Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Navy to discuss training exercises off Mendocino coast

Published: Monday, March 30, 2009 at 7:03 p.m.
Last Modified: Monday, March 30, 2009 at 7:03 p.m.

U.S. Navy officials will be at the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday afternoon to present information and take comments on its impact report on military training exercises and testing off the coasts of Washington, Oregon and Northern California.

Mendocino County residents are particularly concerned about the effects of sonar testing on marine life, county officials said.

Supervisors requested the presentation because the Navy had not scheduled a Mendocino County hearing for the Northwest Training Range Complex draft environmental impact report.

The training area — one of 13 — extends from Washington south to the Humboldt and Mendocino counties line.

Also at the board’s request, the Navy extended its public comment period on the impact report to April 13.

The Navy is proposing to expand and increase its ongoing training operations.

The special meeting is scheduled for 4 p.m. in the board’s chambers on Low Gap Road in Ukiah.

--- end ---


January 12, 2009 Navy Allowed to Kill Whales in Hawaii During Sonar Training

Pak suspects Taliban in Lahore police academy terror attack

PAKISTAN NEWS: Baitullah Mehsud, Pakistani Taliban leader was suspected of carrying out an attack on a police academy today in Lahore (Paistan) said Interior Ministry head Rehman Malik.

Rehman Malik also said in a news conference today that one of the suspects of the attack in the Lahore police academy was an Afghan.

This terror attack in Lahore was for the second time in a month. Heavily armed gunmen stormed a police academy in Lahore killing at least 27 policemen in an 8-hour siege. In this 4 terrorists had been shot dead and 6 captured alive by the security forces.

Paramilitary Major Farhat Ali told to the media, "We hope to finish the operation within 40 minutes to an hour," at the site after the commandos took control of the complex of the police academy.

Earlier the Interior Ministry chief Rehman Malik told to the media that 52 police were wounded in the attack but gave no word on the number killed.

Governor of Punjab province, Salman Taseer, told to the media that authorities had reports of 4 people confirmed killed.

Labels: Pak suspects Taliban in Lahore police academy terror attack, Pakistan Crisis, Pakistan News, Rahman Malik, Terrorist

Cordata per l´abolizione del no Aninino su oknotizie

Torniamo indietro di 173 giorni , quando iniziai la mia protesta contro il NO anonimo su oknotizie : Come segno di protesta per il NO anonimo , so che secondo gli amministratori è una vittoria , posterò solo notizie del mio blog e notizie postate come commenti !

Con questo post invito tutti gli utenti di OK a fare sentire la loro voce nei propri blog , troppi utenti votano no e penso che il voto venga dato solo perchè uno è di destra oppure di sinistra , laico oppure credente !

Odio il no anonimo : mi sembra di essere a Cuba dove nella scheda elettorale puoi votare solo Fidel Castro perchè il no è stato tolto
Doc63 cosa ne pensi ? Vi aspetto numerosi ...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Strange Cup holder

Tech Rep: "Yes, it is. How may I help you?"

Caller: "The cup holder on my PC is broken and I am within my warranty period. How do I go about getting that fixed?"

Tech Rep: "I'm sorry, but did you say a cup holder?"
Caller: "Yes, it's attached to the front of my computer."

Tech Rep: "Please excuse me if I seem a bit stumped, it's because I am. Did you receive this as part of a promotion, at a trade show? How did you get this cup holder? Does it have any trademark on it?"

Caller: "It came with my computer, I don't know anything about a promotion. It just has '4X' on it."

At this point the Tech Rep had to mute the caller, because he couldn't stand it.

The caller had been using the load drawer of the CD-ROM drive as a cup holder, and snapped it off the drive.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Drunk Test

A police officer pulls over this guy who's been weaving in and out of the lanes. He goes up to the guy's window and says, "Sir, I need you to blow into this breathalyzer tube.

"The man says, "Sorry, officer, I can't do that. I am an asthmatic. If I do that, I'll have a really bad asthma attack."

"Okay, fine. I need you to come down to the station to give a blood sample."
"I can't do that either. I am a hemophiliac. If I do that, I'll bleed to death."

"Well, then, we need a urine sample."
"I'm sorry, officer, I can't do that either. I am also a diabetic. If I do that, I'll get really low blood sugar."

"All right, then I need you to come out here and walk this white line."
"I can't do that, officer."

"Why not?"
"Because I'm drunk."

Berita Terkini - " Video Jebolnya Tanggul Situ Gintung"

Berita terkini - Video Jebolnya Tanggul Situ Gintung , saya daped dari youtube.com. Tragedi yang memilukan hati, dan hanya doa yang terucap, agar keluarga korban di berikan ketabahan, berhasil di dokumentasikan oleh "video amatir". " Video Jebolnya Tanggul Situ Gintung" mengingatkan tragedi bencana tsunami di aceh. Dengan melihat " Video Jebolnya Tanggul Situ Gintung" mudah mudahan pemerintah bisa lebih jeli, dan masyarakat lebih sadar untuk menjaga dan melestarikan alam. Hany doa yang terucap, semoga bangsa kita jauh dari bencana, dan tragedi yang memilukan seperti ini. dan mudah-mudahan ketabahan hati di berikan pada semua korban dan kluarga kornban. Untuk Masyarakat indonesia mari kita berdoa untuk keselamatan bumi kita tercinta agar tidak lagi terjadi seperti " Video Jebolnya Tanggul Situ Gintung".

Fox News' Female Short Skirts Get Ratings Over CNN

For the first time, according to Nielsen, CNN came in third place in cable news program ratings behind Fox and MSNBC. CNN had 1.14 million viewers in March, compared with 1.16 million for MSNBC and 2.3 million for Fox News. Some say the reason is Fox is conservative; it's really their focus on women anchors with short skirts.

So Fox could be liberal as heck and still have the same ratings if they had the same "sex sells" strategy. There have been a lot of Fox female anchors doing the showing of a lot of leg: E.D. Hill, Ainsley Earhardt , Linda Vester, Gretchen Carlson, and Catherine Herridge to name some of them.

That's a lot of women, and I'm sure I've left someone's name off the list without intention. The point is, it's too much of a habit to ignore, thus it's part of the high ratings, because it builds expectations that a viewer will see women in short skirts, especially in the morning.

Is this a bad thing? Well, yes and no. Look, we can't deny that above all else, television is a visual medium. It's not radio at all. So people react to what they see. Moreover, we're wired to reproduce -- people forget that -- so visual cues that appeal to our sexual nature will get more attention than those that don't.

That's a fact.

I can't blame Fox for this. But I can blame Fox for coupling it with some lame reporting. Much of it's so biased I don't watch it at all. I flip between CNN and MSNBC. And CNN has some attractive female anchors, but they don't present them like Fox does. If they did, I hate to write this, but CNN would overtake Fox for the ratings lead.

The question is will they do this?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Don't tell your sad storry!

Bill, Jim, and Scott were at a convention together and were sharing a large suite on the top of a 75 story sky scraper. After a long day of meetings they were shocked to hear that the elevators in their hotel were broken and they would have to climb75 flights of stairs to get to their room. Bill said to Jim and Scott, let's break themonotony of this unpleasant task by concentrating on something interesting. I'll tell jokes for 25 flights, and Jim can sing songs for 25 flights, and Scott can tell sad stories the rest of the way. At the 26th floor Bill stopped telling jokes and Jim began to sing. At the51st floor Jim stopped singing and Scott began to tell sad stories. "I will tell my saddest story first," he said. "I left the room key in the car!"

The Ultimate Sardar Joke

"A bombshell of a Sardar joke was dropped on all of us a few days ago and here it is in case you missed it." Thus a friend wrote to me. Like almost all Sikhs, I detest Sardar jokes. This is the worse, most insulting I have ever seen and I cannot bring myself to post it in my blog. Still, you need to see it.

'To quote George Orwell
"The aim of a joke is not to degrade the human being,
but to remind him that he is already degraded." '

Friday, March 27, 2009

Black Friday for Pakistan. Suicide bomber attacks. 70 feared dead

PAKISTAN NEWS: A mosque in Pakistan has been attacked by a suicide bomber. The attack was in mosque in northwest Pakistan at prayer time today when it was packed. The attack has killed at least 70 people and has wounded dozens more according to news in media through top local administration official there.

The suicide attack took place on the weekly Muslim day of rest i.e. Friday in the town of Jamrud in the restive Khyber tribal region. The mosque is located on a key road used to ferry supplies to Western troops across the border in Afghanistan.

Sources say that the suicide bomber was present in the mosque and blew himself up when the prayers began.

The security official has said, "The entire building collapsed." It was structure temporary mosque.

Labels: Black Friday for Pakistan. Suicide bomber attacks mosque in Pakistan, Pak masjid attack, Pakistan news, Online Pak News

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Otto per mille . Come si spartiscono e cosa fanno del vostro otto per mille?

Il meccanismo è apparentemente semplice: il contribuente può optare per destinare il suo otto per mille ad uno tra i soggetti che hanno stipulato una convenzione con lo Stato Italiano, per scopi sociali o benefici o di sostegno religioso.
Oppure può omettere la destinazione, pensando magari di lasciare la somma allo Stato, sempre per scopi sociali o di Protezione Civile.
Fin qui sembra tutto semplice e pulito: li danno a chi decidete voi...più bello di così...

La parte veramente lucrosa, invece, sta dietro: oltre il 65% dei contribuenti (circa 22 milioni) NON esprime esplicitamente la scelta di un destinatario, ritenendo magari così di lasciare la somma allo Stato.
E qui sta il trucco: questo 65% non va allo stato! Viene invece distribuito, praticamente a vostra insaputa, di nuovo tra i soggetti concordatari (non tutti!) secondo le stesse percentuali con cui sono state effettivamente destinate le somme per cui è stata fatta un'opzione esplicita.
In pratica, le preferenze espresse vengono usate per spartire anche la somma per cui non è stata espressa una preferenza,
Cioè, visto che l'87% delle destinazioni esplicitamente scelte è per la Chiesa Cattolica, o meglio alla Conferenza Episcopale Italiana, anche l'87% di quel 65% che non ha optato va alla Chiesa Cattolica...e voi nemmeno lo sapete.
Ecco perché la Chiesa spende tutti quei soldi (vostri!) per fare pubblicità affinché gli diate l'otto per mille: così facendo, non si accaparrano solo il vostro 8x1000, ma sopratutto cercano l'effetto moltiplicatore sulla quota non destinata.
Nel 2003, questo è valso per la CEI la bellezza di 1016 milioni di Euro (per confronto lo stato ne ha presi 101 milioni...)

Non tutti gli enti concordatari si impegnano ad impiegare le somme ricevute per progetti di utilità sociale, sviluppo, beneficenza.
Ad esempio, la Chiesa Cattolica dichiara di utilizzarli per pagare gli stipendi del clero, per la manutenzione delle chiese E per beneficenza: di fatto, contrariamente a quanto sbandierato dagli spot televisivi, MENO DEL 20% viene destinato ad interventi caritativi.
Nelle pubblicità con cui cerca di ottenere il vostro 8x1000, la CEI dichiara la seguente distribuzione di utilizzo (2004): 442 milioni € a "esigenze di culto e pastorale", 319 milioni per sostentamento del clero ed un misero 190 milioni a interventi caritativi.
Altri enti, invece si impegnano a destinare l'intera somma a scopi sociali, senza utilizzarla nemmeno in parte per il proprio sostentamento. Tra questi, guarda caso, la Chiesa Valdese...

Che fare?

Oh bella, fate quel che vi pare!

Io, per me abolirei l'intero meccanismo dell' otto per mille e che ciascuna chiesa si facesse finanziare dai suoi adepti.
Se vi va, se siete cattolici e se vi fidate, destinate il vostro 8x1000 alla Chiesa Cattolica e grazie per avermi letto fino a qui!
Ma se il meccanismo della distribuzione occulta non vi va (perché dovrebbe piacervi un meccanismo così poco trasparente, anche se siete cattolici?), se volete vederci chiaro sull'impiego (perché non dovreste pretenderlo, anche se siete cattolici?), e se non volete ritrovarvi quei soldi, i vostri soldi, spesi, in occasione del prossimo referendum, per "illuminare" le coscienze (probabilmente la vostra coscienza funziona da sola, anche se siete cattolici)...


dateli a chi volete ma NON dimenticate di barrare una destinazione esplicita: la vostra firma non sposta solo il vostro 8x1000, ma anche quello di chi non ha optato!

NON lasciate la casella in BIANCO!

Preferite un soggetto che non incameri la somma per scopi di propaganda fide e vi lasci verificare l'uso fatto.

A me piaceva darli allo Stato per la Protezione Civile, ma il 50% della quota destinata allo Stato invece finisce in mano ad opere della CEI.
Pare che un ottimo soggetto destinatario sia (guarda un po'...) la Chiesa Evangelica Valdese, anche perché i suoi esponenti sono professionisti che si sostentano col proprio lavoro e non ricevono uno stipendio.
Mi resta il rammarico di non sentirmi sicuro, nel MIO stato laico, a poter destinare il mio 8x1000 al MIO stato per scopi sociali ed essere sicuro che non finiscano altrove.

W3I: "One Land, Two Laws"

A few days ago, I explained that I feel the need to answer the question I am often asked: "Why Khalistan? What's wrong with India?" Hereafter, I shall refer to this series as 3WI. Here is an article about a doctor, a pediatrician who had been working with India's poor, giving them necessary, compassionate healthcare denied them by their government.

So let us now consider the strange case of Dr. Binyaka Sen. It seems that his crime is being a compassionate doctor. He had been held in solitary confinement in the Raipur Central Jail in Chattisgarh since 15 March 2008. Thanks to an international uproar, he has been released from solitary confinement and is a regular prisoner again. Now the fight must be for his unconditional release and total exoneration of these ridiculous charges. India again works again those trying to help her.

Click here to go to the website supporting Dr. Sen.

I am not here going to comment on Varun Gandhi. I consider him a fool, an idiot with attitudes typical of his family (although rarely spoken publicly). . I will write about him after the election, should it be necessary.

India: One land, two laws
Indian Express

NEW DELHI: This is a country where the law clearly protects the rich and famous and comes down heavily, very often unfairly, on the poor and powerless.

For all those listening / watching aghast at how low our politicians can sink - e.g. Varun Gandhi’s vituperative attack against the Muslim community in an election address in Pilibhit from where he will contest on the BJP ticket - they always knew deep down that nothing would come of it. The interim anticipatory bail granted to him on Friday is on those very predictable lines.

The scion of Sanjay Gandhi will grow from strength to strength in an age which hails ‘khalnayaks’ who indulge in communally divisive politics .For them there is no Model Code of Conduct but a Model Code of Self Seeking Hate Politics. The BJP will not take away their symbol from Varun .Nor will the law of the land really move against him and keep him from contesting the election. And getting a bail will be child’s play for a person as influential as Varun Gandhi.

Contrast this with another case playing out in far off Raipur in Chattisgarh. The case of Dr. Binayak Sen , a good doctor who worked tirelessly to provide health care to the poor and who has been languishing in jail for nearly two years now . The charges slapped against him were that of having sympathetic links with Naxalites and allegedly being a courier between a jailed Naxalite he was treating and a businessman.

While the Raipur Sessions court rejected his bail application in July 2007, the Chattisgarh High Court denied bail twice, first in July 2007 and again in December 2008.

Countless media reports and organizations fighting for his release have pointed out that although Dr Binayak Sen has been arrested on charges under the controversial Chattisgarh State Public Security Act, none of the over 80 witnesses produced in his trial so far at a sessions court in Raipur have been able to substantiate any of these charges.

So far the Chhattisgarh government and its police have also not been able to provide any proof of his involvement in extremist activities.

Yet the barefoot doctor, whose life’s mission was to heal those who had been left out of the state’s medical radar, has been denied bail and left to rot in jail for 22 months. What is worse his health has been fast deteriorating and appeals for justice have fallen on deaf ears.

In the days and months following his incarceration there has been an international and national demand for the release of Dr Binayak Sen. As many as 22 Nobel Laureates signed a petition in support of his immediate release terming his arrest a travesty of justice. But it has failed to move either the BJP government in the state or the UPA government at the Centre.

On March 16, 50 activists of the national campaign for the release of Dr. Binayak Sen, marched to the jail in Raipur in a ‘jail bharo’ agitation to highlight the case.The Raipur Satyagraha was led by well-known social worker and Magsaysay Award winner Sandeep Pandey and include eminent persons like documentary filmmaker Anand Patwardhan and members of various civil society groups, civil rights organisations, trade unions, lawyers, journalists, medical professionals and women’s groups.

The satyagraha will be held every Monday in front of the jail in Raipur where Dr Binayak Sen is incarcerated. They are demanding that the Chattisgarh government should stop opposing the grant of bail to Dr Sen. Denial of bail should not be used as a punitive measure as this goes against the spirit of the entire justice system and constitutional rights, they stress.

In a bid to win over high profile judicial support in favour of Sen, there is now a petition going around with former Supreme Court and High Court judges. Eminent former Supreme Court Judge V R Krishna Iyer has already put his weight behind the petition along with six others.

Clearly the law as it plays out for Varun Gandhi and Dr Binayak Sen smacks of one land-two laws.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


A new online video game distribution network ,OnLive to be launched at the Game Developer Conference in San Francisco, aims to let players stream on-demand games at the highest quality level ,hopes to revolutionise the way people play games and re-write the economics of the industry.The service could signal the end for Playstation, Xbox, and the Wii.

According to Onlive founder Steve Perlman,"No high-end hardware, no upgrades, no endless downloads, no discs, no recalls, no obsolescence. With OnLive, your video game experience is always state-of-the-art".He also added"OnLive is the most powerful game system in the world".

Onlive boasts of having a data compression technology that allows games to be powered on remote servers rather than on game consoles.Users download games instantly through the OnLive MicroConsole or straight onto a PC or Mac. The MicroConsole also connects to any TV. All that is required is a high speed connection.

Gamers will be able to select from an on-demand catalogue of video titles stored on these data servers.Dont worry,you can play all the latest games(all high end games at the highest resolution) and not just the cheap online games.To support Onlive's cause,Gaming giants like Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, THQ and Atari Interactive have all signed up with onlive,giving it much credibility and some serious sleepless nihts for console giants like Sony,Microsoft and Nintendo.


Currently,Virgin Media is offering broadband upto speeds of 50 Mbps while rival BT is pledging 40 to 60Mbps.BT has said its fibre network will hit the first crop of UK cities by early 2010 and will be complete by 2012.

According to Virgin Media's chief executive Neil Berkett,the cabinet (FTTC) network was capable of supporting up to 200Mbps but roll out of higher speeds was a "function of timing",and looking at the market situation righ now,he has eyes on speeds upto 150 mbps.

Mt.Beckett added,"As we work with application providers, and content providers... there will be a natural point where we upgrade from 10, 20 and 50Mbps to something more.If BT were to meet the time frame they have suggested - of finishing by 2012 - I would see us as having much, much faster upstream speed, running at a minimum of 100Mbps downstream and possibly more. You can see a real opportunity there."

BT has said it will deploy FTTC technology at 29 exchanges across the UK in the coming 9 to 12 months.The network will offer speeds of up to 40Mbps - and potentially 60Mbps - to 500,000 homes and businesses.Areas of Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, London and Greater Manchester will be able to access the fibre network, which will be opened up on a wholesale basis to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who can then offer various broadband packages to customers.Virgin Media says its network reaches half of all homes in the UK. The technology has a theoretical limit of 200Mbps downsteam speeds.

Lets have a comparison between various broadband providers

Paul Krugman is WRONG about The Obama TARP Plan

Economist Paul Krugman has been attacking the Obama / Geitner Troubled Assets Relief Plan (TARP) as using taxpayer money to pay investors to take the assets off bank's hands. But he offers no alternative. Paul is wrong in that he wants the "bad assets" to remain on bank statements, but for what? To continue to freeze the credit market? His blog posts in the NY Times on this matter are intellectually sloppy at best. That -- for a Nobel Prize winner -- is terrible.

Krugman sets up straw person examples to prove the idea that the investor spends little of his or her own money -- but that is the idea. I do not know why he comes up with these half-baked statements at all. Perhaps he is just angry that Obama did not pick him to be economic advisor.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tata's Nano, the Rs 1-lakh car, hits the road

TATA NANO NEWS (INDIA): At last the much talked about small car Tata’s Nano has been launched. It has got mixed reviews from Motown, with US auto critics acknowledging its surprisingly comfortable and spacious interiors, but drawing up a checklist of drawbacks, including its dodgy sound and of course the speed.

Magazine Autoweek observed after a test drive in Pune, ''The first thing that impresses is the space. Four adults can sit comfortably in the simple and spartan interior. The seats are thin and flat, but surprisingly comfortable. Plastic and fabric quality is better than expected, though the carpet looks cheap.”

''Start up the Nano and you immediately know it's powered by a rear-mounted engine. The all-aluminum twin uses a single balance shaft, yet it is not very smooth or refined and sounds a bit like a lawn mower,'' writes reviewer Bob Rupani. He also adds that the passenger compartment has been well isolated from the sound but not from all the harshness. Even at idle you can feel the engine rocking, and under hard acceleration the vibrations become quite evident. Thankfully, the four-speed gearbox is precise, light and pleasing.''

Autoweek also praised the car’s efficient air-conditioning that’s only in the superior model, its brakes, and its manoeuvrability, but was uncomfortable with its body rolls.

Labels: Tata's Nano, the Rs 1-lakh car, hits the road, Nano Launched, Tata Nano Launch, Tata Nano News, Automobile

Il libro che la tua chiesa non ti farebbe mai leggere

Oggi inizio a leggere questo libro : Il libro che la tua chiesa non ti farebbe mai leggere ( solo il titolo per me è una garanzia ! )

Il libro affronta il tema più controverso di tutti i tempi: la religione. Tra le sue pagine, i contributi di autorevoli teologi, storici e ricercatori indipendenti svelano mistificazioni, mettono in discussione credenze acclarate da tempo e affrontano il lato oscuro della fede trattando argomenti che le gerarchie di ogni confessione tentano di sottrarre alla conoscenza della gente. Una lettura che, pagina dopo pagina, mette in discussione i dogmi su cui si fondano le religioni più importanti del pianeta e, come nel caso delle accuse di pedofilia piovute su numerosi esponenti del cattolicesimo, affronta gli scandali che hanno coinvolto altissimi prelati sfidando pregiudizi e luoghi comuni. Dalle origini ebraiche dell'Islam al mistero di Maria Maddalena, dai massacri dei soldati crociati in Europa e Medio Oriente ai genocidi animati dai seguaci di Maometto...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Il Padule di Fucecchio , bottiglie , sdraio ...

Oggi sono andato a fare 2 passi con Teresa

nel Padule di Fucecchio : quanta spazzatura e pensare che è una
Riserva Naturale Provinciale , la più grande palude interna italiana .

Per concludere vi lascio 2 splendide foto di questa bellissima riserva ...