1. BI Stop Private Banking of 23 Banks
2. Marzuki Alie Lead Delegation of the Parliament to Iraq
3. Police Want to Examine Al Jazeera cameraman Related Gading Serpong Bomb
4. Two Officials of PU Become Suspect
5. Discovery Futures denies involvement in Elnusa case
6. 200 ITB Students Allegedly 'Drop Out' Due to NII
7. UB Allegedly infiltrated by NII
8. Members NII Obliged Deposit Rp 14 M / Month
9. China Promises More investment to Indonesia
10. Land Owned by Elnusa Suspect seized
11. TNI Contingent in Lebanon-Israel Hotspot
1. BI Stop Private Banking of 23 Banks Source: Harian Seputar Indonesia, Saturday, 30 April 2011
JAKARTA-Bank Indonesia (BI) asks 23 banks that have a priority service wealth management (private banking) to temporarily suspend acceptance of new customers for at least a month.
This policy is effective from Monday (2 / 5). BI deputy governor Halim Alam said the decision was taken as part of efforts to improve the quality of banking services and protection to customers, especially on special services that deal nasabahnasabah priority. "During one month, the bank asked to evaluate and improve policies, SOPs (standard operational procedure), and internal controls.
In time, BI will conduct an evaluation of kualitaspelayanantersebut, "he said in Jakarta yesterday Halim, special services to old customers still running as usual. Separately, Corporate Secretary PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI), Mohammed Ali said, his party will abide by the BI policy. According to him, the BI policy is to suppress the occurrence of abuse or diversion. "
We are optimistic that this BI policy will not interfere with BRI's priority banking service because it is only temporary, "said Ali. Corporate Secretary PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BNI) Putu B Krishna states, BNI will adhere to the policies BI tersebut.Layanan to its existing customers priority was judged not be disturbed. "Growth in new customers was halted temporarily. However, for us is more important for instruction in line with BI, "he explained.
Bank Mandiri director Budi Gunardi Sadikin admit, the central bank has asked the company to stop while the process of acquiring new customers priority. "This rule will not make Mandiri suffered losses. Actually we were upgraded from customers in the branch, so stay on hold once so as not to be upgraded, "he explained. Currently, Bank Mandiri has about 57,000 customers a priority.
Meanwhile, investigators Unit Fiscal, Monetary and Foreign Exchange (Fismondev) Special Criminal Investigation Directorate Jakarta police yesterday seized more assets belonging to Diretur PT Discovery and Commissioner Harvestindo ICL. He is one of the suspects in burglary cases fund PT Elnusa worth Rp111 billion in Bank Mega Branch Jababeka, Bekasi. Assets seized a land area of 4.5 hectares in East Jakarta.
The land was allegedly purchased from the embezzlement of funds in Bank Mega PT Elnusa Jababeka Branch. Head of Jakarta Police spokesman Sr. Comr Baharudin Djafar Pol said, in addition to confiscate the land, the investigators also were investigating five accounts owned by Discovery and PT Harvestindo in government and private banks. "The money from alleged embezzlement was kept in five accounts.
In track it down, investigators working with INTRAC (Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis) and the banks concerned, "said Djafar. PT Elnusa burglary deposit funds worth Rp111 billion in Bank Mega Branch Jababeka, Bekasi, occur in the thawed 2009.Dana five times during 2009-2010.
From the search results the investigator, 80% reserve fund PT Elnusa who embezzled was playing for futures investment in PT Discovery and PT Harvestindo, while the remaining 20% went into the pockets of a suspect. Six suspects have been arrested and detained since 19 April 2011 then.
They are the Finance Director of PT Elnusa SN, Branch Manager of Bank Mega Jababeka IHB, Director of Discovery and Commissioner Harvestindo ICL, Director of Harvestindo AJ, staff TZL Collection PT Harvestindo initials, and a broker named Richard Latif. Of the suspects, police seized the evidence in the form of six cars, one bike, a shop in Makassar, and 2 billion cash and USD34.400. _ Erichson Sihotang / grace Baihaqi / Helmi syarif
2. Marzuki Alie Lead Delegation of the Parliament to IraqSource: Suara Karya Online, Saturday, April 30, 2011
JAKARTA (Suara Karya): Chairman of the House of Representatives Marzuki Alie led the delegation of the House of Representatives (DPR) who will travel to Iraq to discuss the possibility of improving cooperation with the country's energy sector.
According to information submitted Section Coverage parliament in Jakarta Saturday Parliament delegation visit to Iraq in the framework of the official invitation of the Iraqi government to the Parliament.
Scheduled Indonesian Parliamentary delegation will leave for Iraq on Sunday at 18:45 pm (fifth) using EY 471 aircraft. DPR goodwill delegation will arrive at 23:55 local time at Abu Dhabi International Airport.
The delegation will fly to Iraq on Monday, May 2 at 10:00 local time and planned a meeting with the Indonesian people who worked and lived in Iraq at 19:00 Iraqi time.
The next day, Tuesday, May 3, in the afternoon delegation is scheduled to hold a meeting with Iraqi Parliament Speaker Hon. Usama Abdul Aziz Al-Nujafi and Iraqi Energy Minister Abdullah al-Karim Luaybi. Meeting to discuss opportunities for Indonesia and Iraq's cooperation in the field of Energy and Natural Resources (NR).
Meanwhile on Wednesday, May 4, 2011, Chairman of the House of Representatives is scheduled to meet with Iraqi Vice President Adil Abdul Hajdi and Tariq al-Hashimi and Vice Prime Minister Hussain Al Shahristani Energy field.
Meanwhile on Thursday, May 5, the group planned delegation returned to Jakarta and is scheduled to arrive at Soekarno Hatta Airport, on Friday, May 6 at 2:30 am in the morning.
Speaker of the House delegation consisted of nine persons, namely the Chairman of the House Marzuki Alie, Chairman Hidayat Nur Wahid BKSAP M, Syofwatillah, Abdul Aziz Suseno and seven secretarial delegation. (Antara)
3. Police Want to Examine Al Jazeera cameraman Related Gading Serpong BombSource: Voice Pemabruan, Friday, April 29, 2011 | 15:47
[JAKARTA] Al Jazeera cameraman who served in the Indonesian National Police checked the initials B scheduled plan of action related to acts of terror bombing near the Church of Christ Chatedral, Summarecon Gading Serpong, Tangerang, Banten, on Thursday (21 / 4).
"Investigators plan to examine as a witness related to the plan acts of terror," said the Head of Public Information (Head of passenger), Police, Senior Commissioner Pol Amar Joey Boy in Jakarta, Friday (29 / 4).
Boy Sr. said that his information B, refused to offer the suspect Imam Firdaus, one of the private TV station cameraman. "Ever met a few times," said Head of passengers.
Currently there are 17 terror suspects arrested were Fernando Pepi, Hendi Suhartono aka Jakau, Febri Hermawan, Mugianto, Ade Guntur, Darto, Irma, M. Maulana Sani, Fajar Dwi Setyo, Watono, Jumi Kurniawan, Rifki, M. Sharif, M. Fadl, Denise Carmelita, M. Imam Firdaus and Watun Maulana.
Police suspect the brains behind these terrorist acts is Pepi had joined NII in 1998 and went out. Pepi is a bachelor degree graduates majoring in Islamic Education Faculty Tarbiyah Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Ciputat 2001.
Husband of suspect Denise Carmelita was born in Sukabumi on December 10, 1979.
"Pepi worked as a writer of books and film scripts," said Boy.
The police suspect Pepi as the brains behind the action plan terror bombing near the Church of Christ Chatedral, Summarecon Gading Serpong, Tangerang, Banten.
"Pepi adept at assembling a bomb," said Boy.
Police arrested Pepi in Aceh on Thursday (21 / 4), and two suspects including the terrorist network Suhartono Hendi and Mohammed Fadil. Detachment had discovered explosives while searching a house owned by the brains behind acts of terror, Pepi, in Complex Harapan Indah, Bekasi, West Java on Saturday (23 / 4).
Boy tells the evidence in the form of one unit pineapple grenades, explosive mixture of three centimeters in diameter, "cashing" model rocket unfilled bombs explosives, "cashing" a bomb ready to be, five cans of bombs, including one container filled with explosives ready to explode. Furthermore, two ready-made explosive mixture, a unit of solder, pieces of iron pipe and wall clocks. [Ant/L-9]
4. Two Officials of PU Become SuspectSource: Sinar Harapan, 04/29/2011 11:25
Author: Rafael Sebag
(Photo: doc / ist)
Jakarta-After establishing the status of the suspect to Giovanni Gandolfi, Head of Representative C. Lotti & Associates for Indonesia, the Attorney General's Office (AGO), Thursday (28 / 4), re-named two new suspects in the case of alleged corruption.
Namely, the project consultant on the activities of Water Resources and Irrigation Management Project (WISMP) in the Directorate General of Water Resources in the 2007-2009 financial disadvantage country USD 6.5 billion.
Two suspects is a staff of Ministry of Public Works, Sumudi Katono and Bambang Turyono. Noor Rachel added, It is said, both the Ministry of Public Works staff, as a suspect because of their role approved plans the work performed by consultants.
"The two suspects then an officer in making project commitments in the Ministry of Public Works that," said Chief Justice Information Center (Kapuspenkum) AGO, Noor Rachmad at the AGO, on Thursday (28 / 4).
In addition, the two suspects he also knew that the project was run with no suitable provision, but still agreed. According to Rachel Noor, who performed mode by using false documents to apply for consultant services payment billing.
"Counterfeiting is not only about the value of the actual expenditure, but also fraud against the jobs and expenditures that have been done alias fictitious," he added.
5. Discovery Futures denies involvement in Elnusa case By Anggi Oktarinda
Source: Bisnis Indonesia, 29 April 2011
JAKARTA: PT Discovery Futures denied receiving the flow of funds belonging to PT Elnusa Tbk, which collapse at Bank Mega. However, the company said future acknowledges the relevance of management with PT Discovery Indonesia.
Discovery Indonesia touted as the company that receives a transfer of funds from the Bank Mega to then proceed to the account of PT Harvestindo Asset Management. This case is more interesting because it involves funds of Rp111 billion in Bank Mega KCP Elnusa Jababeka Bekasi.
"So far, Discovery Futures unrelated to the problems that arise at this time. Up to now can not find the flow of funds to the Discovery Futures," said Andrea Adam, Operations Director, Discovery Futures, today.
Based on the search business, both companies have a relationship quite closely linked. Chief commissioner who is also CEO of Discovery Harvestindo Indonesia Ivan Christovano is Managing Director at Discovery Futures.
Additionally, another Indonesian Discovery CEO Andhy Gunawan also served as Commissioner of Discovery Futures. Both companies also have the same office address in Menara Thamrin, Kebon Sirih, Jakarta.
Freddy Anthony, Discovery PR Futures, said it had temporarily disable Ivan Christovano regarding its association with Discovery Indonesia. Meanwhile Andhy Gunawan still serving as commissioner Discover Futures.
"Indeed there was a relationship at the management level between the Discovery and Discovery Futures Indonesia. But Discovery Futures does not accept the flow of funds. After all the current problems that occur right action of an individual, not the institution," he said.
Freddy said that until now the Discovery Futures are still active as usual. However, based on the trade transaction data period from January to March 2011, received Business of the Jakarta Futures Exchange, futures brokers are not doing a single transaction.
Syahrul R Sempurnajaya, head of the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Board, said it had conducted an audit of PT Discovery Futures. He said the audit was conducted jointly with the Indonesian Derivatives Clearing House (KBI) and PT Jakarta Futures Exchange (JFX) this Wednesday.
"I'll preach again how the audit results were sudden. But as far as we can tell, they paid up capital [Discovery Future] is still within reasonable limits of Rp15 billion," he said, today.
BBJ itself ensure Discovery Indonesia are not members of the exchanges. Bihar Sakti Wibowo, Director of BBJ says Discovery Futures also registered as a member of Indonesian Derivatives Clearing House is affiliated with the BBJ. Discovery Indonesia, he said, are not members of the exchanges.
Discovery Futures gain legality through the Decree of the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (Bappebti) numbered license 138/BAPPEBTI/SI/III/2001. The company is a futures brokerage in trading foreign currencies and foreign indexes.
Bihar tell the BBJ has internal controls in the form of a single supervisory system to oversee the conduct of futures trading in the stock. He said the monitoring was done related to various parameters such as time of transaction, account data, adequacy of margins, price controls, and others.
"The flow of the transaction will be seen in this system. But the flow of funds flow in the area of supervision is not in stock, the region INTRAC [Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis]," he said. (BSI)
6. 200 ITB Students Allegedly 'Drop Out' Due to NIISource: Tempo Interactive, Saturday, April 30, 2011 | 10:53 pm
EMPO Interactive, Jakarta - Researchers history of Darul Islam (DI) and Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) Sholahudin say as many as 200 students of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is believed to drop out due to activity of the NII. "It was never any research," said Sholahudin in discussion with the topic of NII and Radicalism in the Public Leaves Cikini, Jakarta, Saturday, April 30, 2011.
However, Sholahudin himself did not believe in the research. "I do not know it's true because the weight of NII or college," he said. But, that's interesting is how this movement can go on campus such as the ITB is known to be very selective. Even from the NU or Muhammadiyah was difficult to enter the campus.
According to him, two large organization is difficult to enter because of the strong influence on the Salman Mosque of ITB. Salman Mosque led by Imam Abdurrohim, he said, is an Islamic organization that has a strong and dominant influence.
"The group would go through a radical strong guidance from the group since high school," said Sholahudin. When it has been a student, they are able to do recruitment.
NII understand that develops in the ITB has been nurtured since high school. "Same with tarbiyah, they nurtured long before college," he said.
He pointed understand NII also already in SMU Negeri 3 Bandung, which is a favorite high school in Bandung since 1985. School graduates that can spread to colleges and universities in Indonesia.
7. UB Allegedly infiltrated by NIIThis incident is not new. In the 1990s, in fact there are also lecturers involved NII.
Source: VIVAnews, Saturday, April 30, 2011, 16:03 GMT
Muhammad Firman
VIVAnews - Two UB (university of Unibraw) students suspected to be affected the flow of NII. Both come from the Department of Humanities Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP).
According to Yogi Sugito, UB's Rector, from information he received, there are currently two students who allegedly ensnared NII network. "If it's true, there will be sanctions," said Yogi at a press conference and the inaugural board meeting IKA UB Alumni 2011-2014.
According to Yogi, incidents like this are not new on campus. In the era of the 1990s, in fact there are also lecturers involved NII. "Without any sanctions they will be difficult to continue studying or working because there really are brainwashed," he said.
Yogi said, so far it has not been studied whether the involvement of students with NII had already occurred before entering the campus or after a student at UB. "When cases of alleged NII occurred on campus, we will try to detect, particularly from extra-curricular activities," he said.
Academic and student affairs activities, according to Yogi, can be used to monitor students on campus. However, the campus is difficult to monitor if kejadiaannya off campus such as boarding houses or other places.
However, said Yogi, UB in collaboration with relevant agencies such as police continue to strive to make Malang, a city that is safe and comfortable, including free from the influence of NII.
• VIVAnews
8. Members NII Obliged Deposit Rp 14 M / MonthSource: Kompas, Robert Adhi Kusumaputra | Saturday, April 30, 2011 | 14:49 pm
BANDUNG, KOMPAS.com - Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) commandment Region IX has no less than 170 thousand pilgrims, some 120 thousand pilgrims of whom are concentrated in Jakarta that the majority of the NII KW IX is a student in a month shall be deposited up to Rp14 billion.
It was said Ken Setiawan of NII's Crisis Center in a seminar titled "wary of NII Movement on Campus and Community", which took place on campus Unpad Jatinangor, Sumedang, Friday (29 / 4).
It is said, NII movement which initially proclaimed by Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosuwiryo indeed have ups and downs. "Pascapenawanan and execution Kartosuwiryo last 1962, NII was marked by the emergence of new factions. Pelencengan belief in NII KW IX began to occur at Abu Toto become priests (1996)," he said.
He argues, Tawhid RMU, which stands for rububiyah (law), mulkiyah (place), uluhiyah (people), is the concept of state for the NII, people outside the NII considered infidels, unjust, and wicked.
The forms of abuse occur in the belief that the NII is his people interpret the Quran according to the interests of the organization. "They divided the prayer into two, namely the universal prayer rituals and prayers. State considered the same position with God and their leaders as apostles, and they justify any means to meet the target," he said.
Pilgrimage to Indramayu
In fact, he said, the adherents of NII perform pilgrimage to the capital of their country, namely Indramayu. "In addition to fraud issues creed, the development of NII KW IX is also marked by large-scale dredging funds. Organization of the majority members of this student have a deposit each month to infak of Rp14 billion," he said.
Fantastic figures that have yet to include eight other financial post. In the process of finding funds, there are a lot of the usual mode.
"Generally, they use all the money owned like, pocket money, savings and salaries. Some are selling valuables, deceive parents by reason of eliminating or damaging goods friends, making a false letter on behalf of campus activities, spreading the proposal or ask for donations, even through stealing from people outside the group, "explained Ken.
According to him, all funds collected from members and then focused on personal accounts Abu Toto. With a circulation of funds that exist in the body NII, recruitment of new members become very crucial in the organization.
Ken explains, it is usually necessary to recruit at least two members of the congregation, one person and another angler inviter.
"Fishermen in charge of determining the target, guard, and motivate prospective pilgrims. In the meantime, anglers pretends to be a candidate for a new congregation that is also invited. Both will escort prospective pilgrims to stage migration, including the prospective pilgrims to stay at home and fund raising for charity," Ken explained that diamini Sukanto, NII activist (1996-2001) in the seminar.
"Therefore, we can actually identify when friends or our brothers be persuaded to enter the NII," he said.
Among the signs that they have new friends, rarely lecture, or maybe leave, go home often late for no apparent reason, the value dropped dramatically, away from old friends, many lying, very busy and the phone never stopped ringing, started to recruit friends closest, and become a distributor or seller of Al Zaytun magazine.
Therefore, he said, when you see such signs exist in people who are known, it is suggested that such data gathering evidence or testimony from people who never invited, report it to the victim's parents, decided coordination between the victim and his group, provide enlightenment through comparison of ideology or reconcile with people who are already aware of the NII, and various other approaches.
9. China Promises More investment to IndonesiaSource: Republika, Saturday, April 30, 2011 18:56 pm
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The flood of imports of Chinese products in Indonesia has not been offset by the increase in China's domestic investment in the country.
It was complained of by the Vice President to the Prime Minister Boediono People's Republic of China (PRC) Wen Jiabao during a speaker in the dialogue Indonesia - China business forum, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel on Saturday (30 / 4).
According to Boediono, Indonesia's trade relations with China (PRC) have increased significantly in the last five tahuh. Currently, China is a country of non-oil export destination Indonesia's second largest.
Instead they are the largest supplier of imported goods of non oil and gas. "The trading volume can certainly continue to increase in coming years," he said.
Even by 2015 trade between the two countries are expected to reach 80 billion U.S. dollars, or almost twice lipai when compared to 2010 and which only reached 42.7 billion U.S. dollars. "The two countries agreed to guard the trade balance is maintained. It is important to ensure the growth of trade between the two countries continues, "he explained
Unfortunately, although imports from China is high, but from the investment side of Chinese direct investment into Indonesiap still very far away. China ranked only 13 out of investors in another country.
Therefore, he requested that more Chinese entrepreneurs would invest directly in the ground water. "It's the right time for entrepreneurs to China to increase investment in Indonesia," he said.
In response, the Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has said it will more actively invest in Indoneisa. One of them either during the construction of six economic corridor planned by the Indonesian government. These investments both from the energy sector (electricity), roads, railways and so forth.
"He added. willing to help pmbanunan Indonesia's infrastructure, "he explained, contrary Indonesian businessmen are expected to also be able to invest in China.
Editors: Taufik Rachman
Reporter: firm firmansyah
10. Land Owned by Elnusa Suspect seized Source: Koran Tempo, 30/04/2011
JAKARTA - Jakarta Police yesterday seized the land on behalf of ICL, the alleged embezzlement case PT Elnusa. "It's in East Jakarta, worth Rp 4.5 billion," said Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police Commissioner Baharudin Djafar yesterday.
ICL is the finance director of investment company PT Discovery. He and five others were detained for allegedly working together to break into company PT Elnusa money amounting to Rp 111 billion.
Five other suspects are Elnusa SN Finance Director, Head of Branch Bank Mega Jababeka IHB, Commissioner Discovery AJ, Staff PT Discovery Z, and fugitive cases of burglary Aceh District Government funds initials RL.
Land confiscated it adds 20 percent from Rp 111 billion that has been used as evidence. In addition to the ground, police have seized Kawasaki motorcycles for Rp 45 million and shop houses worth Rp 1.4 billion, five luxurious racing bike with a total price of USD 150 million, five luxury cars Hummer H3, Honda CRV, Toyota Fortuner, BMW X5, Honda Jazz, Honda Odyssey, and cash of Rp 2 billion and U.S. $ 43 thousand.
Police also have cooperated with the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis to block five accounts associated with this case. "The three accounts on behalf of PT Discovery, one on behalf of PT Harvestindo, and one on behalf of SN suspects," said Baharudin.
Baharudin said, from blocking the account, the police will investigate the amount and flow of funds. "I'll look from the print out of their accounts," he said. Puti NOVIYANDA
11. TNI Contingent in Lebanon-Israel Hotspot Source: Antaranews, Saturday, April 30, 2011 19:12 pm
Cairo (AFP) - Contingent Garuda Indonesian National Army (TNI) is incorporated in the Peace Keeping mission of the United Nations (UN) placed in areas prone to Lebanon-Israel conflict.
"Regions Panorama heavily guarded by Indonesian troops remained a hot spot area, aka the hottest spot along the border which is extremely unstable," said Battalion Commander Indonesian (Indobatt), Lt. Col. Infantry Hendy Space, as quoted by a press release Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia ( Embassy) Lebanon received by AFP in Cairo, Saturday.
Statement of Lt. Col. Hendy was delivered during the visit of Ambassador to Lebanon, Dimas Samodra Rum, the Garuda Contingent TNI headquarters in southern Lebanon on Wednesday (27 / 4).
Panorama area under the control Indobatt operation in August of 2010 a skirmish occurred between Lebanon and Israeli troops.
Currently there are 1441 Indonesian soldiers who participated along with tens of thousands of international troops in the UN peacekeeping mission (UNIFIL).
TNI troops are scattered in several Battalion, Company and Frans RI Warship Kaisepo and office staff on UNIFIL.
The role of Indonesian troops in the fighting mediate broad attention and recognition from the Supreme Commander of UNIFIL, Major-General Alberto Cuevas Asarta.
Dimas and the Lebanese Embassy staff visit and direct meetings with the leaders and members of military contingents in the region Garuda conflict.
Garuda Contingent Commander, Colonel (Flight) Yulianta, along with the Commander of Task Force (Task Force), others welcome the visit of Ambassador and delegation.
Festive atmosphere is thick with the feel of Indonesia are felt especially when the dance had brought the soldiers Badinding Company B - Indonesian Battalion (Indobatt) participate in welcoming Ambassador and his entourage.
Just like a father who was visiting her children, the ambassador meet with the commanders and the Indonesian army who was on duty as he discusses various developments and constraints faced.
"Our visit is expected to participate to give encouragement to the nation's children who served far from the homeland," he said.
Dimas explained, one task is to facilitate and simplify Embassy Indonesian contingent in running the nation's mission in Lebanon.
His visit this time focused on several areas in the eastern sector, among others, Company A and B Indobatt, Indonesian Military Police headquarters in UNIFIL (Indo MP) and several other points along the border regions, including the Panorama area.
At the headquarters of the Military Police of Indonesia (Indo MP) Sempu, the ambassador and his entourage listened to an officer of a member of the Garuda Contingent duty equipment used in devices ranging from alcohol test, anti-clothes-riot, binoculars night and day.
Before leaving the headquarters of Indonesian MP, the ambassador and the commander also was asked to plant a tree in the front yard office.
On the sidelines of the visit, the ambassador also accepted by the Eastern Sector UNIFIL Commander, Brigadier General Teodoro Banos, from Spain.
The meeting was attended by a number of officers and leaders in the eastern sector, including Marine Colonel (E) Joko Supriyanto Edie, from Indonesia who is currently the Deputy Commander of Sector East.
The meeting discussed the conduct of Indonesian troops in UNIFIL which was considered brilliant in win over local people and at the same time capable of promoting professionalism and the principles of "impartial".
To the Commander of the Eastern Sector, the ambassador expressed support for Indonesia on the implementation of the UN peace mission in Lebanon.
"We understand the strategic role of UN forces in creating peace and socio-economic benefits are significant to the local community. Therefore, we consider the implementation of these tasks need to be supported by all parties," said Dimas to General Banos.
The Ambassador and his entourage also took a pilgrimage to the tomb of Sheikh Abbas, a tomb of a half share in the claimed territory of Israel (the northern Lebanese border - Israel), and the other half into Lebanese territory (south of the border).
(T.. M043)