Friday, November 2, 2007

Indy Bloggers Join En Masse

Well, we've got six new bloggers joining us today. If you've recently applied to join the Indianapolis Bloggers and still have not been added to the ring, it's probably because the code is wrong on your site, or you haven't been blogging long enough. Please email me if you have questions. Now, on to our newest members!

First we have Jason, who brings us The Be All, Blog All. Here's a bit more about the blog:

The Be All Blog All is like that junk drawer that you have in your kitchen. It's full of all kinds of random crap, but any time you're looking for something, you can find it there. I’m a 25 year old married guy with a kid on the way living in the suburbs of Indianapolis, Indiana. I love me some Indianapolis Colts football, football in general really, Texas Longhorns football, and some other sports. I try to keep the blog updated whenever I can find something interesting to talk about, so bookmark the site and check back often.

Next up is Ryan, The Bass Geek. About him and the blog:

Ryan is a 33-year-old aficionado of low end frequencies and digital gadgetry. He and his wife make their home in the lovely Fountain Square neighborhood of Indianapolis, where they tend to their old house and their almost-as-old pug. Ryan has written books on subjects including the aforementioned bass guitar and digital music, as well as podcasts, MySpace, eDiscovery, and real estate software (listed in order of interest to the author). He plays for several acts in the Indianapolis area, both live and in the studio.

Next we have Erik, who offers up his humor in Laughing Stalk. More about Erik:

Erik has written a weekly humor column since 1994. He is published in six weekly newspapers in Indiana and Oregon, as well as the largest online daily alternative paper in the U.S. He writes businesses articles, speeches, and stage and radio plays. His play, "Cabin Fever U." was named Best Comedy in the 2005 Frank & Katrina Basile Emerging Playwrights competition. He is the Director of Sales and Marketing for a direct mail/direct marketing printing company.

Alright, next up is Brian. Brian is the brain behind B. More about B:

B... well, it’s my first initial, and I guess it could represent B -ing yourself - or myself. Who am I kidding, I thought chic was spelled sheik, but apparently that’s an Islamic patriarch of a tribe or family. You’ll probably see posts mostly about music and web sites, as I am a web developer professionally and a musician amateurtionally. I was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, where my wife and I just purchased a home, so I don’t think we’re going anywhere for a while.

Okay, last one for the day is Cindy who brings us Writing for Reading. Cindy's blurb:

When’s the last time you read something all the way through just because the author was some high-ranking official within a company? Do you read the newsletter of an organization you care about if the writing is excruciatingly dull? Why, then, do so many intelligent people spend time producing written materials that no one wants to read? Why not make what you have to say compelling?

Thanks to everyone for joining the gang. Be sure to check out all of these new blogs. I'm sure you'll enjoy them and it's nice to see what everyone else in our fair city is up to. A reminder for all newcomers- if you'd like to see your picture next to the link to your blog (on the left column), just send me the url for the picture you want to use and I'll hook it up. Keep in mind that it will be as small as all the others.

That said, GO COLTS!!!!!

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