiters or commit lone acts of violence. That prompted angry reactions from some lawmakers and veterans groups.
An arrest warrant was issued for San Diego after the 2003 bombings in the East Bay that caused minor damages.
No one was injured in the early-morning explosion at Chiron. A second bomb set to detonate an hour later was found and the area was cleared before it went off, according to the FBI. At Shaklee, a bomb wrapped in nails exploded but there were also no injuries.
A group calling itself "Revolutionary Cells" took responsibility for the blasts, telling followers in a series of e-mails that Chiron and Shaklee had been targeted for their ties to a research company that conducted drug and chemical experiments on animals.
FBI officials were not willing to comment on any potential groups affiliations that San Diego may have had.
According to the FBI, San Diego professed to be active in the animal rights movement and had expressed extreme views about the use of violence in achieving the goals of the movement.
"As a society we cannot sit idly by and allow violence to become an acceptable solution for social and political problems," Thornton said.
He added that San Diego's alleged actions had set an example to others in the animal rights movement, noting two August 2008 fire bombings in Santa Cruz by "individuals espousing similar beliefs."
A federal grand jury in 2004 indicted San Diego—who grew up in San Rafael and is the son of retired Belvedere City Manager Edmund San Diego -- on two counts of destroying or attempting to destroy property with explosives and two counts of use of a destructive device in a crime of violence.
Officials have offered a $250,000 reward for information leading to his capture, five times the reward amounts offered for other so-called eco-terrorists wanted in the U.S.
The FBI said animal rights and environmental extremists have been responsible for over 1,800 criminal acts and more than $110 million in damages. Currently, the bureau is investigating 170 animal rights or environmental extremism incidents.
Law enforcement officials described San Diego as a strict vegan who possesses a 9mm handgun. On his abdomen, he has tattoo images of burning and collapsing buildings.
The FBI's "Most Wanted" terrorist list is distinct from the much longer-running "Ten Most Wanted" list. Al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden is on both.
There is another American already on the terrorist list, but he is wanted for his work overseas for al-Qaida. Adam Yahiye Gadahn grew up in California but moved to Pakistan and works as a translator and consultant to al-Qaida.
According to the FBI, San Diego graduated from San Rafael's Terra Linda High School, briefly attended Los Medanos College in Brentwood, lost a job at a high-tech company in February 2003, and later tried to launch a vegan bakery in Schellville in Sonoma County, but the business failed.
--- end ---
Marin County animal rights extremist added to the FBI's 'Most Wanted Terrorists' list
By Dana Hull
Mercury News
Posted: 04/21/2009 08:00:00 AM PDT
Updated: 04/22/2009 07:30:41 AM PDT
The FBI hoped to elicit new tips when it added Daniel Andreas San Diego to its "Most Wanted Terrorists" list on Tuesday, but the move was also partly political: By adding its first domestic terrorist to the notorious list — which includes Osama bin Laden — authorities are equating animal rights extremists such as San Diego with the type of people who terrorize nations.
San Diego, 31, has been a fugitive for nearly six years and is wanted for the 2003 bombings of Chiron and Shaklee, two Bay Area biotechnology companies. While no one was killed in those incidents, animal rights protests have grown increasingly violent in recent years — one of the bombs linked to San Diego was wrapped in nails, and authorities are still searching for those who firebombed a Santa Cruz biologist's home last year.
Photos from the 2003 bombings
"Mr. San Diego and those like him are every bit as great a threat to the peace and security of the United States as any foreign terrorist," said Charlene Thornton, special agent in charge of the FBI's San Francisco office.
It's still to be seen whether the move — with its reminder of the $250,000 reward — would inspire new tips, but reaction was swift and mixed about whether it would intimidate activists, who've been increasingly targeting scientists who experiment on animals.
"It's absurd," said Christine Garcia, a San Francisco attorney who regularly represents animal rights activists. "By putting San Diego on this list, the FBI is basically supporting animal cruelty."
Animal rights activists in the Bay Area and beyond are outraged that San Diego is on the same list as Muslim terrorists from around the globe. San Diego is only the second U.S. citizen to appear on the list. While thousands of people died in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and the bombings of U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, activists note no one was injured in the blasts authorities say were set by San Diego.
"This is an activist who has compassion for animals who made a statement with nothing more than a large firecracker," said Jerry Vlasak of the North American Animal Liberation Press Office. "To equate him with the likes of terrorists who destroy buildings full of people is ridiculous at best."
However, those supporting the FBI's action argue that scientists live in constant fear that they or their families will be attacked, and that acute fear is a form of terrorism itself.
"Terrorism is defined by the use of violence to force change — certainly that was the intent in the Chiron and Shaklee bombings," said Jacquie Calnan, president of Americans for Medical Progress. "The inclusion of San Diego on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist list underscores the terroristic nature of the violence and threats that a small number of animal rights activists use against scientists who use laboratory animals in their quest for new treatments and cures."
Federal agents say they have evidence that ties San Diego to the two bombs that exploded outside Chiron in Emeryville on Aug. 28, 2003, as well as one bomb that blew up outside of Shaklee in Pleasanton on Sept. 26, 2003. The FBI says that the construction, placement and timing of the incendiary devices makes it clear that San Diego intended to cause serious injury or death.
In recent years, extremists have increasingly targeted university researchers. In August 2008, a University of California-Santa Cruz molecular biologist, his wife and two young children fled their home from a second-story window after a firebomb detonated at their house. On Wednesday, a Pro-Test rally is planned at University of California-Los Angeles to show solidarity with scientists subjected to increasing harassment by anti—animal-research extremists.
San Diego's parents, retired Belvedere City Manager Edmund San Diego and his wife Heike, declined to comment Tuesday. "They love their son," said Jim Collins, a defense attorney hired by the family.
San Diego worked at the Mill Valley office of In Defense of Animals, an animal-rights organization, and was a networks operations specialist at Critical Path, a wireless software company in San Francisco. After being laid off, San Diego tried to launch a line of vegan baked goods but it never got off the ground.
At the time of the bombings, San Diego was living in Sonoma County, and federal agents soon had him under 24-hour surveillance. But he eluded them. The FBI now assumes that he has slipped into an underground network of fellow activists, and thought at one point that he was in Costa Rica.
San Diego is described as having brown hair and brown eyes, 6 feet tall, and about 160 pounds. He has several distinctive tattoos depicting burning buildings and a valley on fire.
ON THE WEB The FBI's complete Most Wanted Terrorist list is at
Contact Dana Hull at or 408-920-2706.

--- end ---
Pedro Alonso Lopez ( Parte 2 )

...A dispetto delle sue capacità, nel 1969, all’età di 18 anni, Pedro viene arrestato per furto d’automobili e condannato a sette anni di prigione. È dentro da appena due giorni quando subisce violenza da parte di quattro detenuti più anziani di lui. In seguito a questo episodio giura a se stesso che nessuno lo toccherà di nuovo. Costruisce un rudimentale coltello utilizzando gli utensili della prigione, poi, nelle due settimane che seguono, compie la sua vendetta uccidendo tutti e quattro gli uomini che lo avevano stuprato. Le autorità giudicano il caso come legittima difesa e si limitano ad aggiungergli altri due anni rispetto alla condanna iniziale per furto. La prigione, con la sua inevitabile dura scuola di sofferenze, procura un danno irreparabile alla mente di Pedro, una trasformazione irreversibile. Anche se non va dimenticato come una buona parte di colpa sia imputabile anche alla madre, madre che lo ha abbandonato a se stesso scacciandolo di casa, che non ha mai avuto alcuna forma di comunicazione con lui e che addirittura soddisfaceva le sue curiosità con riviste pornografiche.
Pedro si sta avviando all’età adulta, ma nella sua mente l’idea di avere una moglie diviene un pensiero inconcepibile. Nella testa, sua madre detiene la colpa di tutti i patimenti che ha dovuto sopportare nella propria esistenza, e forse non sbaglia del tutto. «È tipico» disse una volta Robert Ressler, compilatore di profili criminali per l’FBI. «Molto spesso gli assassini seriali sono posseduti da forme ossessive nei confronti della loro madre. Insomma, una relazione di odio e amore, parlando in termini comuni. Queste donne non possono certo candidarsi a madri dell’anno e, sebbene non abbiano necessariamente commesso degli abusi, è chiaro che il loro rapporto coi figli è alla base delle devianze che in loro esploderanno con efferata violenza da adulti. Il filo conduttore sembra essere l’elemento sessuale: madri spesso seducenti, che hanno diversi partner sessuali dei quali i figli sono consapevoli. E, naturalmente, per i figli di una prostituta è ricorrente osservare questo tipo di condotta nel comportamento abituale della propria madre.»
Quanto quest’insieme di cose inciderà sul futuro di Pedro, lo si vedrà una volta ritornato libero.
Nel 1978 Pedro Alonzo Lopez esce di prigione e comincia a viaggiare intensamente per tutto il Perù. È una specie di venditore ambulante, professione ideale per girovagare da un luogo all’altro in cerca di facili vittime. Ed è proprio durante questo periodo, come più tardi riconoscerà, che inizia a uccidere in sequenza. Aggredisce e uccide almeno 100 giovani ragazze appartenenti alle tribù di indios sparse in tutta la regione. E in verità risulta impossibile stabilire quanto di tutto questo sia veritiero, ciò che è certo è che Pedro viene catturato da un gruppo di Ayacuchos, nel nord del Perù, mentre cerca di sequestrare un ragazzina di nove anni. Gli indios lo spogliano delle sue cose e lo torturano per diverse ore prima di decidere di sotterrarlo vivo. Per Pedro sembra essere giunta la fine, ma bisogna riconoscere che ciò che la sorte gli ha sempre negato, in questo momento gli elargisce a mani aperte. L’intervento di un missionario americano convince gli indigeni a consegnare Pedro alle autorità. Ed è così che avviene, ma le autorità giudiziarie e di polizia non vogliono perdere tempo con la denuncia di una piccola tribù, e il governo peruviano si limita a estradare Pedro in Ecuador.

In seguito al suo ritorno in questo paese, Pedro inizia a viaggiare parecchio nella regione, compiendo lunghe soste anche in Colombia. Le autorità si rendono ben presto conto di un aumento dei casi di persone scomparse, in particolare giovani ragazze. Ma concludono che si tratta di un dato dovuto alla crescita della tratta di schiave per scopi sessuali...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
ATM machine
"Please note that this Bank is installing new Drive-through ATM machines enabling customers to withdraw cash without leaving their vehicles. Customers using this new facility are requested to use the procedures outlined below when accessing their accounts.
After months of careful research, MALE and FEMALE procedures have been developed.
Please follow the appropriate steps for your gender:
1. Drive up to the cash machine.
2. Put down your car window.
3. Insert card into machine and enter PIN.
4. Enter amount of cash required and withdraw.
5. Retrieve card, cash and receipt.
6. Put window up.
7. Drive off.
1. Drive up to cash machine.
2. Reverse and back up the required amount to align car window with the machine.
3. Set parking brake, put the window down.
4. Find handbag, remove all contents on to passenger seat to locate card.
5. Tell person on cell phone you will call them back and hang up.
6. Attempt to insert card into machine.
7. Open car door to allow easier access to machine due to its excessive distance from the car.
8. Insert card.
9. Re-insert card the right way.
10. Dig through handbag to find diary with your PIN written on the inside back page.
11. Enter PIN.
12. Press cancel and re-enter correct PIN.
13. Enter amount of cash required.
14. Check makeup in rear view mirror.
15. Retrieve cash and receipt.
16. Empty handbag again to locate wallet and place cash inside.
17. Write debit amount in check register and place receipt in back of checkbook.
18. Re-check makeup.
19. Drive forward 2 feet.
20. Reverse back to cash machine.
21. Retrieve card.
22. Re-empty hand bag, locate card holder, and place card into the slot provided.
23. Give dirty look to irate male driver waiting behind you.
24. Restart stalled engine and pull off.
25. Redial person on cell phone.
26. Drive for 2 to 3 miles.
27. Release Parking Brake.
Joyfully, As A Hero To The Victory!

From THE SIKH COALITION:This Vaisakhi, let's honor and protect our faith.Support the Army Campaign. Support our Work Today.
Contribute $100 or more to receive a commemorative "Sikh Right to Serve" T-shirt
It is with great joy that Sikhs remember Vaisakhi Day. We feel joy when we think of our Guru. We feel strength when we think of our Panj Piare.
We feel unspeakable of respect when we think of the Sikhs before us who sacrificed their lives for justice, but never gave up their faith.
Just think about it. Everyone reading this message is the inheritor of the sacrifice, strength, and love of the Sikhs before them.
So what is your place in Sikh history? (Emphasis mine. Mai)
On Vaisakhi Day 2009, 2 young Sikhs challenged the U.S. Army's policy of excluding Sikhs from service.
Today, like the Sikhs before us, can you help secure our future by financially supporting this campaign? Contribute securely online here:
Let's not mince words. This is the case of our generation in America. We are taking on the world's most powerful institution. If we are victorious, literally a whole class of cases of anti-Sikh discrimination will disappear.Please help our generation of Sikhs make history by donating $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000 today:
As a token of appreciation for your support, all donors who give $100 or more will receive a commemorative campaign T-shirt. We hope this T-shirt will serve as a reminder to you and your friends of your support at this critical juncture in Sikh history.
As Sikhs, we know from our history that there is no challenge we can not overcome.
We will not defer this fight to the next generation. With your support, we will win this fight in our generation.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
The Sikh Coalition Board and Staff
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
In Gratitude To jagdish tytler

Let us rather express our gratitude at all he and those of his ilk have done for us.

They gave our husbands, sons, fathers, brothers, and sometimes, our wives, mothers and, daughters, as well as our good friends, the opportunity to achieve shaheedi in righteous battle.

They gave our women - our mothers, sisters, daughters and friends - the opportunity to overcome the effects - emotional and physical - of being beaten and gang-raped. They even gave some of our women the opportunity to widen the gene pool by bearing children thus conceived.
They gave our widows the opportunity to show their chardi kala by raising their children with few or no possessions and no male breadwinner and without the love and comfort of a husband.

They gave our children the opportunity to show their strength and intelligence by growing up without a male role-model in the home, without stability or security. He gave our children the opportunity to learn to turn to drugs (including alcohol) in an attempt to handle these things missing in their lives.
He gave our whole community the opportunity to show the world that Sikhs are strong and resilient and refuse to stop seeking justice no matter how many times we are slapped down, humiliated, laughed at and blamed.
In light of all this, perhaps he shouldn't be apologising to us; perhaps we should apologise to him for wanting to see him hanging from the business end of a rope.


Monday, April 20, 2009
KHALISTAN ALERT! The Taliban Threaten West Punjab
Today on CNN, I heard a most upsetting story. It seems that the Taliban in Pakistan have not only taken over the Swat Valley and forced their nonMuslim tax, called jizya, on Sikhs there, but much more alarming, they have made inroads in West Punjab. This is very serious.
When it comes to draconian oppression, the Taliban are masters! Imagine Punjab with no music, no dance, no colourful women, no joy. We all know that Punjabi celebrations can get out of hand. Weddings, especially are way too big, way too showy, way too expensive. But -
Can you imagine being flogged for going to one?

Can you imagine having your feet cut off for dancing at one?
Can you imagine a long, torturous prison sentence for singing at one?
Or - should you be a woman - execution for even expressing a desire to go to one?

That is the dark, joyless world of the Taliban.
That is the Punjab of the Taliban.
"After it rains, there's a rainbow and all of the colours are black...
Nothing but the dead and dying back in my little town..."
That's a song, but you better not sing it!

I have no idea what we can do about this, but I know it must be stopped. We are the chardi kala people, remember? We cannot allow this land to be turned into a no-laugh zone. The first step is to be aware. This is from today's New York Times:
MILITANTS THREATEN PAKISTAN'S POPULOUS HEARTApril 14, 2009This article was reported by Sabrina Tavernise, Richard A. Oppel Jr. and Eric Schmitt and written by Ms. Tavernise.
DERA GHAZI KHAN, Pakistan — Taliban insurgents are teaming up with local militant groups to make inroads in Punjab, the province that is home to more than half of Pakistanis, reinvigorating an alliance that Pakistani and American authorities say poses a serious risk to the stability of the country.
The deadly assault in March in Lahore, Punjab's capital, against the Sri Lankan cricket team, and the bombing last fall of the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, the national capital, were only the most spectacular examples of the joint campaign, they said.
Now police officials, local residents and analysts warn that if the government does not take decisive action, these dusty, impoverished fringes of Punjab could be the next areas facing the insurgency. American intelligence and counterterrorism officials also said they viewed the developments with alarm.
"I don't think a lot of people understand the gravity of the issue," said a senior police official in Punjab, who declined to be idenfitied because he was discussing threats to the state. "If you want to destabilize Pakistan, you have to destabilize Punjab."
As American drone attacks disrupt strongholds of the Taliban and Al Qaeda in the tribal areas, the insurgents are striking deeper into Pakistan — both in retaliation and in search of new havens.
Telltale signs of creeping militancy abound in a belt of towns and villages near here that a reporter visited last week. Militants have gained strength considerably in the district of Dera Ghazi Khan, which is a gateway both to Taliban-controlled areas and the heart of Punjab, the police and local residents say. Many were terrified.
Some villages, just north of here, are so deeply infiltrated by militants that they are already considered no-go zones by their neighbors.
In at least five towns in southern and western Punjab, including the midsize hub of Multan, barber shops, music stores and Internet cafes offensive to the militants' strict interpretation of Islam have received threats. Traditional ceremonies that include drumming and dancing have been halted in some areas. Hard-line ideologues have addressed large crowds to push their idea of Islamic revolution. Sectarian attacks, dormant here since the 1990s, have erupted once again.
To read the rest, please go here: Taliban In Punjab